Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

They are just an HD remodel of Jinyu. I know a lot of people wanted Jinyu playable but they use the night elf male skeleton, have no females, and can’t wear player armour.

Hey huge congrats on the promising news. I know nothing is confirmed yet but I have very high hopes for the foxes. I hope we know soon so I can properly set up the mog for mine.


next is us.
but before then
i am gana be so pawsitive.


It’s only a matter of time at this point. I know these guys are a Horde race but I will definitely be rolling one. Most likely an assassination rogue.

Now if I can only decide on a name…


I dont know what to make if they are playable!

I want a Vulpera Rogue skulking about…

But I also want a Vulpera Hunter with a big gun and a Hound as a pet for lulz…

Or maybe even a Vulpera Druid with a little Wagon as a Travel Form! (kidding there)


I’m thinking shaman, because a tiny fox throwing lava balls around is just too good to resist.


Lol, I came here to post the same thing.

Vulpera and mechagnomes next, there’s no other way around it.


The problem is you are defining race how it works in the real world, not how it is defined in blizzards lore.

Example, I am playing as a Kul’Tiran Human but am still a Human. Unless you also think if gaining more body mass also changes your race. In short the changes allied races have are not significant enough to make them stand alone races. And I am sorry I really don’t care what Ion says, coming from the same guy who made RNG for all gear, time gate for flying, pruned classes into the ground and claims everyone loves it…

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You’re from a different nation. A different culture. Different religion. That’s a different race. If you mean species no, not a different species. But yes a different race. Race is a group of people. In the modern real world it’s 90% skin colour. But historically had little to with skin-tone and more to do with where you came from and the culture you were part of. Like Celtic, Nordic, Roman, Greek, Welsh, etc were all “white” but considered different races. Int hat context then KT humans are very much a different race from SW humans. As are LF from Reg Draenei. Or Ztrolls from DS Trolls.

This news is very welcome and a refreshing blow for those interested in vulperas!

I hope this is the beginning of situations where vultures will receive more and more prominence, until they can become a playable race!

I already have several names reserved, if we can have vulperas as new race existing in warcraft.

Wow! Is that all that the alliance can hope for? Only that? I confess I can not imagine worse pairing that can be done against ally, than this one!

A literally recycled breed, which will bring nothing new, paired with a new one?

I do not want to believe, that junkgnomes is all we can yearn to see in the alliance!

It would be like giving a legitimate child with a bicycle and the adopted son, with a yo-yo! :fearful:


theres two ways this can go.

  1. horde only. very likely.
  2. both factions get it.
  • Explanation pirate vulpera under the rule of the boss in freehold become sell swords and side with the alliance for the coin.
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That actually does sound somewhat feasible to be honest. But what about rep for Alliance side? Stormsong maybe?

I am so ready. :fox_face:


That has nothing to do with hope, but with what it’s presented right in front of us.

Mechagnomes are as sure now as vulpera were six months ago.

Better to start speculating/hoping for the 6th and final allied race pair of the expansion, because the 5th one is all but confirmed.


maybe. or a the booty bay pirate squad?

I prefer that vulperas be an exclusive race of horde!

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Great isn’t? Been trying to make this point the whole thread…

2 is not even a remote possibility because the vulpera in freehold don’t like… you know… government. Like everyone in freehold.

And blizzard said they never wanted to do a neutral race ever again and that pandaren were the only ones we were gonna get.

after reading the above comments its understandable to be angry at mecha gnomes.
however, they may get some graphical updates before even considered. we havent seen the models for 8.2 just yet.

Persoonally I’m fine with either Horde only or neutral ^^ I love these folks. I’d be sad to kill them on the Alliance side though if they were neutral. Just like how I very ironically hate killing worgen.