Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Rumor (aka ptr info) has it that apparently these Gnomes don’t even want to be mechanized. It was all under the king’s command. King Mechagon.

Unless I was misinformed.

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Afaik nightborne do not have a religion or belief other then magic/mana/power. They don’t follow Elune, not even sure how they’re priests? I think they’re priest the same way gnomes are. Light magic is just another form of magic and has nothing to do with faith. They’re similar to TBC blood elves before blood elves became SUPER into the light.

IIRC junkergnomes are trying to undo the curse of flesh one part at a time.

It’s Friday for me, so hopefully soon for you too :3


I don’t have a preference yet, not until I experience and understand their story, their origin, their intent and all the meaningful things that need to happen to appreciate and enjoy a race. Vulpera history, ancestry, original home, heritage all need to be explored as well in order for them to be better understood and for them to make sense becoming playable. I bet Blizzard has a fantastic history and culture of their true home and heritage just waiting for us to uncover and possibly reunite them with their ancestors. Through that meaningful and emotional process of discovery, assistance trust and aid, people will warm to the idea of them joining a faction and becoming playable - same with any race out there I would think; Arakkoa, Tuskkar, Mok’Nathal, Ogre, Naga and more. Once we players have had the opportunity to witness the culture and learn about the race and becoming emotionally involved with their story and attached to the characters, that basically paves their entrance into the horde or alliance. Have we helped them, yep, have they helped us too, yep! But lots more story to tell and uncover first and it’s that process which makes a truly memorable experience with lasting affect.

I am surprised at the amount of people who want a race to become playable, allied or new or already established, and never really mention or theories the circumstances that would have to occur in order for the race’s inclusion to happen. I enjoy pondering the what-ifs and the hows. I like speculating on the situations ans stories that would arise in explaining the race joining a faction and becoming playable. Lots of people want a particular race to play as, but don’t really offer or come up with any reason other than they are cool looking race. The story is what’s important to strengthen the bonds of the races so that years later, as your playing as the race, you know why and what they stand for and how they got to become part of the horde or alliance.

Now, to further my discussion on the addition of new or established races to become playable, since I mentioned that people on these forums don’t often come up with theories and they kind of just ‘want’ something.

Vulpera aren’t that dissimilar from the horde as they are now; sort of ragtag, scrappy, resourceful, tribal, nomadic - they’d fit perfectly in our clan of misfits and mongrels. We need a smaller furball race to round out the team. I understand and agree with the opinions that the vulpera (and any playable race) need to bring something to the horde (or alliance) that we don’t already have, for their inclusion to be meaningful and make purposeful and make sense. I take that a step further which no one seems to care or talk about and that’s - we need to know more about them! Whether playable or not, they’re a race that should be more fully explored, over time. They I’d wager the Tuskarr and Arakko and other races in a similar boat, have had more depth and exploration and interaction by us players.

That’s not to say a recently introduced race can’t become playable, as some definitely have, but to be honest the thing that excites me the most is meeting the new peculiar inhabitants of each special land and getting to know them and their history and culture and heritage - and the Vulpera don’t even know what there’s is - they can’t remember much about their past or where they originate from. They have a handful of stories at most that were probably handed down by word of mouth from elders who are no longer alive, and it’s the children who wander around the desert without much memory or knowledge or facts about their true ancestry. Where are they originally from? Who are their ancestors and how do they fit in and tie in to all of our other beloved races - as so many races are in fact linked to one another either through wars, evolution, friendships, discovers, etc. Who was the fox deity during the war of the ancients? Can they simply and unfortunately not remember much about their past due to time, or perhaps is it a spell or curse that keeps their memories / inner knowledge from surfacing? MAybe they were at once very knowledgeable and inquisitive about the light and the void (dawn and dusk Vulpera?). Maybe their ancestors sealed themselves away, phased from reality, after their society of scholars ans scientist who had been researching the void, called something they could not contain, something dark, and were forced to lock themselves away with it - being sure to flee their young ones to safety with wiped minds of any memory of this terrible event, so they would never follow the elder’s mistakes (just my idea). Are the relatives of the vulpera who we meet in voldun still alive and living elsewhere? In a forest full of the tallest trees on Azeroth, and in burrows and huts in a snowy and woodsy island not far from the coast of Northrend? With neighbors; earthy cousins of wildhammer dwarves, the big hearted tuskarr and an unmet, elusive white stag race? There’s tons of room for getting to know the vulpera (or any race) and if we do, over time, it might help those who are less warm to the idea of a new and different race to be welcomed into the horde family (or alliance, as the vulpera do offer a quality that could lend itself well to the subtle differences in the alliance races as well, and give them a bit of an edge, if that’s what blizzard wants, though I hope they go horde)

One of my theories is that they’re originally from K’aresh, and were societies / tribes of scholars and scientist, possibly living and working alongside the k’aresh before they became ethereals, studying the stars and the experimenting (respectfully) with the foundations of creation through respectful methods and perplexing yet simple instruments. In my theory, the vulpera we meet in voldun are descendants of those from K’aresh, and through a grand story we’ll uncover what happened to their culture and heritage both on azeroth and k’aresh, find out why they were evacuated through the great dark beyond or through portals from their arid, two-sunned planet (or possibly uncover / unphase their original home on azeroth if it turns out they are not from k’aresh and rather they are from an unexplored forest island or continent elsewhere on azeroth - or quite possibly hidden away in the emerald dream - which may explain where the fox-like deity lives - and may all theories explain why the current vulpera have no true memory of their homeland or history - especailly if they were evacuated as infants countless years ago, or if they had their naturally curious and innate ability to seek knowledge of the cosmos erased / blocked), and we will one day help reunite them with their ancestors. We’ll meet their ancestors on K’aresh or on another part of Azeroth, and find out why the current vulpera wound up the way they did - evacuating k’aresh to escape the void I bet, or perhaps were sent away from an uncontrollable danger when their society on azeroth went beyond the safety or research to beginning to experiment with the forces of creation, light and void, balance, etc, instead of following their code of simply researching it. Maybe in those hints, and story that takes this and next expansion to fully flesh out, they’ll be ready and ‘worthy’ to become playable.

There’s a lot more story that we haven’t even begone exploring yet, and it would be a good opportunity to slowly discover more about the Vulpera, such as where they are originally from, who was the fox-like diety scurrying between the feet of giants during the war of the ancients, etc, and not rush their inclusion. Let them build them into the lore and earn their place as playable, I say. Let’s uncover the secrets that not even the vulpera themselves know - their past.

Vulpera aren’t that dissimilar from the horde as they are now; sort of ragtag, scrappy, resourceful, tribal, nomadic - they’d fit perfectly in our clan of misfits and mongrels. We need a smaller furball race to round out the team.

Greetings, Vulpera! Enjoy a mug by the cozy fire in our den of bedraggled misfits and mongrels. The Horde - a home for all the stray scoundrels and scamps out there, a haunt for exiled hoodlums, and a haven for worn ruffians and wayward rascals - welcomes each and every displaced, drifting horde dog in need of a humble home! Join the clan - and may our blades never dull!

Be quick! Be Clever! Peace all!



As a trend I think certain societies are more religious influenced but the individual characters have a variety of religions within their faiths. For instance a Belf paladin will likely have super different beliefs than a Belf warlock.

Some vulpera are probably shamans or athiestic though not to the institutional point of gnomes.

Nightbourne post ellisandre going nuts were humanists and nightwell worshipers but a lot of them still likely worship elune.

… reading this, and looking at voidbelves!


Void elves: the only race ever to become playable BEFORE they were introduced.

17 months and still waiting…


i really want them to be warlocks q-q.
its gana be a sad realization when they cant be.
Maybe they find a ancient tome? start doing warlockianism?

Today is my Friday!! Sushi shall be had for dinner :yum: :sushi:

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Mmmm… I could go for some Philadelphia Rolls now.


Get some!


Darn, I got lazy and lost my trust level 3. I’ll have to do some grinding before the next ARTuesday.


Trust levels are so unfair… so much work to get, so easy to lose…


If it helps you feel better, I’m likely to lose my trust level 3 since I’ve been very busy with this 4 week summer college class. Barely had time to post on the forums and won’t have a lot of free time until early July. x- x

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I am anxious to see vulperas, walking through Orgrimmar and across Azeroth!:fox_face::globe_with_meridians:


Where do you even see Trust Levels?

You don’t. Your current trust level and your progress towards any other trust levels are completely invisible. You only know whether or not you have trust level 3 if it will let you post links.

There’s a way to see on desktop. Go to your forum profile, then go to the search bar. Add “.json” to the end of the url, and go to “Raw Data”. Then Ctrl F and you can search for “trust” to highlight all results on the page. It may show multiple trust levels, but the highest one highlighted is your current one.

Nightborne priests were elune worshipers. Some still believe in her. They have mage priests. Were talking the city where Tyrande was born. Some lost there faith but still had the light. Others Im sure study shadow magics. The astromancer showed us the vision of fel and one of void. Usually shadows show you multiple half-truths.