Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

8.2.5: The furrytinker armaggedon.

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But from the art side of things, the vulpera and junkers are likeā€¦ almost done. The things they havenā€™t finished yet are the worgen and the goblins, which they actually promised for 8.2.5


Well, we donā€™t see how things are behind the scenes. We have no clue of how done are the models, the last update we saw was in November.

Like I said, I think the furrytinker armaggedon (junkpera + worgoblin) is totally possible, but thereā€™s need for some caution. Like with the announcement that didnā€™t come this week, we need to not overhype ourselves.

Will you be joining us soon brother?

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Jinyu > Vulpera B)


You shoo Torble-darkspear away. Be gone, pest!


As much as Iā€™m hoping and even suspect Vulpera are coming 8.2.5, Iā€™m not banking on it. Iā€™ve had a number of suspected announcement dates come and gone so Iā€™m mostly focusing on what has been actually promised in worgen updates to plan my future playtime.


Beyond sad that the vid didnā€™t come with any kind of content announcement.

I bought this expansion in the hopes of getting playable Vulpera, and too a significantly lesser extent Dark Irons, and Zandalari Trolls. So the game is basically in alpha until I get my foxes. Incomplete without playable Vulpera. And if we never get playable Vulpera?

She mutters something incoherent about private servers. She seems to be arguing with herself on whether or not breaking the rules would by valid for foxes, on one hand rule breaking is bad, on the other foxesā€¦ hopefully it doesnā€™t come to that. She hates rule breaking. Under normal circimstance she would never, EVER consider itā€¦ but foxes do strange things to people


Iā€™m still holding my breath for Vulpera. Mechagon would be a lot more fun as a tiny fox. Iā€™ve actually been putting off collecting mecha mounts until I can be a Vulpera. Something about small races and mecha mounts just feels right, and I canā€™t justify riding in my shredder and not be tiny.

I still think the Vulpera have a hidden city within the buried ruins of Voldun, as well as hidden tunnels leading all over Voldun. Also with them quickly picking up goblin & gnomish technology I think they may become a force to reckon with for the trade princes.

Heck with Gazlowe sticking his neck out for his goblin friend who ran off with his ex-gnomish wife. I think he would be the ideal candidate to bring them into the horde after seeing their cunning. As well as the horde witnessing their ability to fight against the alliance.



I still believe vulpera will come late next patch or simply the patch after. I always suspected they were going to make us awhile a good while for the next patch of ARs.


IĀ“m expecting to see them playable at 8.3.5. Although I would really like to play as vulpera ASAP, I think in 8.25 Worgen and Goblin will be the main spotlight with the release of their long awaited new models. If Vulpera/Mechagnomes appear at 8.25 i would like to call it the Mecha-fur patch.

I recommend this video, contains thoughts and speculations about Vulpera possibly clases, recruitment scenario, racials, mount race, etc. I also coincide with the racial mount idea, looks great to see a Vulpera on an alpaca mount but i think it would be a hyena mount since Kiro, Nisha, Ranah and vulpera guards use it.

Offtopic: In some website i read worgen and goblins can be monks in 8.25 but they didnt mention a source about that. Can someone confirm it?


I just had a thoughtā€¦ you know how weā€™ve been talking about Vulpera burrows and tunnels? Maybe they could have a racial ability similar to DKā€™s Death Gate but called ā€œTunnel Ratā€ or something, where they access a hypothetical tunnel network to instantly hearth to the main Vulpera Hideout!


As I typed up something for the Sanā€™layn megathread regarding how they would stick with the Horde after the events of BfA, I thought some about the Vulpera and why they would get invested in staying with the Horde.

As it is, many of them have stated their displeasure of the war between the Horde and Alliance, all while quickly frowning on what the Alliance has been doing to them. Earlier, I offered the suggestion that events would need to take place that forces them to join the Horde for survival. As we move on from BfA, however, what would keep them within the Horde?

Survival is the first thing that comes to mind. Theyā€™ve been bullied by the Alliance with purge squads, so having the Hordeā€™s protection would be ideal. Especially if the Sethrak happen to join the Alliance also. In such a scenario, I could see them having been run out of Volā€™Dun by either the Alliance, Sethrak, or both. They would turn to the Zandalari and the Horde for help. This could give a reason for the Vulpera to be given a section of Orgimmar to create their underground burrows, like we discussed earlier, giving a Vulpera district of sorts.

Another reason I see is that they recognize that some of the Horde races have been slaves before, like with the Orcs. This would give them a connection to the members of the Horde, who all have banded together to prevail through the hardships of life and against the Alliance.

Becoming full members, I can see some like Nisha wanting to collect skulls of Alliance members. While it may not be all the Vulpera, I can see vengeance also being a possible reason to stick with the Horde.

The last reason I can think of is that this would give them opportunities to scavenge and treasure hunt in different areas. We know from questing, there are a number of Vulpera treasure hunters, and Iā€™m sure they would love the opportunity to travel on Kalimdor and other areas to help find treasures and stuff for themselves and also the Horde.

Thinking on it some, Iā€™m gonna attempt a Vulpera creation intro speech. This is the speech you get when you make a character and the camera flies around until it gets to you. This is assuming they are an allied race:

Kiro: ā€œWe Vulpera have been through many hardships. Not only did the harsh deserts of Volā€™dun test us, we were made slaves to the vile Faithless that patrolled the area. But today, we have prevailed and are slaves no more, and it is time, my fellow Vulpera, that we pick up our weapons and fight, for the Alliance dared to attack our families! For this, we can never forgive! It is clear that our place is within the Horde, and you will go and spread the word that those who dare to hurt our kin will remember just who we are. For the Vulpera! For the Horde!ā€

Not perfect by any means, but I just wanted to attempt an intro speech. ^^;


Still 99% sure itā€™s gonna be 8.2.5. The patch will have worgen/goblin focus which will also lead to the recruiting new races for goblin one.


Your passion for the vulpera is really felt from here. Glad you are apart of the cause.


Not to add more firewood onto this wonderful Vulpera burning desire, but Iā€™d love for the Vulpera to be like ā€œOh the Zandalari and the Horde need ships? We Vulpera are excellent negotiators and have had dealings with any and all high seas merchants.ā€

Then we see the Vulpera help produce a new fleet for the Horde with their treasure hunting and pirate relative allies. Potentially even adding a garrison type boat for the player. Would be an easy way to 2 bird 1 stone player housing. Could even loop island expeditions into it with a crew amd heroes etc etc.

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I donā€™t know about all that. I, personally, would like to steer away from all this pirate, nautical nonsense. If they are going to incorporate player housing, it needs to be large instanced zonesā€¦ big enough to feel like any other part of the open world and as such that we encounter other players just as much as we do anywhere else. Houses should be able to be set to varying degrees of privacy but not individually instanced the way garrisons were. Oh well, Iā€™m putting too much into this and itā€™s a topic for another thread. As far as Vulpera go, I really donā€™t think they need any more reasons to join the Horde besides having Alliance ā€œIncineratorsā€ throwing torches on them and their belongings :joy:


Still waiting and hoping for them to be a new allied race. :fox_face:


Theyā€™re small so thereā€™s plenty of room for them in the crowā€™s nest