Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Weird flex there.


[ details ] tag does it.

Your secret text here.

Your secret text here.

I think ogres (or mokā€™nathal) are the strongest contender for final Horde spot. Reuse of kul tiran model, thereā€™s already a NPC as example of how it could workā€¦

Wildhammer? No. I doubt Blizzard will reuse the same model in the same faction during BfA. So, it will be something using worgen, undead or (maybe) night elf model.


Oh, grats on the highly possibilty guys!


In depth sushi lore was not a thing I expected on the wow forums but Iā€™ll take it


Quick question. Do we know of the Vulpera Origins? Are they a titan creation?

No. The origins of the Vulpera are a mystery right now. There have been a couple of possible leads here and there but nothing solid. I suspect we might learn more in whatever patch they become playable.

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Now if only Blizzard would give us the gift of true confirmation. Must offer cookies to the Blizz overlords to appease them!



Rexxar he uses the Kulā€™tiran model, in a model viewer you can strip off a lot of his armor and see his face better. It actually looks really good.

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Iā€™m going to believe this, when gnomes are 1% more numerous that worgen!

If you understood that by reading my words, I apologize in advance!

And now that Iā€™ve apologized, I ask you to learn to read better!
I never said I hated gnomes!
I never said that the alliance should not accept junkgnomes!
If you read what I wrote, and understood that, it was reading failure, committed by you!

I am against, the alliance receive a recolor of a race that we already have and the horde, to earn a new and widely desired race!

I repeat, to of some internet troll try to see something that does not exist in my words and understand, or not, (feel free to believe that gnomes are hated) that junkgnomes are not something that compares in hype to Vulpera!

All races of Warcraft, has received an allied race!
Gnomes, it would be no exception! Orcs received maā€™ghar! Draeneis get LFD! Humans got the fat!

all will receive at some point, its allied race!
But if vuperas are delivered to Horde, the moment junknames are delivered to Ally, it will be vexatious!

The Horde gets its Ferrari and the alliance, a WV 68!

Alliance needs something that adds interest!
A race that is not even 5%, will not attract public or prestige to the Alliance, if paired against vuperas!

This is like waiting for a Beatles cover set to have as much acclaim and importance as a Linkin Park show!

If we are given junkgnomes paired with some other allied race, other than vuperas, there is a chance of this not scratching the alliance any more than we have already been on this subject!

And I repeat!

I do not hate gnomes or have negative feelings against those who like gnomes or do not think the alliance should exclude junkgnomes because they are ugly or bad!
I do not consider them bad for the alliance!

It will only be a time of great embarrassment, if all we can get from BfA, is a race that is obviously recycled from an existing race and the horde, a new breed, with an appeal, smaller only than blood elf!

I know Aunt Blizz, often does a lot of things with ā€œlittle passion or interest in allyā€, but itā€™s getting tiresome, weā€™re the faction that only receives recolors or has to accept compromises!

Well, I hate void blood elves!
His lore is zero and they are only popular because they are a copy of blood elves from Silvermoon!
And for that, I have zero appreciation for them!
But I will not leave the game for it, so I did not leave because of human druids, with 40% of the body being the stomach!


Yeah no thanks, donā€™t need this game to be anymore furry-bait than it already is

For you? Maybe not. However they are for me, and many others. You donā€™t speak for everyone. Mechagnomes and Vulpera are comparable.

Also youā€™re fatphobic. Thatā€™s so cool, and edgy. (Not).

Says the dwarf. The original furry humanoid in fantasy fiction. Look at you? You are 90% hair.

I donā€™t think any race can really be compared to another realistically. That said, I think Mechagnomes are a sure thing. If theyā€™re added, enjoy them, and ignore anyone who faults you for your choice of race.

More options are always a good thing.

If Mechagnomes arenā€™t added, I really hope customization from them gets rolled into Gnomes, for Gnome players to enjoy.

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LOL! :rofl:

8.2.5 launches with Vulpera quietly added to the character selection screen.

Blizzard: deafening silence


ugh, now I want sushi too but itā€™s not Friday yet. Curse you to deat- err undeaā€” cough umm REUNDEADEDDEATH woman!!

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I donā€™t care for mechagnomes, I personally find them boring. But I also understand there are fans of them and Iā€™m happy for them to receive something theyā€™re excited for.

Honestly thereā€™s always a race that will get others but not you (general) excited, thatā€™s okay. Because there will be races that excite you (general) but not others.

I think most players understand this, just probably not seen as much on the forums.

I only hope that there is indeed another pair after Vulpera/Junkers, otherwise overall Horde AR side ends with a big bang of excitement, while Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d use that descriptor for overall Alliance AR side end.


8.2 most likely comes out June 25th.

8.2.5 news will probably come one month later, so end of July/start of August.

Cross your fingers.

I think Iā€™m more interested in the culture of the MechaGnomes than anything else. What sort thing could cause a culture to cannibalize their own body parts and replace them with mechanical replacements? Do these Junkers have a religion? Are their TechnoPriests and TechoPaladins of the Titans? If nothing else, Junkers DO do this part right as an AR.

Hell, the most disappointing thing about Mechagon is that we get to explore so little of it (and the thing I hope for the AR race the most is weā€™ll get an opportunity to do so).

Good questions.
I think the gnomes are the only faction that are Atheists (Stormwind Humies are Light, Worgen are Druidic, Night Elves Elune, Dwarves depends you got Light, Druidic, and Shamanistic among them as well as Titans, Draenei are Light and Shamanistic, Orcs are Shamanistic, Trolls are Loa worshipers, Undead has a small number that still Worship Light but alot of them are Shadow Worshippers, Tauren are Druidic and Shamanistic, Blood Elves areā€¦I think Light Worshipers?, Goblins care mostly about money but are still Shamanistic and a few are probably Light Followers, Pandaren got their own thing with the Celestials with a few Shamanistic.
Of the Allied Races Kulā€™Tirans have their own deal, What with some Light (Not the playable ones.), A Unique form of Druidic and a unique form of Shamanism with Tide Sages, Void Elvesā€¦Shadow Worship (Duh), Dark Iron are SUPER Shamanistic, with probably a handful of Light Worshipers (I think even the Paladins are drawn from Elemental worship.), Lightforged areā€¦Do I even have to say? Itā€™s in their bloody name, Magā€™Har are Shamanistic and Shadow Worshipers (MAYBE a handful of Light Followers in their. Maybe.), Nightbourne areā€¦Uhā€¦The heck is their beliefs? They still follow Elune?, Highmountain is Shamanistic and Druidic, and Zandalari are again Loa worshipers (With a few followers of Elune.).

Gnomes are the odd ones out, even their Priests are stated in game to be Medics rather then actual priests.
How different are the Junker Gnomes from their distant kin?

Should be noted that Gilgoblins for instance are seemingly stated to be followers of the Shark Loa Gral whereas Regular Goblins are typically Shamanistic and some Light Followers, so Junker Gnomes could be vastly different from their distant kin.

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