Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

What do you mean ? For Humans? That’s the Kul’Tirans.

Orcs have Mag’Har
Humans have Kul’Tirans
Tauren have Highmountain
Dwarves have Dark Iron
Night Elves have Nightbourne (Who The Horde got.)
Blood Elves have Void Evles (Who the Alliance got.)
Trolls have Zandalari
Draenei have Lightforged
That leaves Forsaken, Worgen, Gnomes, Goblins, and Pandaren.


While the existing pattern of every allied race borrowing assets from a different core race seems pretty hard to deny, I believe it is more the result of diversifying the allied races and not a direct development decision to create a one to one mapping. What I mean is, just the act of trying to create a diverse cast of allied races has so far enabled every allied race to borrow from a different core race by chance, and there is a possibility this pattern may be broken in the future in such a case where a potential allied race differs quite thematically from another allied race but might share a similar silhouette. This might include races like san’lyn who borrow from blood elves but still differ enough from them and void elves to get added. Other races might include gilgoblins, pretty undead, undead night elves, or man’ari.

The reason I point this out is because I don’t see any terribly viable option for an allied race that can use worgen assets. The only two things even being requested are night elf worgen and saberon, but we haven’t seen a hint of either of these in the plot. I suspect worgen might not end up lending assets at all and Blizzard releases something else instead


idk, forsaken already look pretty undead :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay, that was funny


Oh wow, I get it, hekhekhek.

Also, and you shouldn’t be surprised I’m saying this, but… reminder that Vulpera druids would be awesome and I wish we had evidence of them in game.


I would eat up evidence of ANY magic class right now. But druids or paladins would be especially neat


I’m hoping for mages then we can have endless firefox jokes.


I agree with everything there.

My own bets for next allied races didn’t include worgen. I think it’s more likely that we will see a kul tiran reskin (ogres) than a worgen reskin.


Sethrakk use the worgen skeleton.


Same goes for destro locks my man.


Regarding allied races with a Worgen model, a video I saw, done by Keeper of Lore, regarding Ogres as an allied race brought up a neat idea of bringing Ogres and Night Elf Worgen along with a warfront in Feralas to take to fight over Dire Maul.

I mention this because it seems like any race that can be an allied race can have a potentially interesting storyline bit of some sort not really seen at the moment, thus it is hard to predict what could come next. Night Elf Worgen, while not having much of a presence currently, could factor in much later as the Night Elf storyline develops, depending on the direction Blizzard wants to go with the story.

Hopefully, we’ll get evidence of something sooner or later, though.

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Lore wise I could see night elf worgen happening. The Gilean worgen resulted from night elf worgen breaking free of the emerald dream and infecting the population. Since the Gilneans have manage to bring the curse under control, and in some cases even embrace the physical changes to fight along side other heroes of the alliance. Lorewise I could see them doing the same for the cursed night elves, and in doing so causing their worgen form to take on a more elegant, noble appearance reflective of their original night elf selves.

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So they would have to change the models to reflect this, which would be ridiculous since the models are physically identical since the cataclysm!

Worgen of Gilneas are physically indistinguishable from worgen elves!
So are we going to add feathers and antlers to deer? Shiny tattoos?
In cultural terms, they are just more elves!
They would be just elves with worgen motif!
I already anticipate something as dull as what was done with Kultirans!


In there defence which came up a few times in that Night Elf Worgen megathread is that before Cataclysm you looked like feral wolves and during the Alpha there was a merger of pre Cata and post Cata Worgen models that never made it live, the basis of that exact model is the one you can use for either Night Elf Worgen or Feral Worgen if made playable, plus i added myself over there for Night Elf Worgen we can add a shorter face, altered ears, maybe something more primal/nature looking like elven tattoos for example and so on.

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So who wants to bet on the “Announce Vulpera on April Fools then double down tomorrow and admit it’s real” theory?

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Updated the front page with totally real news!

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I support the inclusion of the Vulpera as an Allied race.


Welcome to the caravan!


Must find out what’s inside the wagons. Needs must. Inquiring rogue wants to know more.


Please tell your fellow alliance members to stop burning them to get inside! If you ask politely they’ll probably just show you!