Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

My coins on the sexy mage.

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Iā€™ll beat him with my easter basket!


Funny, cuz FFXIV is getting playable bunny people.


I kind of figure either the male or female will end up with something from the whole ā€œWhat Does the Fox Say?ā€ song. But thisā€¦ this is all I want now. Little female Vulpera doing this dance. I would love it more than anything!


With the new Hearthstone expansion: The Dalaran heist will mantain the Vulpera / Sethrak hype for a while with the new heroes for the solo adventure: Captain Eudora the rogue and Vessina the shaman. CanĀ“t distinguish if Vessina is female, if she is then she will be the second known female Sethrak besides of Sethraliss.

But i donĀ“t know, why Captain Eudora have a orange fur in Hearthstone instead of silver like WoW ? did something happened to her? is she disguising? is a young version? or her fur was always orange and in WoW she tainted on purpose?

Here are more details


Only bunny girls sadly, no bunny bois (and no Amazonian cat ladies either)


Could be wrongā€¦ but like 99% sure we encounter rando sethrak with feminine / female voices. And some of the faithless quest bosses we kill are refered to as female.


Supposedlyā€¦ they want to add them but they will not be available at launch. I wanna be a female ronso (I know thatā€™s not what theyā€™re calling them but thatā€™s what they are) so badly!


Rando sethrak ā€œTemple Defenderā€ has feminine voice. Most of the npcs donā€™t have click quotes for some damn reason so itā€™s impossible to know their gender.

Their voices remind me of the Slitheen villains from doctor who.

Okayā€¦ So there is a way to find out the gender of npcs with "/run local race = UnitSex(ā€œTargetā€) " doing so will give you one of three numbers 1, 2, 3. 1 is undefined or genderless. 2 is male, 3 is female.

Oddly Hessir the cooking vendor is marked as 1.

Ikoriss who is talking to Sissok is flagged as 3 (Female) despite lacking voice lines.

Sorin the Sethrak who explains who Sethrallis is, is also flagged as female.

Zareen who is keeping a faithless prisoner (untargetable) is flagged as female.

Those are all just the sanctuary of the devoted. So female are around.


I just grabbed the name Yossi on Malfurion and WRA. If anybody gets that reference without the help of google I will eat my hat.


No clue so I googled it. Thatā€™s awesome Eevee ^w^

Hey, did I end up friending you? I feel like I did but I canā€™t for the life of me remember.

Yes, yes it is.

You are probably the sweet panda Iā€™ve ever met. Such ashame you joined the horde. And you know what that meansā€¦ Cranks up guns

Okay sad person taking two weeks to respond to a post and still be wrong.

Iā€™m like 3 seconds before I get my cheese grater.


No Iā€™m not wrong at all. Itā€™s been said DK have to inflict suffering to stay sane and that positive emotions are fleeting for a DK to feel. Its kinda why you dont see DK returning to lives that donā€™t involve things like combat or a DK innkeeper or going home to a wife and kids.

Dood, youā€™re necroing 2 week old posts to start fights. Thatā€™s harassment.

Flag and move on everyone.


Surely you havenā€™t forgotten that my true level is 1100? But then again. I could use a cheese grater thank you! Need it for the fox sandwiches my petā€™s will be eating.

Guys guys come on. Donā€™t fight. Try to keep things respectful and positive in the megathreads.