Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

put’em on the alliance. we already got goblins and 3 furry races (tauren, highmountain tauren, and pandaren), we don’t need a 4th.

Yeah a lot happens in 10k years. There is absolutely nothing to indicate they still worship Elune. Tyrande was born there yes. But how old is she? 14,000 iirc?

There are some ruins of elune and places of worship. I think and the archeology too. Anyway Nightborne literally lived in the dark for 10k. The holy magic no doubt would have been preserved for medicibal needs and sanitation and probably illumination. They were surrounded by shadow, shadow magic would be easy to pick up. There were some relics from the Qiraji war. You see the Tomb of Sargeras nearby before they got shut in. Elune worship was still there. The high priests may still have a cult of elune. One of the jokes from the females is wondering if Tyrande is single. Meaning they are probably as old as her retaining there magics of the priesthoods.

I also think given there magic boost racial giving them magical classes make sense although there is quite a few missing that would be ideal for there culture. Elemental/restoration shaman-> Queen Azsharas tide scepter and Balance/Restoration druids

Yeah… At no point did I say they never worshiped elune. I said they no longer worship elune.

Ok even if that joke was canon… idk why that would imply they’re the same age as her? People frequently date way out of their age bracket I bet that is especially true for immortal elves.

Yeah they had druids lore-wise even if it was a niche group. Which is why I am irritated they aren’t playable. Mana saber druids would’ve been cool.


Are you wondering if vulperas can be Druids?

Good question!
I think, that all races can be Druids, nowadays, after seeing the drusts in Kultiras!

But perhaps, for some obscure balance factor, Aunt Blizz decides not to make vulperas be able to perform druidism!

I think shamanism is something more common to vulperas!

Well, maybe vulperas can be druids and shamen!

Let’s remember that zanadares can not be warlocks and kultirans can not be paladins.

Kultirans also could not be mages, but they changed their minds about it at the last minute when they remember that it would be strange for Kultiras to have ( Maybe ) “the most powerful human mage of Azeroth” and his people be incapable of using arcane energy!

Personally I think all races should qualify to be druids. At this point, we’ve seen every variation of the magic, including death via drust. Shapeshifting is nothing new. The only problem would be of course unique forms for every single race, which stinks but eh. It would take a while but be very worth it. Druids have every single spec too (healing, DPS, and tank), so every race having that available to them would be lovely. Paladin is another DPS/Healer/tank…that’s limited :stuck_out_tongue:


So if we do get Vulpera as an allied race, and assuming we do a celebration in-game with our Vulpera characters, should we get some growth potions? Would be neat to see giant Vulpera stomping around in Orgimmar. :smiley:


Vulpera with well fed buffs

Yay I have Trust level 3 again. ARTuesday can continue as planned.


They’ll be secret launching tomorrow cuz that’d be cool.

As far as classes for Vulpera go, isn’t their homeland still unknown? If ever it’s found, who knows what we might find?

As for those from Vol’dun, Druid seems like a stretch. Shaman works. Not sure about Priest. They don’t even have a Loa. I imagine we’ll see Vulpera Monks since everyone can be a monk (except Lightforged Draenei). Maybe there are Vulpera mages? If some of the stuff they scavenged was tablets with magical knowledge, seems like a fair option.



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If they are indeed related to a wild god (perhaps Mr. Sly Gnomish Visage) then druid could work.

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Given the Vulpera somewhat resemble a Fennec fox moreso than any other fox, it’s possible that their native habitat could be Vol’dun or another desert. However, it’s also possible that they just… have big ears. I love Blizzard but they don’t often consider ecology too carefully when putting wildlife in zones.


They might’ve also evolved to adapt to the climate, not unlike how Taunka and Yaungol evolved differently from Tauren. Could be we might see some forest-dwelling Vulpera or Arctic Vulpera at some point. Could expand on their customization a bit that way, similar to Night Warriors, just by forging a new Alliance with new groups of Vulpera.

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That’s definitely another option.

I think the most LIKELY scenario at this stage in the game is that Vulpera likely predate the Sundering and lived in several places in Kalimdor, but after the sundering became stranded in isolated locations like Vol’dun. I would suspect that any other vulpera we find in our future travels splintered at roughly that time as well.


I think “titans” is the handwaving for things like that.

Sounds logical to me. I just wonder if there was a fox Ancient/Loa or anything. They arguably might be a bit more interesting without a Loa/God though.

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Vulpera don’t seem to worship anything or keep history written down.

I would guess that if/when the Vulpera become an allied race, their unlock questline will involve at least a small bit of their history. Blizzard has been very tight lipped about the Vulpera origins, moreso than usual. I get the impression they have thought it through but don’t want to spill the beans yet.