Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

06/01/2018 09:22 AMPosted by Figaro
I don’t actually think they’ll be playable.

Datamining says otherwise.
Everyone is really excited for playable vulpera, I can't wait to see what buttpull of an allied race they give us instead. Probably blue orcs. They're just like orcs, but blue! Exciting!
06/02/2018 06:19 AMPosted by Huggablysoft
Everyone is really excited for playable vulpera, I can't wait to see what buttpull of an allied race they give us instead. Probably blue orcs. They're just like orcs, but blue! Exciting!

I don't say this as a threat, but if Vulpera aren't playable by the end of BFA, I may not continue to play WoW. It's not that I'd quit out of spite I just think I'd be terribly disappointed and may move on to other games
There's a vulpera support discord you could join.
06/01/2018 09:59 PMPosted by Brutalistica
We know elves are overrated,

Fight me!
06/03/2018 02:32 AMPosted by Deadchic
06/01/2018 09:59 PMPosted by Brutalistica
We know elves are overrated,

Fight me!

But you're already dead
06/03/2018 03:14 AMPosted by Eevee
06/03/2018 02:32 AMPosted by Deadchic

Fight me!

But you're already dead

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Omae wa mo shinde iru.
06/01/2018 10:09 PMPosted by Jackofdemons
Only thing I'm wondering now is what patch will they be in after bfa launches? I hope they are hard to get!

I want people to complain that they have to grind and do abunch of quests to obtain then! Have them making threads saying why did they buy BFA if they don't get the new races asap? In the most eloquent and whiney way possible!

Because that will make playing the vulpera all the more joyful and well earned!

Have every fox mount and mini pet in the game
Have a level 110 hunter with at least 5 different fox pets including Lightning Paw
Complete the achievement "Do a barrel roll!" on a date prior to the release of Mists of Pandaria.
Earn the Feat of Strength: "Realm First: Exalted with the Vol'dunai"
Out of all the allied races I think I'm most excited for vulpera. Even have some names saved should the become playable! Now I'm just being indecisive about what class I'd want to make one, the dressing room link makes it difficult since they look pretty cool in a lot of different xmogs!
06/03/2018 06:41 AMPosted by Onuris
Out of all the allied races I think I'm most excited for vulpera. Even have some names saved should the become playable! Now I'm just being indecisive about what class I'd want to make one, the dressing room link makes it difficult since they look pretty cool in a lot of different xmogs!

It's hard to pick a class without a confirmed class list to work with. There are a few default classes we can reasonably assume but beyond that we don't really know
06/03/2018 06:43 AMPosted by Eevee

It's hard to pick a class without a confirmed class list to work with. There are a few default classes we can reasonably assume but beyond that we don't really know

I had hoped that maybe they'd allow monks but I'm not incredibly sure seeing as goblins can't be it either, though maybe they'll surprise us. That would probably be my frontrunner as how fun would it be to see a little fox brewmaster!

Thinking maybe hunter or shaman if they can't be that.
Release (even more) furries.

I love watching people being triggered over a race in a fantasy world.
Bring them all.

Besides they look cute.
06/04/2018 04:08 PMPosted by Kahthok
Release (even more) furries.

I love watching people being triggered over a race in a fantasy world.
Bring them all.

Besides they look cute.

This is an elf I like =3
Every time I see this thread it puts a smiles on my face and makes my day on the GD just a little bit better :)

It also reminds me to go look at the "Vulpera Hype Caravan" discord to see if I have missed anything.

It also makes me really happy how constructive you guys all are when posting :)
1 Like
06/05/2018 06:46 PMPosted by Byucknah
Every time I see this thread it puts a smiles on my face and makes my day on the GD just a little bit better :)

It also reminds me to go look at the "Vulpera Hype Caravan" discord to see if I have missed anything.

It also makes me really happy how constructive you guys all are when posting :)

I won't point fingers but I've watched a lot of other threads devolve into very unpleasant places. I've always made my best effort to prevent that from happening in vulpera threads. My goal from day one was to turn Vulpera from a controversial topic to one people are happy to discuss or are too bored with to keep fighting, I think it's working pretty well
I honestly believe the Vulpera will join the alliance.

Why? well simple.

The alliance are yet to have a race with the goblin model.

Yes I understand they become friends with the horde during the questing zones but I believe as soon as they find out what Sylvannas has done they will seek the alliance for protection as they will be afraid of becoming slaves to the horde.
06/05/2018 07:54 PMPosted by Papajayy
I honestly believe the Vulpera will join the alliance.

Why? well simple.

The alliance are yet to have a race with the goblin model.

Yes I understand they become friends with the horde during the questing zones but I believe as soon as they find out what Sylvannas has done they will seek the alliance for protection as they will be afraid of becoming slaves to the horde.

I don't think you're right, but that's actually the most convincing narrative I've yet heard explaining why they'd go alliance.
06/05/2018 07:56 PMPosted by Eevee
06/05/2018 07:54 PMPosted by Papajayy
I honestly believe the Vulpera will join the alliance.

Why? well simple.

The alliance are yet to have a race with the goblin model.

Yes I understand they become friends with the horde during the questing zones but I believe as soon as they find out what Sylvannas has done they will seek the alliance for protection as they will be afraid of becoming slaves to the horde.

I don't think you're right, but that's actually the most convincing narrative I've yet heard explaining why they'd go alliance.

But there personalities abd what they believe in suit the alliance a lot more then the horde. All they want to do is to be free from the slavery and feel safe wherever they go and honestly the alliance looks a lot better then horde this xpac thanks to sylvannas starting the war and besides the goblins were still treated like slaves in the horde when garrosh was warchief. Not sure if anything has changed but It looks like the goblins are used to do the dirty work. Vulpera just want to be free
I agree with Eevee, that’s a great narrative of why they might/can join the Alliance instead, albeit rather unlikely (their tabard are horde-only, the alliance had very little interaction/quests with them).

What I wonder is if they do end up joining the alliance, what are the horde getting to balance out? San’layn? Or even the senthrak?