Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

how come yall are flagging the high elf thread but not the vulpera thread?


What if the fox-like deity leapt underground during the war of the ancients, to escape the calamity? Or phased into the emerald dream where he sleeps? Perhaps there is an underground civilization of vulpera not yet discovered, or enslaved by black empire? I wonder if the vulpera existed during of after the possible wild fox-like demi-god was spotted?


Blizz said no high elves. They’ve said nothing of the sort about Vulpera.

So one is spam, one is feedback.


I see your point. But somehow I still feel that opinions vs feedback should be considered the same thing. Like blizzard back in the day said no gnome priests. Then we posted about it and now we have gnome priests :smiley:

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Derailing threads that have nothing to do with certain allied races is a form of trolling and extremely rude. I suggest keeping irrelevant topics out of here.

Back to Vulpera, since that’s what this thread is about. Do you guys favor the hyena as a racial mount or llama?


I agree the models I have seen look like a head and torso where you attach arms and legs it looks terrible. Hopefully they will be more like “Borg” type gnomes.

they said no classic also so…I don’t care about High elves personally but I don’t get salty because other people like to talk about them people need to stay in their lanes and chill.

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I hope we see this ancient fox soon for sure. I always have wanted to see a fox loa or wild god. Did trolls also descend from a wild god/loa? Do we know?

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Popping in to say that I hope the vulpera get added. I won’t play them, but it’d be cool to see these guys running around while I’m questing. Add even more variety to the world.


No. Trolls are the oldest sentient race that is not related to old gods or titans directly. However they were kinda/sorta created by titans indirectly as the well of eternity sprung force all modern life on azeroth including Trolls. The furry races where mostly born from wild gods which were regular animals who were chosen by Freya and made sentient and immortal. While other races were titan constructs affected by the curse of flesh, or alien or evolved/mutated from trolls. Or created by the Mogu.

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Ah ok so they were thrown right in with the other major animals and species. So they’re not really a beast race, and by extension, nor are elves. They’re a magical one technically like beasts since their origins are the same. The others of course I know about. But that’s pretty neat regardless.

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The racial mount I’d prefer for the Vulpera actually isn’t necessarily a llama, only because, I think whatever we end up discovering about the Vulpera’s past and ancestors, such as where they are originally from, what their heritage was actually like, etc, will influence or determine what their mount of choice is / should be.

If it’s simply the desert dwelling vulpera who become playable, then either the hyenas or the llama would fit, though to be honest, the llamas are kind of peaceful and calm for our rather energetic and scrappy horde life, and I can’t see them charging into battle.

What I think would make the coolest mount (possibly in game) is a horse-drawn cart or carriage of some sort, that friends and passengers can get inside while you steer. I thought the hearthstone tavern / inn mount was going to be a horse and carriage, delivering barrels of brew and warm foods to the inns of azeroth - complete with nicely lit lanterns, amber-glowing curtained windows and a cozy cushiony atmosphere inside.

I still think they could add horse drawn carts and carriages in game, and there’s a few already in game such as the one in eastern plaguelands that you use throughout the quest line, the vulpera caravan carriage (though I would want an updated one, as it’s nice but lacking) and of course the dwarven, tavern / inn carriages. I think Blizzard artists could also create a very gothic looking undead horse and carriage that everyone would love.

Maybe the vulpera ‘mount’ will be like a worgen’s, but instead of bounding on all fours like a wolf, we slip underground and borrow / tunnel at quick speed! Leaving bumps of upturned earth as we travel, haha!


I estimate the possibility of vulpera to be approximately 3.6 Roentgen. Not great, not terrible.

As cute as the Alpaca is, I have to go with Hyena just because I think Vulpera are cute enough already and seeing them ride around on alpacas would just be overkill.


I do love the yeens.

Solution, we give Nisha her own alpaca, it’ll be covered in skulls and stuff.

~Dolly and Dot and Deathbringer are my best friends~


Is this vulpera a mage or warlock?

I feel like she looks like a mage!

Well, this a wonderful job! This one is really beautiful!:fox_face:

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All that you said there are really neat ideas, I love it! I favor the cart idea. Even as a single person mount, it would be cool. Also… I made a mistake in my post that I kinda fixed. I said “lama or llama”. HAH! I meant “hyena or llama”. No idea what I was thinking. Apparently about llamas. They stole my groove. The one-person cart could always be drawn by llamas as opposed to horses too. It would ‘kinda’ be a llama mount but at the same time a bit more.

Anyway, if we do get a hyena, I think some Vulpera decorations would be cool on it. Do we still not know why they have fox tails on their caravans? I always wonder that. I guess their mount could have it too.


I think Blizzard will go overboard and give vulpera an alpaca mount. There’s that encoded alpaca mount already, and there’s other ways of getting an hyena.

It will be really weird to see orcs and tauren mounting alpacas just for the lulz.


Well their rep mount is the Hyena so they very well could get Alpaca as their racial.

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