Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

That’s something I actually never gave serious thought. I assumed when I started this megathread that once Vulpera became playable, the forums would be happy to see me pack my bags and leave. But thinking about it now, it seems clear that this thread is now bigger than just me and even bigger than just the Vulpera. And I don’t think it’s even my place to unilaterally decide what becomes of it.

So… what would all of you like to see happen to the thread?


We celebrate by sharing screenshots of our characters, thanking blizzard, reminding people about the discord, and I guess… we go about our merry ways then ^^


Can we form a battlegroup? :smile::fox_face:

Btw… OMG look at my little dude ready to kill some Alliance scum!


This applies to any core/allied race megathread that exists:

First of all, I think for any megathreads that put time and effort in making elaborate posts, such as the first post in the megathread, should be copied and backed up for historical purposes. This along with any other important posts in the thread. All posts being backed up would be ideal in that regard, but some of the megathreads have over one thousand posts, so it’d be a challenge to save them all. At the very least, important posts should be saved.

Second, when said race becomes playable, we can then show off our characters we make and talk about transmog ideas while sharing them.

Third, an in-game celebration and also general grouping, dungeon groups, and raiding with everyone as the new race with screenshots taken and shared in the thread.

Fourth, occasional events like a transmog contest. Those who are ambitious could form something like a city raid. Imagine a horde of Vulpera raiding Stormwind, for example.

I’m sure I’ll think up more suggestions. If Ogres do become playable, I was thinking of taking screenshots and typing up the progress of my Ogre’s journey to being champion of the Horde, so maybe something like that would be neat to see for some of the posters here, like Eevee with their Vulpera characters. ^^


I cordially support this suggestion!


For those who missed it, the Vulpera Beerfest icon was associated with an item in the latest beta build called Vol’dunshine!

“Vulpera-made desert hooch, stored in a dried gourd. Deliciously brewed during desert travel!”


I’m curious to feel people out so I created a straw poll. When do you think we’ll get Vulpera?


I doubt it’s 8.2.5 but otherwise I guess any of those are possible

When do I think we’ll get Vulpera?

Not soon enough. I want to make my Vulpera characters. -o -

Quick edit: Blizzcon was also announced for November 1st and 2nd. Hopefully we don’t have to wait that long for any information for the next allied races.

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I personally think it is way too early to be jumping to conclusions right now. More than likely, there will not be any new allied races until the prepatch of next expansion and everything found about Vulpera so far can be explained by a radical number of possibilities. I say this for all forms of speculated allied races at this time.

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I agree with this. It’s the “I want this to happen” mentality which causes people to paint in their minds thinking that it will happen. Practical judgement can often be thrown aside when someone really wants something in favor of painting mental steps to convince them that it will happen. Like with these mug icons. Vulpera folk are just going of looking for something to tell their mind that it will happen when in reality, we really don’t know. So much of the expansion lies ahead with new racial possibilities and as we know. Could be something we haven’t seen yet. Vulpera are far from confirmed at this point and if you look carefully between the lines, you can easily find reasons explaining all these arguments they use for why they will happen.

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I agree with both of these above. That’s why I try not to focus too much on it, not having the AR I wanted so far made the expansion rather meh for me (among other reasons). However, I feel like the ARs that are left to come will get the same kind of treatment that the first 4 ARs got. Release in x.3.5 and expac prepatch is the most likely candidate for the remainder.

I know how it feels to keep waiting for new info and bashing your head against the wall in anticipation and eagerness. However, the fact that the game is constantly putting out little ‘reminders’ of say…Vulpera and Sethrak, shows that they are not ‘gone’ and are perhaps doing it to keep the players stoked that really want them. Some are even being kept in the game in this anticipation which i a strong marketing ploy.

I still have great faith in these races being released and that I will, once more, find my embers reignited in the game with such, but until then, all I can do is bide my time until the moment arrives and I can play to my heart’s content and enjoy the content of the game in a whole new level :smiley:


I still expect 8.2.5.

Everything points to vulpera and mechagnomes as the next allied races, and both are almost ready to go.

Vulpera are not the only ones getting a brew for brewfest:


new brewfest icons doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to be placed outright in the immediate future though.

Take the worgen and Goblin halloween masks being done before they were even known to be playable races. The only thing the brewfest does is help solidify that they are the likely candidates for the next appearing ARs, whenever that may be.

If it’s 8.2.5 then that’s fine~ I feel that the Mechagnome need more time than just that to justify though. I wouldn’t doubt if it’s another case of ‘Kul’Tiran/Zandalari Troll’ where the horde is waiting for the next alliance AR to be completely ready.

I voted 8.2.5 and if Blizz is smart, they’ll make it happen. They need to bring out the defibrillator on this xpac. :wink::fox_face::+1:


I’m just saying…even if it is certain that the mechagnome is the next AR…

It’s becoming EXTREMELY tiresome to have horde build relations with an AR for most of an expansion…then go to the alliance and be all: ‘Oh here you go! An AR out of the blue with only half a major patch of development!’

So if they’re smart they won’t keep pushing ARs on the alliance like that. It’s actually incredibly infuriating…


I have said in the Sethrak thread that I don’t necessarily believe that mechagnomes will actually be an AR. Again, if they were smart they’d give Alliance Sethrak. :wink:


before they can do that, though, they’d need to bring up their use with alliance and their connection to them no less. As much as I’d love them to be added, I do agree that they’d need to be relevant somehow to what is going on. Maybe they will? Maybe they won’t for a bit yet…time will tell I suppose x3

I mean, Mechagon is riddled with cool things to work for beyond a potential AR race; and the Horde did end up getting the Highmountain AND the Nightborne into our faction (which, sorry, the Lightforged and Void Elves don’t really have that same level of weight; at least to that second group). I’m not overly opposed to the idea that the Alliance would get the Junkers (they could certainly be a cool race, but their loot is what I’m more hyped about atm).

Plus, if its GilGoblins as the Goblins Allied race … wouldn’t the reverse be true for the Alliance with Naz’jatar? Or perhaps the recruitment of the Vulpera fully into the faction can just be tied to the Mechagon rep (presumably we’re working almost exclusively with Gazlowe’s group in that zone … and if ANY Goblin could successfully bring in the Vulpera to the Horde; it would certainly be Gazlowe). Gallywix is more likely to enslave them or just piss them off.

Hmm…that’d actually be interesting if they tied that rep into the Vulpera.

The point I am making, however, is that the horde in Legion got the entire expansion, or most of it, alongside the races that ultimately joined their ranks. The alliance, however, had their ARs kinda thrown in at the very very end. That is what bothers me. This case with the Vulpera would be no different if the Vulpera, a race out from the start, was paired up with another race that we had JUST started to get to know more about.

I’m not opposed to getting the gnomes, not at all, sure I don’t care about them. I’m just stating that if it was between two races with expansion-long interaction vs new-interaction…time and time again. It becomes incredibly old.

note: while I was writing this, it was amusing seeing your post edit again and again xD I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me