Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Keeping the faith. Keeping the faith. Keeping the faith. Fingers crossed keeping the faith. Toes crossed keeping the faith. Eyes crossed keepin, ouchy momma. Eyes crossed keeping the faith.

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Keeping the faith. *Eyebrow wriggle to lon and Lore.


We need Darci Lynne’s Edna Doorknocker to sing to lon, about Vulpera, like she sang to that Simon feller on America’s Got Talent 2017. Pure perfection. We’d have Vulpera yesterday. :smiley:

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Guys, have you seen this?

Seems like there will be some Blizzard activity in Pax East. I think they’ll talk 8.2, and maybe we could even get 8.2 PTR by thursday.

Cross your fingers, we could get some juicy datamining.


And denial is something Horde would say and do. They are gone. Denial just hurts you more.

If you want to argue about this, do it on the San’layn thread. Enough of that here. People have expressed they want it, it’s not going to change. Debate on that topic would be for that thread, not a thread on Vulpera.


And it’s not relevant to the topic at all, at this point an attempt at derailment. Therefore, you’re trolling.

Before someone says: “Well they brought it up first”? Doesn’t work that way. Saying “I want (race) and Vulpera too” isn’t an issue. It would be if they attempted to have a long discussion on an irrelevant race to here like that. But they didn’t, and aren’t starting an argument for the sake of arguing, then refusing to drop it over two weeks later. At that point it’s just blatant baiting, especially when I pointed out the appropriate place to argue the topic and was met with trollish snark.

I’m done responding to you and suggest everyone else ignore this troll, considering this isn’t the place to start arguments about entirely unrelated allied race ideas, unless he has something to say about Vulpera.

Anyway back on topic, I hope we see more Vulpera lore in 8.2.


Do they have a panel or presentation at pax east? I can’t seem to find information


I don’t know details. Maybe they’ll do something small.

If we get Vulpera and Sethrak, which I do want, I suspect it will be after Worgen and Forsaken related Allied Races in 8.3.5. And I don’t think Vulpera will be the Goblin related AR. I think Gilgoblin will be that with the Mechagnomes to accompany the Nazjatar and Mechagon settings. But I still hope Vulpera and Sethrak are added, sooner than later. Preferably last year when it made most sense in the storyline.

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I hope we see something soon for sure!


Considering the Alliance have been mean to the Vulpera, one logical way of them joining the Horde is if the Sethrak did end up joining the Alliance. They’re already supporters of the Zandalari, and logically could seek to join them and the Horde for survival at that point.

Even without Sethrak, I’m sure something could be done with their ties to the Zandalari at least to help fend off the Alliance.

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Beating everyone else with this, look!


I think this says everything perfectly. I linked it in the breaking news section!


Don’t tease me like this that’s just plain mean.

Oh crap I should have specified it’s a speculation video :stuck_out_tongue: My bad, haha


Hmm. I guess it kinda makes sense that Worgen and Goblin could be the “allied” races for 7.2.x. Given how few play them, maybe Blizzard won’t want to steal the spotlight from the model updates so more people give them a try?

As such, the million dollar question is what will 7.3 be about (assuming there is one) and why would it make sense to add Vulpera then? Maybe after we down Azshara, N’zoth shows up in Silithus to get the band back together reform Black Empire, corrupt Azeroth, and stuff. If there’s to be another war in the desert there, Vulpera would be a valuable ally. Both for the logistics of transporting things through a desert, and tactically, due to their ability to sneak around an empty wasteland.

I can almost see the cinematic now. Two gnome rogues are standing just outside a massive Azerite+N’zoth empowered Silithid hive. One says to the other “How are we supposed to sneak in there? All this sand has shorted out my stealthsuit and there’s no trees or bushes to hide in.” Then the gnome gets sapped by a foxy rogue stealthing by who mutters one word to herself: “Amateurs…”


Plot twist: we recruit the sand gnomes


I Unironically want this actually.
The Sand Gnomes are untapped potential.


I’m not gonna say I can see the future. But the very moment I saw the new mechagnome models. “Those are gonna be playable.” 8.2 will establish the alliance making friends with a group of mechagnomes. We will then get mechagnomes for alliance, and vulpera for horde in 8.2.5. Mark my words.

To be honest I am not super hype about the mechagnomes. I like gnomes alright. But cyborg gnomes just don’t especially appeal to me. Especially without a tinker class. If they could be druids with mech animal forms that’d be cool, but I doubt it. It’s be on the list with HM Tauren and LF Draenei of allied races that I won’t RC a toon to.