Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

I’m so hyped and I love you all!




Even if Vulpera were planned before this megathread was created, I still am appreciative of Eevee for creating it and helping to maintain it for updated info and opening others to view their support for Vulpera. As I stated earlier, Eevee is one of the people on the forums that inspired me to write for and support megathreads of races I want, as well as create my Saurok megathread.

That said, while this is exciting, I still want to reserve judgement until we get official confirmation of Vulpera being playable. Still hoping for them to have the Shaman class primarily, along with possibly Warlocks or Priests.

On another note, I’ll do something I’ve been meaning to do for this megathread and write up something:

(A large group of Vulpera stand at the bottome of a small cliff in Vol’Dun at night, as Kiro and Nisha stand at the top)

Kiro: Fellow Vulpera! I bring grave news, for our friends and allies, the Zandalari, have lost their king in an attack on their home!

(Several gasps and murmurings occur among the huge crowd)

Kiro: It was those that would call themselves the Alliance! The very same who have set our caravans on fire, attempted to take our territory for their own gain, and even killed our families!

(angry murmuring flows through the crowd, getting louder)

Kiro: Much as we have tried to stay out of danger, it seems that fate has turned against us once more! But we, my brother and sisters, we are survivors!

(The crowd cheers)

Kiro: We survived the harsh desert and its inhabitants! We survived being slaves to the evil Faithless, and today we stand FREE!

(More cheers erupt uptil Kiro holds up a hand for silence)

Kiro: But that freedom is threatened, my brothers and sisters! For those that would attack our allies will surely come for us, too! We can not stay out of it, nor can we just arm ourselves with just words and understanding! NO! The time has come, for our survival. Our people. Our future kin. We must take arms and show the Alliance just who we are!

(loud cheers erupt throughout the crowd)

Kiro: We will not just lie down and be walked over! The Alliance will know the true meaning of fear and pain which goes by one word: VULPERA!

(cheering and chanting erupts from the crowd until Kiro holds up a hand once more)

Kiro: I promise you I did not take this decision lightly. I thought of all of you and your lives, but we must travel down the path of war if we are able to survive!

Meerah: (from the crowd) But Kiro, what exactly is the path that we need to take to survive this war?

Kiro: There is only one path that we will walk. One path that is clear, that we were meant to walk down. For the Vulpera! For our fallen! For our future kin!

Nisha: (holds her weapon up in the air) FOR THE HORDE!

(The crowd all hold their weapons up in the air, shouting “FOR THE HORDE!”)

Not a perfect scenario, but I figured if the Vulpera do become playable, they need their moment to shine.


gray foxes are my favs so I think my vulpera will look something liek dis

Nuu their caravans burned so they have to walk instead of ride :sob:


But you know they’re going to say “see we saw the Vulpera and Mechagnome threads and listened to y’all!” :upside_down_face:

This is no shade at either fans of the two above groups. Just very likely Blizzard will say something along this lines.

Regardless though, I am so happy for the foxes making their way into the game! I will most likely make a Vulpera Outlaw Rogue. Foxes and cunning just go so well together.


I haven’t dropped my dream of Vulpera druids. Not at all. But alas, we probably won’t get them. Hopefully we get monks, so that I can be “Roll” and my partner can be “Rock”…for Rock n’ Roll!


Aw, thank you, Bagzak! I really appreciate the kind words.

When I first saw the datamined information, I didn’t quite clue in just how telling it was. I just mentally filed it in the big pile of other evidence. But looking at it after the fact, this particular leak is obviously a lot more solid than any previous example.

Hopefully we’ll hear something official in the near future. I still hesitate to make predictions on that front though.


I have no doubt of vulpera/mechagnome.

I had no doubt of Vulpera since their model revamp. And 8.2 PTR confirmed mechagnomes for me.

The real question is when, not if.


Gnome is the least played core race in the game. Mechagnomes are gnomes, with some removable parts. Vulpera are a brand new, popular race, with their own (admittedly pretty basic) culture. Can you seriously not see a problem there? At all? Because you have to have some serious cognitive dissonance going on if you think those are remotely equal in quality.


To me, regardless of what I feel about it, vulpera/mechagnomes are all but confirmed.

Maybe it’s better to hope/speculate on what comes after them. I think there will be a final 6th allied race pair near the end of the BfA.


May I suggest a possibility?
That they are the Huojin’s Allied race?


Pleaseplease let Vulpera happen I need a happy WoW news lol


That would be a good opportunity for the pandaren leaders, Ji hasnt participated since the horde arrived at Zuldazar. Except with his opinion about the action of Sylvanas, the only thing he says is he want to punch a dinosaur.

It´s kind of sad to see the pandaren doesnt have an important role this expansion. Although i dont know if it´s necessary a drama between Ji and Aysa since the events of Siege of Orgrimmar and the monk hall class.

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I wish I could update the front page :confused:

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I don’t kill other pandaren in pvp. I will /hug /love /pet them. If they kill me I /cry

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A curse that is transmitten through curse isn’t transmitted through babies… sure that makes sense bliz.

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Yeah, I think it’s one of the dumbest things in lore to be honest. I don’t know what their logic is behind it.


I actually can. The concept is badass. Just because it doesn’t appeal to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t appeal to a lot of people. You are one person not the majority. You’re being VERY ego-centric right now. We get it you don’t like mechagnomes. Not everyone has to like every allied race. Some folks don’t like Vulpera. One dude I talked to mentioned quitting just over the realistic possibility of them being added.


Saberon. A large group of them tele’d over with the Mag’har orcs.

Cats vs Dogs ftw.


Just had a thought: what if vulpera go to alliance? The population are currently unbalanced; more horde than alliance.

What if vulpera goes to alliance to balance the population? Yeah, unlikely given their negative (alliance attacked vulpera in voldun warfront) to no interaction, but I don’t think it’s impossible.

Don’t mean to be negative, but just pointing a possibility (very little, but it’s there. Not impossible). But then, if vulpera go to alliance, what’ll horde get? Mechagnome? Sethrak? Gilgoblins? Or no one at all?

Nope that was one of my points. I bring it up because the night elf male skeleton has already been used for 2 different allied races. It is currently the most popular skeleton.

Pandas also lack sexual dimorphism, as do wolves. It’s pretty typical in fiction for females of anthro races to be given breasts. While it would be cool to have a female model without bewbs just different voice-over/animations I’d much rather see Sethrak then 3 times mutated Murloc. Also unlike Sethrak there was last I checked 0 npcs of theirs that were flagged as female and or had feminine voice lines.

Also you completely forgot to mention the fact that unlike even sethrak they cannot wear player armour, they don’t have HoA animation. In fact they don’t have any unique animations from Jinyu which are still using the pre update male night elf skeleton.