Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Which I actually do not disagree with what so ever. As I mentioned, I’m not against Junkers as the gnome counterpart.

Which is also true, but it is still the worgen model~ :stuck_out_tongue: male/female it’s still utilizing the worgen model in one shape, way or form. As for them not having a lot to go for them right now, they actually have entire reworks done for them since being spoken of back at Blizzcon 2017. They had their models completely revamped (used to be as large as tauren if you can believe it). They have many custom animations. A Geoset (which means armor can be completely removed and is not ‘glued’ onto the model like the Tortollan model is), this would allow the removal/replacement of gear on their models. They also have an Heart of Azeroth animation, like the Vulpera have as well. There was even shown work of them with capes and talbards.

Really, the only thing Sethrak are missing right now: is story to link them to the main story like the Vulpera have. I have a hunch that something will happen, and with the Naga incursions taking place in Vol’dun as well, I have a feeling they MIGHT become involved with the old god content stuff somehow or that Vol’dun will somehow become extremely relevant for 8.3 when that rolls around.

What we do know: Sethrak follow worgen (even if it’s only the female, it’s still worgen ;p) model, Vulpera follow Goblin and Junker follow Gnome…that leaves the undead for which we don’t really know what their counter could be yet.

Of course this is also just my own educated guess.

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I feel the end of the expansion might meet a very similar end to 7.3 where we get two pairs of races for each side. OR we get Junker and horde gets something to pair with undead, somehow. And Vulpera/Sethrak might be slated as a ‘new race’ for 9.0 or used as a hook and bait for that expansion.

It’s also a possibility that the Junker gnome might just open a road into a customization option for Tinker, like DH got for legion.

Again, this is all just simple conjecture.

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I look at it as the complete opposite… What is a good counter to Vulpera? Cause Junkgnomes are just that… Junk. Aesthetically they are on the wrong side of uncanny valley, and they are gnomes, and does anyone actually LIKE gnomes?

I think it will probably happen cause Blizzard has a distinct tendency to shaft Alliance, but a proper counter would be Sethrak. Something completly new and BFA related that would get players excited for. A hideus retread of an unpopular race when horde get something as amazing as Vulpera would be just Blizzard saying FU to the Alliance… Again…


Well you guys did just kill a powerful leader, and managed to get away with your leaders lives.

I don’t think the Alliance is being shafted

We killed the leader of a potential horde ally, and replaced him with someone far more flexible and competent. In the process we almost lose 2 of our better leaders, and then proceed to stick our heads up our arses in the follow up.

Most alliance I speak to consider it a pretty phyric victory. Especially when looked at in comparison to say Teldrasil. I know Blizzard calls it an alliance fist pump moment, but its not viewed that way. They really just don’t get the alliance IMO. Especially cause its blatantly obvious that the alliance fleet advantage is going to get wiped out by Azshara in 8.2


You still won, end of story, and we failed
End of story.

Jaina should’ve died. But nope, she has plot armour.

This is not the thread to continue this subject and it gets aggravating every time I hear “Horde bias” involving the Vulpera.

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No one is calling horde bias when it comes to Vulpera. People only will be if the companion for alliance is something that is just…uninteresting and boring, as many fear it will be.

But I agree, this is not the place for anyone to be crying out horde/alliance bias on each other.

I just know of the concerns for the alliance allied races. I agree with Direshot though, that the only AR in terms of aesthetic and ‘want’ is the Sethrak. A race that has been shown off for the same amount of time, pre-expansion, that the Vulpera have been receiving.


I honestly think Junker Gnomes are completely bland and boring over Vulpera who are an entirely separate race on their own.

I do think that if they’re the foil to Vulpera, the Alliance got the short end of the stick.

We already know the Vulpera want nothing to do with the Alliance, but as for them being an allied race is up in the air.

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Agreed that this isnt the place to argue that, doesnt change my expectation to get junkgnomes instead of something anyone cares about.

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It’s a tad insulting to be told about a new and exciting race, when all it is is just an existing race with mech technology.

Especially a race that isn’t exactly popular in the first place.

I agree that the Alliance will be shafted on that.


With them, at Blizzard, saying that ARs will happen when it’s appropriate for the story and a ‘new race’ would be released at the start of an expansion. I have the gut feeling that Sethrak and Vulpera will be treated as a new race and thus slotted for 9.0.

I mean, yes, they take a borrowed skeleton but they’re entirely new and unrelated to any other race in the game aside from the tweaked skeleton.

Vulpera use animations from the Goblins, yes, and Sethrak actually use numerous, exaggerated versions of the male Pandaren animation. But they don’t really fit the bill as an ‘allied’ race, not that we’ve seen thus far. So, if anything, I think they might be considered ‘new’ instead of allied…which if that’s the case, I can see why they’d take the entire expansion to build upon these races to ensure that the proper work and effort is made to make them as…flawless(?) as possible.

I think Sand Gnomes would be a better choice than Junker Gnomes.


I’m guessing he is talking about ol Rastapasta.


I don’t know the horde side of the story too well…but who had more importance in BfA so far? between Rasta and Talanji?

Talanji is set to be a great leader from the start. Rastakhan is portrayed as well-meaning, but out of his time, overconfident and incompetent.

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Sethrak can be Worgen allied race


So do you consider it being the loss of a major leader when the focus was on Talanji the majority of the time?

Losing her would have a greater impact I’d think.

Either way it got a stronger sense of fealty from the Vulpera with his loss. So that’s important at least :stuck_out_tongue:

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Losing King Rattata may have been a blessing in disguise in moving the Vulpera more towards joining the Horde. They wanted no part of the war, but it seems like fate may have different plans for them that may just push them into it so that they survive.

I for one hope to see the day where they will shout FOR THE HORDE as a warcry and invoke their inner Nisha on the enemy!


The Alliance has already given many reasons to be seen as a threat to the people of Zandalar!
And vulperas do not seem to be willing to suffer from “Ally’s bullying”!

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