Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

06/05/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Papajayy
06/05/2018 07:56 PMPosted by Eevee

I don't think you're right, but that's actually the most convincing narrative I've yet heard explaining why they'd go alliance.

But there personalities abd what they believe in suit the alliance a lot more then the horde. All they want to do is to be free from the slavery and feel safe wherever they go and honestly the alliance looks a lot better then horde this xpac thanks to sylvannas starting the war and besides the goblins were still treated like slaves in the horde when garrosh was warchief. Not sure if anything has changed but It looks like the goblins are used to do the dirty work. Vulpera just want to be free
the vulpera share very little with the goblins anymore, their animations have been updated. Run,sleep,casting is different now. And it keeps getting different.
Also goblins have fully-functional monk animations, there was a MoP quest where you got illusioned into a goblin and if you were a monk all your normal monk animations worked just fine.
06/01/2018 10:09 PMPosted by Jackofdemons
Only thing I'm wondering now is what patch will they be in after bfa launches? I hope they are hard to get!

I want people to complain that they have to grind and do abunch of quests to obtain then! Have them making threads saying why did they buy BFA if they don't get the new races asap? In the most eloquent and whiney way possible!

Because that will make playing the vulpera all the more joyful and well earned!
I can't wait for all the folk who said they'd quit the game over the Vulpera to come here and cry.
06/02/2018 04:36 AMPosted by Oomrongorgal
Isn't Blizzcon coming soon? Maybe they'll confirm them then. Confirmation would be nice, even if i'm already certain we'll be getting them.
An early confirmation and how to unlock them would be nice it'd give those who were to lazy to start the allied races in Legion a head start and if they still haven't gotten them well they can't blame Blizzard.
06/02/2018 04:36 AMPosted by Oomrongorgal
Isn't Blizzcon coming soon? Maybe they'll confirm them then. Confirmation would be nice, even if i'm already certain we'll be getting them.

Well, if BfA is anything like Legion I get the gut feeling we will learn about some of the future content patches for BfA at the upcoming Blizzcon.
06/02/2018 05:33 AMPosted by Alaeis
06/02/2018 04:44 AMPosted by Dliver
Anyhow, that seems like it'd be a pretty weird Blizzcon announcement.

Not really if Vulpera and their counter (hopefully Sethrak) Are meant to be the one truly brand new race we see as an allied race. The rest and lining up to be more akin to sub races.

But yeah. November isn't really 'soon' I wager we'll get more hints in the story before then.

You know what, you're right, it could be. It's just that all this art stuff has tended to leak so early in the past (new models, new pets, new mounts, new races, etc. not being well-kept secrets).
I remember a time when there was hype through concept sketches that were intentionally pushed forward, heh.

Well, the Vulpera and Goblins do still share a few animations, in a sense. The Run, Walk, and CastOmni for example are still essentially the same animation but with a much higher level of polish, including facial and tail animation. The CastDirected however, has been fully reworked for the Vulpera, plus animations like Sleep are clearly unique to them.

But it's the same over with the Sethrak, in that there's a few animation that have timings which line up with the Worgen females, but even in those cases the animations are drastically improved or changed to suit the snek.

This very duality is what gives us strong hopes for both Vulpera and Sethrak in the future.

Working with Upton on the animation research is really fascinating to me. I don't think I could ever actually work with models myself, but I'm a lot more interested in the techniques of workflow, how they generate them and how much effort is actually needed for each one, etc.

The Vulpera Hype Caravan has co-ordinated with Wowhead to create a page detailing the Vulpera as a hypothetical allied race! Here you can find all kinds of interesting facts as well as see all the work put into their art assets!
06/06/2018 07:31 PMPosted by Eevee

The Vulpera Hype Caravan has co-ordinated with Wowhead to create a page detailing the Vulpera as a hypothetical allied race! Here you can find all kinds of interesting facts as well as see all the work put into their art assets!
good read! Really liked the animation comparisons!!

Love this community and I can't wait for the vulpera!
06/05/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Papajayy
06/05/2018 07:56 PMPosted by Eevee

I don't think you're right, but that's actually the most convincing narrative I've yet heard explaining why they'd go alliance.

But there personalities abd what they believe in suit the alliance a lot more then the horde. All they want to do is to be free from the slavery and feel safe wherever they go and honestly the alliance looks a lot better then horde this xpac thanks to sylvannas starting the war and besides the goblins were still treated like slaves in the horde when garrosh was warchief. Not sure if anything has changed but It looks like the goblins are used to do the dirty work. Vulpera just want to be free

All of your "evidence" for Alliance Vulpera is just personal fanfiction.

If you honestly believe that the Alliance will get the Vulpera you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. All Vulpera content is Horde-exclusive. There are even Vulpera NPCs in the game that are PvP flagged as Horde. Not to mention the slight detail that the Vulpera are tagged with the algorithms of a playable Horde race in their source code.

Oh, and by the way, the Kul'Tirans have a nasty practice of kidnapping and enslaving the yes, the Vulpera will probably hate one of the factions for slavery, but it's not gonna be the Horde.
06/06/2018 10:06 PMPosted by Porschea
06/05/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Papajayy

But there personalities abd what they believe in suit the alliance a lot more then the horde. All they want to do is to be free from the slavery and feel safe wherever they go and honestly the alliance looks a lot better then horde this xpac thanks to sylvannas starting the war and besides the goblins were still treated like slaves in the horde when garrosh was warchief. Not sure if anything has changed but It looks like the goblins are used to do the dirty work. Vulpera just want to be free

All of your "evidence" for Alliance Vulpera is just personal fanfiction.

If you honestly believe that the Alliance will get the Vulpera you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. All Vulpera content is Horde-exclusive. There are even Vulpera NPCs in the game that are PvP flagged as Horde. Not to mention the slight detail that the Vulpera are tagged with the algorithms of a playable Horde race in their source code.

Oh, and by the way, the Kul'Tirans have a nasty practice of kidnapping and enslaving the yes, the Vulpera will probably hate one of the factions for slavery, but it's not gonna be the Horde.

This. There was even an interview a month or two ago where they talked about future allied races, that they wanted to break the mold of horde having all ferocious-looking races and the alliance having all the "friendly" looking ones. Vulpera for horde and sethrak for alliance perfectly fit that vision.
06/06/2018 10:10 PMPosted by Morteth
This. There was even an interview a month or two ago where they talked about future allied races, that they wanted to break the mold of horde having all ferocious-looking races and the alliance having all the "friendly" looking ones. Vulpera for horde and sethrak for alliance perfectly fit that vision.

I agree here. As I've pointed out before, prior to allied races, new races always added something a faction was lacking, rarely more of the same.
06/05/2018 07:54 PMPosted by Papajayy
I honestly believe the Vulpera will join the alliance.

Why? well simple.

The alliance are yet to have a race with the goblin model.

Yes I understand they become friends with the horde during the questing zones but I believe as soon as they find out what Sylvannas has done they will seek the alliance for protection as they will be afraid of becoming slaves to the horde.

Y'know, this makes a lot of sense - perfect sense actually, but I don't see it happening. Why? Because Blizzard doesn't know how to write consistent characters. Why? Pandaren in a nutshell.

It made no sense for Pandaren to join the Horde. None at all. But they did because lolBlizzard and Sam Wyse and it was incredibly dumb and inconsistent writing so I have little faith in Vulpera being on the Alliance even though it would be a good fit for them.
06/06/2018 10:44 PMPosted by Saelara
Y'know, this makes a lot of sense - perfect sense actually, but I don't see it happening. Why? Because Blizzard doesn't know how to write consistent characters. Why? Pandaren in a nutshell.

It made no sense for Pandaren to join the Horde. None at all. But they did because lolBlizzard and Sam Wyse and it was incredibly dumb and inconsistent writing so I have little faith in Vulpera being on the Alliance even though it would be a good fit for them.

Just to be clear here: I absolutely, 100% agree the Vulpera would feel more at home and safe in the alliance. They're a good fit and I think they'd be well accepted.

That's why from a game development reason, they are going horde. Now when your alliance guild falls apart and all your friends faction transfer to horde to join a new guild you'll have a different option than a Panda to pick from when you race change because you want to play with your friends but still want your character to be more cute than smelly monster/pointy barbie

...I may or may not be speaking from experience here > >
I kinda hope they join the Horde or start neutral so I can play/race change one and stay with my guild.
I'm all for the Vulpera joining the Horde... on the condition that the Sethrak join the Alliance.
I doubt they will but I am kinda hoping that some new Allied Races are revealed at the E3 story panel. Maybe even some sort of epic slip up :P
06/06/2018 10:59 PMPosted by Eevee
06/06/2018 10:44 PMPosted by Saelara
Y'know, this makes a lot of sense - perfect sense actually, but I don't see it happening. Why? Because Blizzard doesn't know how to write consistent characters. Why? Pandaren in a nutshell.

It made no sense for Pandaren to join the Horde. None at all. But they did because lolBlizzard and Sam Wyse and it was incredibly dumb and inconsistent writing so I have little faith in Vulpera being on the Alliance even though it would be a good fit for them.

Just to be clear here: I absolutely, 100% agree the Vulpera would feel more at home and safe in the alliance. They're a good fit and I think they'd be well accepted.

Oh great. Here we go with the forced bewilderment over X race joining the Horde. Again.

First of all, how does it not make sense for the Pandaren to join the Horde? The Huojin are very straightforward in their lore -- their philosophies match the dynamics of the Horde. It's quite easy to understand.

Also, why are we making such presumptions all of a sudden about the Vulpera "feeling more comfortable and accepted" with the Alliance? The Horde saves the Vulpera civilization. The Kul'Tirans who ally with the Alliance attack and enslave the Vulpera (and the Horde comes to their rescue there as well). It seems to me that the Vulpera would feel infinitely better off in the ranks of the Horde. And while I'm at it, why are we referring to the Vulpera as delicate little shivering snowflakes that need protection? From everything we've seen so far, they are survivors and fighters. No matter how cute they look, I think it's a disservice to refer to them as something that needs coddling. Despite their hardships, they do know how to stand on their own two feet.
Vulpira seems to be Blizzards worst kept secret. They seemed to have gotten more tight lipped on other potential allied races and more careful with what they add. They did something similar before Cata was announced and the Worgen and goblin masks were discovered. Tried to misdirect people by adding other race masks.
06/07/2018 07:05 AMPosted by Porschea

First of all, how does it not make sense for the Pandaren to join the Horde? The Huojin are very straightforward in their lore -- their philosophies match the dynamics of the Horde. It's quite easy to understand.

First of all, the Pandaren would not split up. They would not fight their fellow panda to the death which is what happens in a war. Furthermore the Huojin believe:

""Always challenge. Always question. In the pursuit of a greater good, inaction is the only wrong."

So it makes little sense that they allied themselves with someone who was hostile to them from day 1 and would only bring about chaos in their land. The moment Garrosh attacked the vale of eternal blossoms would be the moment they would have defected.

Not to mention the only reason they were on the Horde is because Sam Wyse has a !@#$% for the Horde and the Pandaren are his lovechild.