Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

So, for a while now I have been saying I think it would be awesome to see Vulpera Paladins and really have not stated why outside of things like the Datamined Charger spell from months back.

Given that this is a consolidated discussion/appreciation thread I kinda wanted to lightly flesh out why I think Vulpera would be great a great choice for the next race of Horde Paladins. So buckle up, grab the nearest Human Male Paladin, bust out your holy texts, and lets begin!

So starting off I want to point out that the Vulpera have yet to fully side with the Horde but have been actively interacting and observing us for a while, even running supplies for us and being attacked by the Alliance for us. With that said they have surely seen many of the different groups that make up the Horde as well as have knowledge about their Zandalari neighbors and their practices.

We know that the Vulpera are very cunning and have been known to adapt and work with what they have to survive the harsh lands of Vol’dun. With the patch 8.1 invasions and attacks against the Vulpera I am sure that they are pretty wounded as a whole right now and are in the process of licking said woulds. It was bad enough they had groups of Sethrak, Crazed Trolls, Vol’dun’s harsh environment and its creatures, ect to worry about but now another, far more massive than previous threats, enemy is tacked on and one could argue how it would negatively impact their morale.

One can only be beaten down so much before it starts to weigh down on you.

This is where strong willed Vulpera pick themselves up and do what they do best, assess the situation and their options and adapt. As I mentioned up above, at this point they should be much more familiar with the Horde and stories about the Horde as well as groups like the Zandalari Prelates. All of this planting the seed of “What if
” What if they too could harness powers like that of “The Light” they have seen and heard others use in various different ways. This also probably opens up the same question regarding “The Void” with Shadow Priests and such as well as other classes not natural to them.

So now you have Vulpera who have been aiding their Horde friends, having taken a bit of a beating, now looking to reach out to the Horde for tools to counter ever growing and new threats. This could involve notable figures reaching out to different, notable, class leaders and learning new ways to fight to bring back to the rest of the Vulpera.

Now, considering that since Legion a lot more focus has been put on “The Light” and “The Void”, this could be a fantastic way to further explore those concepts, what they mean for the already existing various races of the Horde, and what they mean for the Vulpera.

A questline revolving around either pre-existing Named Vulpera or new NPC’s going on a journey and learning from the different races as well as a good chance to flesh out “What makes a Paladin” more as Sunwalkers, Blood Knights, and Prelates are re-explored and the Vulpera discover their own source to draw from. All the while, perhaps another NPC is discovering the Void from various groups of the Horde as well such as the Shadowmoon Mag’har, Blood Elves, ect.

Perhaps these two NPC’s in this side story of class discovery were close friends, maybe even family, who choose different paths and then come to a similar point that Turalyon and Alleria have of being on the same factional side but polar opposites of the spectrum and if its okay to be that, is it okay to be friends anymore? That whole “The Light sees half the picture and the void can see the other half (As well as a million other halves)” thing could be re-explored as well from the audio drama “A Thousand Year War”

This could be of the unlocking quest chain, the Vulpera going about learning and adapting through the wisdom and aid of their new Horde allies. Its a good chance to re-explore different classes and what they bring to the Horde, and how different races have different ideals, as the Vulpera look for ways to empower themselves to stand against forces like the Alliance and any threats. In the process they discover a new home within the Horde and how much of a mixing pot it, and its races, are. I also feel there could be great ties between the Vulpera and Tauren considering that the Tauren were once more nomadic like the Vulpera and settled in with the Horde.

I think it would be AWESOME but I will be blunt, I am very biased with this desire for Vulpera, and specifically Paladins more than anything. I really would love to see this come to be if they are added as an Allied Race as it would be an instant race change for me. I think there is a lot of room for lore there with discovering new sources of power and figuring out what it means for them as well as exploring the already existing drastically different ideals and philosophies of the various different Horde races. It also aligns well, once again, with the build up of “The Light” and “The Void” that’s been ramping up as of late specifically with Paladin and Shadow Priests.

Anyway, I just wanted to put to post why I think it would be a cool concept to explore and why I think it could fit, giving my two cents as a huge fan of the Vulpera and someone who is hoping that they become our next Horde Allied Race.

And if none of that has convinced anyone, just imagine this

A dusty, bleak, battlefield with a losing battle being fought for Horde forces. Hope seems lost when suddenly a Warhorn is heard, attention turning to the distance as chanting can be heard

"Dolly and Dot are my best friends

Armored Alpaca crest a ridge as a platoon of Vulpera Paladin arrive atop their armor clad Alpaca. It is at this point, the Alliance know they are done for

Just imagine that in all its glory. Yes, I get goosebumps too just thinking about such a majestic sight :wink:


All that and plus the Horde champion aka “You” are their hero we helped them rescue their people, push the Faithless back, take down Korthek Nisha seems to be on good terms with us and Vorrik since she said it was a honor to fight alongside both plus with the Alliance killing the King it’s just a matter of time they are probably not on good terms with Kultias since the attacks on their shipments plus Ashvane enslaving their people to mine Azerite.


is there lore for vulperan druids?



See, I feel like Vulpera / Sethrak are more associated with BfA than the speculative Shadowlands and should be released sooner than later because, as it has also been speculated, the next xpac should include a hero class which will be available upon release. RELEASE THE VULPERA! RELEASE THE SETHRAK! :fire::fox_face::snake:


VW 68 ( junkgnome ) for Alliance and Ferrari F-500 ( vulpera ) for Horde?
Smell “compromise” for Ally!

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Wait what? A datamined vulpera charged spell??? :open_mouth: :o: O


That’s a theory on the next expansion? Already? We’re barely halfway into BFA.

Necromancer? If it’s shadowlands which refers to the default afterlife in azeroth. Not including the various deities creating a special place for their honored death. (Like all trolls go with Bwonsamdi, Valkyr go to Odyn, Night elves become wisps, etc). Then necromancer would make a lot of sense.

“But we already have death knights!” Necromancer to death knights would be priest to paladin, warlock to demon hunter, etc. Though a Void oriented class meant to be like a shadow priest paladin could also be cool. But none of the new classes added to the game have been ranged dps. I think 2 dps spec, and 1 heal for necromancer. One spec focuses on raising a bunch of undead minions, another focuses on plague, and disease, and another focuses on blood magic to heal. It doesn’t have to be a hero class tbh.

If it were necromancer what races? Human and Orc obviously. Idk about Dwarf? Undead for sure. Night elves probably not, same with tauren. Gnomes, I don’t see why not, trolls, yes. Draenei? No. Blood elves? Maybe? Historically I’d say yes but their current holy light kicking out the shadow priests might mean no. Worgen, Probably, Goblin? Probably. Pandaren? Unlikely. KT humans? Probably? Mag’har orcs, Probably. Void elves? Most likely. Nightborn? Probably. LF Draenei/HM Tauren hard no. Dark Iron Dwarves, yes, Zandalari trolls. Probably not.

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I don’t know, there are other threads that discuss that. :wink:

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This video makes me excited and hopeful. I really feel like Vulpera are a matter of when and not if, especially given how much fans are showing support for the race.

Give me Vulperas and Ogres, and I’ll be a very content dude!


Plus the fact that they’re 90% ready to be playable already. They have all the custom player animations. I think a few helms don’t fit right on them. And of course they need a mount and questline and boom done. Problem is lack of alliance counterpart that is player ready. As much as I love Sethrak I don’t see it happening. Who do they get recruited by? They have no sexual dimorphism. They can wear gear but it looks really weird on them similar to naga. Stretched and distorted. Junker/Mechagnomes are more likely counterpart.

The dire blood trolls would be a good base appearance for female ogre
 I’d love to play that so much
 especially as a warrior in the pink skimpy set with hearts on it from nilla


Ever seen Worgen or Tauren helms?

We shouldn’t be trying to downplay other possible ARs here. The Sethrak are a much desired playable race and easy to work into the storyline. Vulpera mistake an breach of truce reiterating their belief that all Sethrak are the same and the only good Sethrak is a dead one and begin to outright retaliate, forcing the Devoted right into the 7th Legions open arms. The Sethrak’s inimate knowledge of the land and their adversary is vital to the Alliance’s mission in Voldun.

Done and done. :wink::fox_face::snake::+1:


Yeah I wasn’t disagreeing that it could work lore wise. I said game dev wise it is unlikely. Unlike Vulpera they don’t seem to be builty to be player ready. There has never been a playable androngynous race before. While I think it’d be cool I doubt it’s gonna happen. People will QQ that the alliance only got one model with their allied races while horde got 2. So it requires A LOT of work. I’m not saying it’s impossible. Just not likely. Especially when compared to Vulpera who as I said are practically done and an intern could finish them up.

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It doesn’t require any more work than Vulpera. The models are the same as Worgen so armor already works with the exception of some helms, same as Vulpera. There are male and female Sethrak in game, Blizz does a good job depicting genders. I don’t think it’s cool to inject your doubt or negativity into something other people want. Regardless of how you feel about them, they are very likely.


I want them. But I’m not being negative I’m being realistic. They have genders in game only via voice acting. They use the same model. And while yes they use the worgen skeleton gear still looks awkward on them. All stretched out textures. I’m sorry. Sometimes reality bites. They made a whole movie about it. It could happen but I find it unlikely. The nightborn npcs used the regular night elf model but they had to rebuild nightborn from scratch to be playable because they couldn’t wear player armour correctly. A lot of people feel they didn’t do as good of a job and loss the spirit of the original nightborn model. Sethrak aren’t that far off, but they’d either have to make a separate female model for them. Or endure 1,000 years of QQ of them having the same model for male/females. Gnome male/females use the same base skeleton just with some slight changes and added “Assets”. So it could happen. But I find it unlikely. I’d say less then 10% chance at playable Sethrak while give a 95% chance at playable vulpera. (Bliz would be basically throwing money away to not make vulpera playable). I’d give it an 80% chance at playable mechagnomes. I’d rather have sethrak then junker gnomes. And you can be hype and hopeful all you want. But I prefer not to get my hopes up to be disappointed and there is nothing wrong with injecting realistic outcomes into this thread. I mean it’s blizz so it’s not impossible that they’ll let us all down and won’t make Vulpera playable either.

People also want Tortollons, but I find that unlikely as well.

I’ve wanted playable Naga, forever. But that probably won’t happen.


To be honest I am not super hype about the mechagnomes. I like gnomes alright. But cyborg gnomes just don’t especially appeal to me.

Me either. I get Gnomes absolutely have to get an associated AR at some point and Mechagnomes are almost certainly the most logical, and I don’t begrudge anyone that likes them, but, ugh
 Gnomes are the least played Classic race for a reason.


I wish. I’d love to have Vulpera druids so much.


I mean lets be honest with their Pokemon counterparts is there anything a Vulpera can’t become?

In all seriousness they have so much potential as survivors and adapters from living in harsh environments. I can see them being so many of the classes we have available.


Epic Gnome Volleyball matches


Not going to lie. I lulled.

Not necessarily. Physical appearance isn’t the only thing that defines an Allied Race; their culture and civilization also play a big part in what makes them interesting. The Junker’s are getting their own Mechagon zone (and mega-dungeon), and by the looks of their aesthetics Blizz is heavily basing them off of Bioshock’s style (just with cybernetics instead of plasmids/tonics).

There is at least the possibility of an interesting Allied race locked in that mechanical world; and by the looks of the Vulpera they are likely to have to rely heavier on how they adapt to their homes being destroyed (and their subsequent increased interactions with the Horde and Zandalari) for the enrichment of their lore (provided they are to become an allied race).

Junkers for Gnomes; Vulpera for Gobs; ? for Humans or Worgen; ? for Forsaken.

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