Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Alpaca as a racial mount makes sense though I want a caravan in some capacity.

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It doesnt have to be a plain Alpaca ^^ It could have some cool Vulpera items adorning it. I do really like the Alpaca caravan as a mount idea though.


If there aren’t any alpaca mounts in-game currently, I would vote for them as the Vulpera racial mount. It would make the Vulpera mount a bit more unique, given that their quartermaster for the Voldunai rep sells a hyena mount. Those wanting a hyena mount can still use that one. :smiley:


I think the hyenas are more fit for the Vulpera since everyone uses it.

It would be awesome if they add a Vulpera caravan, it already have the model mount for riding and all. Maybe in the next xpac we can see it as a vendor mount like the mammoth, yak and brutosaur and traveling with 2 vulperas. It would worth to pay every single gold to have it.


I haven’t finished catching back up on the thread yet but I wanted to weigh in here–I realized there’s some precedence that could help out in this case!

During Legion, one of the cool hidden skins feral druids could get was the owlcat form. After you got a certain level of artifact knowledge there was an RNG chance of seeing a message on your first portal to the Emerald Dream hub every day. It’s been awhile, but I think it was something like "something catches your eye near x portal’. After going through that portal you had to find a stone with a pawprint on it, and all this had to happen 3 (?) times.

After the last time, your next trip to the Emerald Dream a giant owlcat is sitting there waiting for you. If you /sit with him, he gives you a feather (which you loot for the artifact skin) and walks off.

My point is, that I remember reading in the guide that the giant owlcat was a ‘reclusive wild god’.

So if THAT guy was just out there running around, anyone could!

Another side thought-- I see a lot of thoughts on maybe getting Vulpera the last patch before 9.0 release, but any thoughts on whether they’d wait till 9.0 to do it?


8.2.5 along with Mechagnomes.

Only reason we’re waiting that long is cause bliz wants to introduce us to races before we unlock them.

Gnomes with slightly different arms, vs a totally new race with new model… yeah gg more Horde favoritism…


They are going to release red foxes that are yet unseen alongside the vulpera because blizz realized how dumb potato-head gnomes were. Foxes for everyone! :fox_face:


The most popualr allied race is void elves, but ok.


Call me crazy, but I kind of want to see a variant of the store fox mount for the Vulpera racial mount. The store mount is too neat not to re-use. The Manasaber from WoD got re-used for the Nightborne and all.

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I don’t think “reused” is the right word. At the time, Blizzard had the habit of putting store mounts related to work being done in the next expansion.

The Iron Skyreaver, Grinning Reaver, the fae dragon mount and the manasaber were all done in that way.

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Because they are a model of blood elf!
If it was a gnome void model …

Vulpera are kind of this weird middle ground in that they have way more investment put into their models than existing allied races but still aren’t quite different enough from goblins to be an expansion’s flagship new “core race”.

I think it’s pretty clear they’re going to be an allied race. Were I to place money, my bet is still on 8.2.5 simply because I suspect there has to be a pair of allied races planned for that patch and Vulpera are easily the most ready-to-launch option. However, I will not rule out 8.3.5 or even 9.0 as possibilities. But, it would strike me as strange that this much work was put into their models all the way back in the BFA beta for a launch that late in the game plan when there was a perfectly serviceable low-poly option that would have worked fine for NPCs in the mean time.


Assuming they are indeed going to be an allied race, it’s possible that they were originally planned to be an allied race earlier in BfA, but plans might have changed to put them aside for the moment. If I recall correctly, Kul’Tirans were originally not going to be an AR until Blizzard decided to make them an AR, so anything could have happened to sideline Vulpera temporarily.

Perhaps they were waiting for the best time to implement them, with regards to the storyline, or were still planning out an Alliance counterpart for them. Maybe the upgraded NPC models were a step in designing playable Vulpera models. It’s hard to say.

All I know is that the wait for official new AR announcements, whatever they will be, is going to be a long, painful wait still. At the time of this point, it’s 134 days until November 1st, which I believe is when Blizzcon starts. Hopefully we’ll get news sooner than that either via a Q&A stream or through their news video feature that acts similar to a Nintendo Direct, which I did enjoy when Blizzard did that for patch 8.2 features awhile ago.

At least come Tuesday, we’ll have new content to play with and look for hints and clues. :smiley:

It seems… kind of unlikely to me that we’d have to wait until November to hear news of the next allied race. If there are allied races planned for 8.2.5 then the beans would basically end up being spilled the second that patch hits the PTR, there’s no way they’d be able to scrub all the clues out to delay an announcement.

Basically if there’s no announcement before 8.2.5 hits the PTR, I think it’s pretty safe to say there are no allied races in that patch. And only THEN would I believe that the allied race announcements would have to wait until Blizzcon.


PTR builds don’t always include everything that’s going to be in a path. EG, 8.2 PTR didn’t have Nazjatar for like a month.

It’s not really a matter of scrubbing anything, per se. They sometimes just give us older builds for the first round of testing while they finish things.

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I hope this is the case, as I’d like to get announcements of new allied races sooner rather than have to wait to the end of the year to get any information whatsoever. It would raise some hype and keep some interest in the game, even if we have to wait awhile for Blizzard to work on the new allied races.

It also depends on if they do like they did with the end of Legion, where you pre-ordered the next expansion and completed in-game criteria to get access to four allied races. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that with the next expansion. If the trend of expansions continues, it’s likely we might not even see any new races next expansion, so it could play a factor as well of tying new AR’s into a pre-order incentive.

I don’t mind waiting to actually get the new allied races, whatever they may be, but the announcement of what they are is what I hope comes soon. <- <;

I’m fairly confident the next pair of allied races will be coming in 8.2.5 as the timing is consistent with the other races this expansion (Dark Iron and Mag’har weren’t 8.0.5 but they were effectively timegated a bit by the rep required). I would expect 8.2.5 around September most likely, unless they do something more serious with it that requires extra testing. All we know currently is that it should have the goblin and worgen updates in it. It’d be awfully convenient if they dropped a new goblin model at the same time that they drop its related allied race. I can only dream that they’d do something similar for the worgen… :snake::pray:


There’s still people refusing to consider vulpera as one of the next allied races?

Really, vulpera and mechagnomes are coming next. I don’t know if it’s in 8.2.5, 8.3 or 8.3.5, but they are coming next. No other races come even close to the work done on their models.

If you don’t like them, it’s better to spend energy hoping/predicting what will come after them.


I personally am just taking the stance of waiting for an official confirmation for Vulpera. They are one of my most wanted races, and there are plenty of hints of them being playable in the near future, but I’m still keeping an open mind and taking things with a grain of salt.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s exciting to see the hints and I have hope, but I just need an official confirmation before I can truly be excited for them is all. ^^;