Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

If storyline is a factor for adding races, I am not sure when, outside of BfA, would be a good time to add Vulpera. Sure, they could come later, but it seems like the time to strike while the iron is hot is during BfA as an allied race.


NEW PTR! Hype!




I wish the best of luck for those working on datamining, and hope that we hear something soon!


Junker Gnomes are going to be the Allianceā€™s allied race opposite the Hordeā€™s Vulpera. Rumor has it that, while the Alliance genuinely wants to help the Junker Gnomes with their problems, the Horde is only there to steal their techā€¦so that seals it for me. Narratively it makes sense.

According to the Buffed interview with Ion, thereā€™s no allied races coming in 8.2. You can find English translation/highlights on Wowhead.

buffed: Who will be the next allied races, will there be a completely new race again and if so, when?

Ion: There wonā€˜t be a new allied race in every patch. For example, in Rise of Azshara, no new race will be implemented. Of course, if it makes sense regarding the story, we will gladly create an allied or a whole new race so players can get to know that race and its history. However, brand-new races like Goblins, Worgen or Draenei are more suitable for a new expansion.

He said the same in the most recent Q&A. But that doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t get Allied Races in 8.2.5. :smiley:


this would be the worst possible scenario, do not match gilgoblin with junkgnome!
To match something fantastic like vulperas, with junkgnomes, would be discouraging, because junkgnomes will not do for the alliance, what vulperas will do for the horde, no matter how some lore about it!

If we receive only junkgnomes (WV68) as compromise by vulperas (Ferrari F-500), this is going to be like throwing garbage in the alliance!

There is no lore in hell or in heaven that does something discouraging as junkgnomes match the vulperas!

I do not want to deal with boring junkgnomes!


Speak for yourself. As a HUGE fan of Gnomes I loved what we saw of the Mechagnomes from Blizzcon. And if there is a playable Allied Race based on that Iā€™m on board. I would put them one notch below Vulpera for myself.

Youā€™re welcome to your opinion but objectively speaking gnomes are the least played race in the game. An allied race thatā€™s only slightly different from a race nobody plays anyway isnā€™t going to be exciting news to anyone but maybe 2% of the Alliance player base.

Vulpera at least are something new.


And I want Vulpera, theyā€™re probably my most anticipated rumored Allied Race. Iā€™m going to roll at least 2 if theyā€™re released. But I doubt theyā€™re coming anytime soon. I donā€™t care how much we want them and how much supposed work was done, I donā€™t think weā€™re getting them soon if ever. But Iā€™d be welcome to be wrong on this one.

I expect weā€™ll get Gilgoblin way before we get Vulpera, which sucks, bc even though I love Goblins, Gilgoblins are weird for me.

Iā€™m more or less resigned to the idea that Vulpera will be an end of expac ā€œtide us over till 9.0ā€ release like the original allied races were. So no, not any time soon, but if they do happen they need to be paired with something interesting and new. Iā€™m kind of hoping the Ankora get a lot of love out of 8.2 so that they can be a candidate because they at least look like something original.

Junker gnome aesthetic should just be extra customization options you can unlock for gnomes in the same vein that the night warrior eyes were unlocked for nightelves.


I donā€™t concur. I think Gnome players need attention more than most other races. And if Blizz keeps to their current MO all the other races get an associated Allied Race and Gnomes donā€™t, that would be a real stinker that Blizz laid on us.

And with Mechagon thereā€™s a real good chance in creating a new subculture of Gnomes that work as a real Allied Race.

Iā€™m not against the coming of junkgnomes to the Alliance!
I just know it will be very, very sad to pair something like junkgnomes, with something like vulperas!

They should come paired with gilgoblins!
Not with something new and remarkable as vulperas!
The Alliance already had to receive voidbelves, with zero lore and whose only value is the appearance of blood elves!

Seeing Horde take something so well done ( vulperas ), just for the alliance to receive scrap ( junkgnomes )?

This will not attract players or real interest to the Alliance, the way vulperas will go to Horde!
We already have few players in ally, compared to the horde, and we will give more reasons for the few who are here to invest time in the horde?

We will certainly see queues of people eager to play with reconditioned gnomes, as much as we will see people wanting to play with vulperas!

Letā€™s not be irreverent to believe that a WV 68 will be more attractive than a Ferrari! Please!

And again, if I have not been clear, I am not against the coming of junkgnomes for the alliance!
It will only be tragic that they come in response to the vulperas!


Iā€™m not at all convinced that every not allied race will receive an allied companion, if only because as a worgen main I know very well that Blizzard isnā€™t going to produce something special to tie in with the Gilneans.

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The only thing I could see that already exists in game that could have equal draw would be uncorrupt Arrakoa or High Elves. Unless thereā€™s something really cool with those samurai fish that are coming in 8.2. I donā€™t know their name. I donā€™t see the attraction yet. But some people seem to be buzzing about it.

Iā€™m really hoping for Night Elf Worgen that have been trapped in the Emerald Dream/Nightmare. Theyā€™ve been Worgen so long theyā€™ve lost the ability to change back into their elven forms. Also I hope they have glowing arms and legs like Cenarius, maybe with color options.

That and with their growing popularity would save a lot of subs most that have left or thinking of leaving but want something new that isnā€™t an elf or orc related.


We see some in Valshara, same as the ones we have as playable!

But is not enough of so much elf?
Night elves, blood elves, nightbournes, voibelves!
Now peoples want the whole elf stick to be playable?

Can not we have something other than another elf variable, or just have the fact of being an elf, as a justification for being a playable race again for the 5th or 6th time?

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If anything, Forsaken and goblins are the answer to skaven.

Lizardmen, I donā€™t know. I guess Zandalari trolls?

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