Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Afaik. All of the “beast races” such as tauren, centuars, pandaren, etc are descended from wild gods. Despite that they don’t always or even usually worship their progenitor. Pandaren don’t worship the great panda spirit. They worship the august celestials. None of which are pandas.

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So, is there a Great Panda Spirit then? I’d never heard of one before. I suppose they could’ve branched off from Furbolgs?

I’m also unfamiliar with the Bull Loa/Ancient which I presume the Tauren would’ve come from.

Otherwise, yeah, the beastman races do tend to revolve around Loa/Ancients of a similar nature to themselves. Worgen and Goldrinn, Sethrak and Sethraliss, Harpies and Aviana, etc…

No, there is no great panda spirit. They are offshoots of furbolgs which are tied to some bear loas. So far as I know there’s no panda loa.


Also there is at least one beast race I know of that does not come from a Loa, the Saurok were created by the Mogu.

I’m still of the theory that their similar appearance to goblins isn’t just as simple as model reuse. I think there is a lore reason. Chronicles states the Mimiron experimented on a small fury race using Kaja’mite and it gave birth to the Goblins we know and love today.

I mean maybe they aren’t related but that’d be cool. It’d be especially cool little bit of flavour is if a Vulpera ate Kaja’cola or was around Kaja’mite they’d temporarily transform into a goblin. I really hope their recruit quest does delve into their history or backstory. If they are related to goblins maybe Mimiron shows up or makes a cameo. IIRC when that chronicles came out BFA was in alpha or beta and Vulpera where already in the game.

Did it specifically say they were furry? That’s a new adjective to me.

Pretty sure it was confirmed in chronicles that the Pandaren ARE decended from a wild god but it’s been awhile since I’ve read it. So I could be wrong.

Also yes… speaking of… I would die to have playable Furbolgs using pandaren skeleton. Especially because it’d be amusing full circle as pandaren originally were reskinned furbolgs in WC3. But having lore explain that they are indeed related would be amazing. If each person in the emissary recruits an allied race furbolg is natural choice for Tyrande. Also Furbolg Druid… oof I want this so badly.


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I thought so.

They’re also responsible for the Tauren, their precursors, the Yaungol were fleshwarped by them as well, so we have no idea what they may have originally looked like.

The playable worgen, comes from Gilneas and by default, worship the LIGHT!
Some other gilneans, after the transformation into worgen, worship Goldrinn!

Yes, but Worgen wouldn’t exist without Goldrinn. Thus all Worgen are connected to Goldrinn in some manner. I never implied worship was mandatory.

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Right! I agree!

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I hope the new worgen models have a tail option, at least one bristly fur tail to complete the wolfish, cunning yet sophisticated silhouette. I know they don’t have them, but seeing as Goldrinn has one, they could have one - and it’s simply that some do and some don’t (player choice and not lore breaking either way). It would make me very much like to play a worgen. They just look like they should have a tail, especially when they move, walk or run.


I would too!
I’d be glad if our posture no longer ruined the armor we wore in the chest area!
We’ll see if the devs are generous about this, soon™! :pray:


Just because Vulpera have no “hair” doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the barber!


What dances will they have?

Males should have “What does the fox say” dance, also a /silly based on that. “What do you mean what do I say? I speak the same language as you!”


It’s likely whatever dance they have will be shared with both genders, since they both use the same skeleton as a base.

Doubt it. Gnomes have always shared the same base skeleton and have different dances. Also Female ztrolls share the same skeleton as reg trolls and have a different dance. Both genders always have a different dance. So I am sure that will stay. I doubt they’ll just use the goblin dance. Fun fact: Mechagnomes already have a dance.

I honestly never considered that. I just assumed this whole time it would be double “What does the fox say?”

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I bet it will be… But two different parts of the dance, of course. :smiley: