Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

You’ll need to point out where DKs are mindless torture machines with absolutely no personality.


Another thread about furries wanting fox people as a horde race. Nope.avi.

Says the guy playing a cow man.


I mean, he’s clearly kidding, right?



didnt realize playing a tauren automatically mean im a furry? Rather be an original druid race for the horde than a troll imo.

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Didn’t realise wanting to play a vulpera automatically made one a furry!


Its in one of the novels. Didn’t say mindless. Didn’t say no personality. Said that it they aren’t going to be happy go lucky people cuddling with fuzzy things. Since when does not liking puppies and kittens and fuzzy things = no personality?
Wow pedia has a subject on “Eternal Hunger” and that is why DK must inflict suffering on others to stay sane. I cannot include links so I’m unable to simply put up a link for anyone to look at.
There is also a topic out there on these very forums on how to properly RP a DK, which talks about the Eternal Hunger. The Eternal Hunger as stated on Wowpedia:
“The eternal hunger or endless hunger is an addiction that afflicts all death knights of the Ebon Blade and gives them the need to inflict pain. If death knights do not regularly inflict agony upon another creature, they begin to suffer wracking pains that could drive them into a mindless, blood-seeking hysteria far worse than the fate of those who suffer from arcane withdrawal.” This is why you dont really see DK trying to live their former lives. It does say DK can feel positive emotions but they are very fleeting. Only negative emotions can they feel for any real length of time.

Nothing you stated backs this position up. Yes DKs need to inflict pain to avoid going insane. In no way is that at odds with them liking cute things.


Almost like they can have personalities too while also needing to kill. Don’t tell me how to play when you have made it clear that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Not once did I ever say she doesn’t need to kill. It’s been seen numerous times that they’re not negative cookie cutter bricks and can have positive emotions too. Stop bothering to reply to me by the way, I’m sick of your antagonistic attitude. At least, I’m not going to bother replying at all to you, because going out of your way constantly to start something is getting old.

Gods I wish there was an ignore function, some users on this forum would land on that list right away.

Edit: Here.


Equally Lord Hamburger, how to play like a tauren, pandaren and worgen, does not imply that people are a furry, or that being furry is something bad or that matters!

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Even Arthas likes cute things. As shown by Hearthstone


He also really loved his horse.


In all seriousness that is a good point.

It’s cannon that Arthas, even after cutting his own heart out, kept his locket.

It is true that undeath tends to make you into a heartless monster, but you still retain some form of identity no matter how distant that is.

Imagine if you died irl and that you were resurrected by some big voodoo. part of your brain was too far gone to function properly. You won’t retain all of your memories, and you might find that you are not able to express the same set of emotions that you otherwise would normally have in life.

It’s almost like you’re a different person entirely, but at the same time not quite. Just handicapped.


Tauren are just as furry as vulpera if not more so. If you don’t like being called one, then don’t call vulpera fans one. No one likes a hypocrite!


THANK YOU. Exactly. My character is very prone to violence and outbursts of anger. She has absolutely no remorse for her actions either. If someone gets in her way, if they are not a friend, she will kill them. It’s how she is, and she loves war/battle.

But she’s also a guitarist and singer, as she was in life. Like… oh wait a second… looks at the Darkmoon Faire of which literally has a band made up exclusively of undead Huh, interesting…

I mean, it’s even in the DK starting zone. You are snapped out by your dying sister/friend for goodness sakes and regain aspects of your personality. Otherwise, what’s the point? You’d have to play all DK and forsaken in the same exact way, which is not the point of either. Each person has a different personality, and undeath has a different effect on everyone, for goodness sakes.

I really wish people wouldn’t come at me with false claims clearly while not knowing the lore at all.

Anyway, yes. This toon would find Vulpera adorable, and would gladly slaughter her enemies alongside them.

Sources in lore for those that choose to ignore lore
"Even while he was in service of the Lich King, Thassarian seemed to be a noble person. After sending the player to rescue Koltira Deathweaver — against the code of the Scourge death knight — Orbaz Bloodbane asked why he cared. Thassarian replied that, though they may have been hated enemies in life, “In death, we are brothers.”
(He also rescued his sister and cares about her. :thinking:)
“We have died so that others may live.”
(Almost like the entire point of the DK starting zone is to go the antihero root and start helping those they previously did horrible things to.)
“Despite their evil natures and even during their service to the Scourge, some death knights remained true to a code of honor — or, at least, to a semblance of order and discipline. For example, the human Thassarian and the blood elf Koltira Deathweaver shared a close friendship that other death knights such as Orbaz Bloodbane looked down upon. The fallen paladin Sir Zeliek was unique in the fact that, while his body was forced to obey the Scourge’s commands, he had managed to retain his sanity and morals despite his corruption.”

“Despite all the psychological conditioning and trauma they went through, some knights are able to act mostly like they were before their death. This includes Thassarian, who served among the Alliance and saved his own sister even as a death knight.” <<SEE THIS RIGHT HERE?! THIS IS MY POINT.


It should be noted also that beyond the veil of irresistible OwO, lies a vicious warrior with the relentless thirst for bloodshed as even the demon possessed Orcs of old.

They may be cute, but they are also without remorse. Without hesitation they kill those that enslaved them.

Yes. They will be a fine asset indeed.


Oh yes, of course, I won’t ever deny that one ^^ Nisha is a perfect example. Trust me, my toon respects them in that manner as well. Pandaren and Tauren are in the same boat there.


I agree. They’re actually pretty scrappy and ruthless despite their fluffy exterior. They are astonishingly good at salvage and re-purposing things they fine (including Gob Tech, if their dailies are to be believed). Vulpera also are a pretty hearty mercantile race by all indications on top of all that … even if their preferences for Trade differs from that of Gobs.

I think its funny. Gobs are just about the only race that I could see extending a hand to an Allied Race because of a business opportunity (over something like genetic relations). It is one of the reasons that I won’t take the possibility of Vulpera being their Allied Race off the table. GilGoblins gotta bring something more than just their looks if the Goblins are gonna take interest in them.


Ready to roll! Let’s go Blizz! :fox_face::skull_and_crossbones::dollar:


Is it weird that the only thing I care about at this very moment is Vulpera? I want to start playing one now. I don’t care about whatever else is going on in the upcoming patch if it doesn’t include Vulpera. :neutral_face::fox_face: