Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

That makes sense. But you never know, perhaps there’s more ARs on the line than we perceive. As of now, the amount of work put into Vulpera is staggering though, so I feel like Vulpera’s chances of being an AR are huge compared to Gilgoblins.


I wouldn’t look for any further AR announcements until near the end of the xpac.

Yeah, there’s absolutely no denying it. Really more a matter of when more than anything, it seems.

8.2.5 is pretty near the end, isn’t it? 8.3 should drop shortly after it, and 8.3.5 after that before we’re off to 9.0 if they follow the same path as Legion.


I agree. I understand the reasoning behind making NPC races compatible with the character creator, but there is simply way too much modeling work with the vulpera for them to be just that. They would have just given them a couple of fur and marking options, copied all the existing animations and called it a day, like they did with the tanuka. They wouldn’t have modelled custom ears and snouts and made unique poses and animations if they were going to be nothing more than a couple of quest NPCs.


They had a perfectly passable model in beta based off goblins. Then, out of nowhere, they got a brand new one complete with fully animated tail and tons of customization options.

They could have kept the first one. It was fine. Eudora still uses it. That they didn’t says a lot to me!


Here to show my continued support for the foxes on the new forums.


Give :clap: me :clap: Vulpera :clap: or :clap: give :clap: me :clap: death :clap:


The wagon train keeps on roll’n!

Don’t stop till the fox drop!


I guess that my Tauren hunter will live a bit longer… Honestly I was so ready to race change him -I mean re-rolling cause he’s like lvl 50 and it’s just not worth the cash lol- so now I am disappointed.

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To be blunt, I feel like I haven’t even properly started the expansion yet. Anything I do on my hunter just feels like “stuff I do to pass the time until I can roll my Vulpera”. It would be easier to get invested with a class list so I can start working towards the race change ahead of time, but without that the threat of having to reroll feels like a weight on my feet


I feel exactly the same way. I’m pretty much just grinding Voldunai rep so I’ll be able to unlock them when the time comes. Once I hit exalted I think I might be stepping away from the game for a bit until they’re announced/released, no point delving too far into the xpac content until I can do so with the toon I want to play.

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That doesn’t seem feasible considering they could go the Nightbourne route and not make them available until the expansions near over. 50$ for an expansion just to not play 90% seems like an awful waste of money.


That’s a very good point, definitely something to consider. On the other hand, I was able to level a HM tauren and play through Legion despite them being released near the end of it.

Things to think about.

The hype of legion wasn’t allied races, that was something introduced at the very end of the expansion. With BFA one of the major gimmicks this time around IS allied races. I’d have to dig it up, but I’m pretty sure I remember them stating an AR was planned with each major patch release. We had AR for 8.0, 8.1 is known…but we don’t know what is planned for 8.2 or 8.3, there is speculation but the races that play a beneficial role in the expansion thus far, in terms of AR possibilities, are very few in number. I would believe that the ARs released for 8.2 would have already had impact through 8.1 as well to build to reason WHY they would join the alliance/horde. 8.3 AR would more than likely be brought to light somewhere in 8.1 or 8.2. These are my conjectures as least, simple speculation.

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I’m not even role playing much myself unfortunately. Been busy and a bit meh about the story. Not impressed with the ARs so far and am hoping to see some I want soon (aka Vulpera or San’layn).


The big problem here isn’t so much the waiting as it is the not knowing. Vulpera are about as confirmed as possible without official word but without a timetable or class list it’s still impossible to plan your expansion time accordingly. I can only imagine the kind of uncertainty other race fans are facing. I really think they dropped the ball by not showing their hand at blizzcon. A race is the second most fundamental aspect of a player character. Not knowing your options ahead of going into an expansion just… sucks.

Bleah, I hate being negative


I’m right there with you but at least you have almost 100% proof. I’m Uber excited for sethrak myself and the mystery surrounding them is so suffocating. They encrypted them only partly showing their likelihood without much more than a bit of hope.

I’m standing firm in my beliefs and research but when they pop up something like Mechagnomes (which almost the entire room in blizzcon was silent upon showing) I feel almost betrayed when more and more people are losing faith because of sealed lips. I don’t think they realize that if they let their paying supporters know what to expect, their subs would pick up in all likelihood.

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If vulpera are added the voldunai rep is very unlikely to have anything to do with them as that is just a zone rep.

I agree. In all honesty, I think that when Blizzard said that not ALL AR were going to be locked behind a rep wall…I have a hunch it was kind of directed towards that region. The Vulpera (and hopefully the Sethrak) will be unlocked via questlines instead of a rep wall, since Sethrak have no rep alongside them on the alliance as 7th legion was already used for DI Dwarves

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I don’t know, I think playing Vol’dun and having Voldunai are pretty much certain. Legion allied races had reps from different sources, Blizzard could just repeat the same again. Alliance race will probably use some new 8.2 rep, but nothing prevents Blizzard from requiring Voldunai for vulpera.

And yeah, people will complain it’s unfair. But people will always complain anyway.

(Alliance race’s rep will probably come 8.2, while the races will be in 8.2.5, so both factions will have had time to up their reps beforehand).

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