Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Better to have too many elves than too many humans.

I just want another non-human/elf race for the alliance to add a little variety and flavor to the faction. One that would coincide perfect with the Vulpera for the horde. If Vulpera use the goblin model then why not give the alliance the race that had their skeleton tweaked from the worgen model?

In my mind, the Vulpera/Sethrak pairing is the perfect combo for this matter.


Six for half a dozen? I do not want no, thank you!
Neither the six, which adds nothing and not half the duzia that only volume!
in this proportion, nor is it allied race and yes, recolor race!

I was really hoping an unencrypted ptr would go up tonight but it looks like we’ll have to wait until next week. Boo


So I just realized something. If we get Vulpera, then they would be a great counter to Mecha Gnomes. Think about it, Vulpera being scavengers could destroy Mecha Gnomes and utilize their parts. It makes sense with them as jobber-mobs in the new dungeon, but also some sense to me if Mecha/Junker Gnomes became an allied race for the Alliance.

I’m going to try to help keep my eyes peeled for clues when 8.2 rolls out. This could be an interesting idea if they are planning Vulpera in the near future

That would be disdainful!
But I do not doubt that vulperas could “recycle junkgnomes”, increasing the injury felt by the alliance!

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I beg to differ. I think that’s start such a massive for on the alliance. It would show the horde getting, more or less, a brand new race unrelated to any other
while slapping alliance with a rehash of the least played race on their side that holds minimal excitement for the alliance players.

I’m not against junket gnome in general but if we get them while the horde gets something so new, exotic and exciting
I’ll completely lose faith in the Dev team for doing this kind of thing to the alliance once again.


Perhaps they don’t need to be paired up. It can be in different pairs, before or after the other. We are going to deal with the enemy Mecha Gnome mooks regardless.

That said, I appreciate the constructive criticism. It lets me see things in a different light. ^^

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No thanks needed :3 I’m always here to keep a good conversation and discussion going :smiley:

I feel like the natural pair for vulpera is still the sethrak since they’ve been paired together from the very beginning. However there is just no tug in either direction concerning the sneks of Vol’dun so it’s simple conjecture.


I think that combo is the best for each other for the storyline as well, much as I would rather Sethrak on the Horde. I’ll be happy to get both, though, regardless of the Sethrak’s faction choice!

Still, thinking about where we are going, Vulpera would be useful allies to have in an area like Mechagon, where they could start scavenging it, and the enemy mobs, for parts that the Horde can use in the war effort. It could then lead into the Mecha/Junker Gnomes moving later on as an allied race for the Alliance, if that is being planned at all.

Theres lots of interesting opportunities to get the Vulpera as part of the storyline and in the Horde. ^^


Where I generally don’t disagree, Blizz had emphasized the goblin taking front and note in the area. It’d also be a bit of a stretch to suddenly pull Vulpera out of Vol’dun into alliance territory. Yes, the promise of a lot of ‘scavenging’ is there for the Vulpera, it’s a bit sudden to have that as reason to pull them from their natural home. I mean, sure, they HATE the alliance now, but there would have to be shown something that they’d really take interest in to get them involved in something like that out of the blue.

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Well, before then would be where the Sethrak join the Alliance, and you mentioned the Sethrak getting the faithless possibly back in the fold, so that would get the Vulpera to join the Horde for protection.

That then just leads into the Vulpera going to different places, as part of the Horde, and being interested in Mechagon while forming a friendly rivalry with the Goblins. Besides, to me, Goblins would just scoff at Gnome technology, preferring to make things go boom and be flashy.

Since the Vulpera aren’t in the Horde at the time of Mechagon, then it makes sense to have the Goblins there at the beginning. Doesn’t mean they can’t join the Goblins later on. Especially if The Horde decide they want it for themselves later on, after 8.2 comes out.

Just thinking out loud, of course. i’m sure there are debatable parts.

How do you know they’ll be in response to the Horde getting Vulpera?

People seem to forget that aesthetics only comprise so much of an Allied race; culture is also extremely important to consider. Many of the Allied Races already are merely pallet swaps of some core race or another; but its their community that largely makes them interesting. Gnomes have long been neglected when it comes to intriguing lore; and with the strong Bioshock vibes Mechagon has atm, there really could be an interesting civilization laced within that Junk-filled world.

I do think it is VERY possible that the Goblin Allied Race (should they get one), will be Vulpera; but I wouldn’t really consider Junker’s a downgrade if they have a well defined (and unique) form of Gnome culture (and considering they’re getting an entire zone, and a mega-dungeon devoted to em 
 they might just have one).


I have taken the stance, regarding allied races, that any race that becomes playable via allied races is capable of having a great story to go with their arrival. People can scoff at many of them, and call them lame or a waste of a slot, but for allied races, give them a good storyline, and it enhances their reveal as a playable race.

Regardless of what races become allied races, I look forward to seeing the circumstances that cause them to become playable. New races are my favorite aspect of a MMORPG, after all!

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It would be too fast to suddenly rush the sethrak into alliance arms. I’m not speaking in terms of an AR standpoint, as much as I’d love to see more story with the Sethrak, it would have to take place in events before the Mechagon is open in 8.2. In that case, it’s a very small window to suddenly throw a large plot piece in like that when it comes to Vol’dun.

A lot of us that are not necessarily ‘pro’ gnome/vulpera it isn’t for the face of culture or civilization reasons. It’s more of an aesthetic reason. Goblins/worgen are a pair in the sense that they were released together in Cata, I DO get the whole ‘small race/small race’ combo. But from an aesthetic vantage, it’s hardly fair to give one faction a brand new race that everyone is hyping over (almost 1k in the discord even if I remember right) vs one that maybe has less than 100 actively excited over them (from lack of talk over them, not even an AR megathread made over them
or not nearly as large in comparison to the Sethrak or the Vulpera ones). Even if their culture is extravagant the fact that it’d be a fresh looking model vs a rehash model

and as you just said, most AR are pallet swaps, so how can you be so sure that if the Mecha Gnome isn’t next, that Gilgobin isn’t the pair that goes along with it? It could be that Vulpera might not even be a thing until 9.0 is close to arriving.

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Well, that would be rather a depreciation, the Alliance again receiving something opposite of any expectation when compared to vulperas!

So, “if” Alliance were to receive draconics and Horde quillboar, would you think that was fair?

That would not do much for the already eroded sense of appreciation in the alliance!

Do you really think that vulperas are as flashy as gnomes made of brass? So, I’d like to sell you to Bifrost!

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GilGoblin’s aren’t really a race. They are a species, but they don’t really have a culture that one could play off of (due to them being extremely new; created by Hobart Grapplehammer; and suffering severe cognitive side-effects by whatever process he used to create them).

Beyond that, what links do the Vulpera have to the Alliance? For that matter, your implication is that they’d be the Worgen Allied race, what links do they have to the Worgen for goodness sake? From what we can tell the Alliance’s destruction of the Vulpera’s homes (to ensure they weren’t transporting Horde supplies) has pushed them far closer to the Zandalari (and by extension, the Horde).

The ONLY Vulpera that aren’t being pushed further into the Horde’s friend group right now are those that are pirates (which is an extreme minority population that in no way have a culture or civilization to play off of). So, something rather extreme would have to happen to push them not just into the hands of the Alliance; but the Worgen (to be THEIR allied race).

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no the Sethrak use the worgen model and the Vulpera use the Goblin model.

I didn’t once push vulpera = worgen AR once, so I’d appreciate not putting words in my mouth or assuming :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to mention, we know next to nothing about Junker, they’re ‘new’ to us as well, we don’t know yet how new they are. And they’re not really a ‘race’ either. They already clarified that the Junker Gnome society uses the mechanical prosthetics as a measurement of social status. So before that, they are plain and simple gnomes.

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Fair enough, my mistake. I misread. However, with how Allied races have been released, each Core Race has a corresponding Allied Race. If that trend continues, then that only leave Gnomes, Worgen, Forsaken, & Goblins who have not received one (and Pandarens, which 
 I dunno what they’re going to do about them). As such, I assumed you meant for the Vulpera to be the Worgen Allied Race.

The Junker Gnomes apparently comprise an entire Gnome Civilization (victim of the curse of the flesh) that developed independently of those of Gnomergon. As they are titan constructs, its very likely they have been a civilization for quite some time (especially since they have a waygate in Kul Tiras that has apparently been sealed for a VERY long time). They are likely going to have some extensive culture with an entire Zone (and mega-dungeon) devoted to them.

Also, Sethrak are only HALF of the Worgen Models. The entire race utilizes exclusively the female Worgen Model. They also lack a lot of signs that they are slated to ever become an Allied Race; sad to say (because they are fairly cool 
 it just there isn’t a lot going for them right now).

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That Blizzard says they don’t have plans for another allied race right now seems to me like they have plans, they just don’t know which ones to use yet.

I’m guessing they’ll hint towards junker gnomes or a tinker class in 8.2, then figure out which race gets paired with Vuplera in 7.3.something. If people jump on the tinker hype train, they could just save the junker assets for the class and give Alliance those fancy new Jinyu if they’re well received.