If anyone wants to check out basic Vulpera and allied race/Pandaren DK looks here is the post I found to do it.
Master Siegesmith Corvus.
Get the Saronite.
Found another video that shows a bit more customization than the last video for Pandaren and allied race Death Knights:
I just can’t guys after making my vulpera on the PTR I just can’t find the strength to do anything with retail till they release.
Same. I’ve been hanging out around the Vulpera spawn chatting with other excited people about mindless things because I’m just so happy to be playing as a Vulpera. All I’ve been doing in retail is gearing up so my new main is prepared for when the little foxes launch.
My Vulpera main is a tribute to my loving dog who I no longer have by my side… Can’t wait to explore all Azeroth has to offer with her.
Aww that’s sweet I’m sure your dog was a good one but yeah found myself making a rogue, then a mage, shaman and a monk suck that for me starting the PTR so late is basically starting the game over.
Players didn’t do anything, they were always going to be an allied race. Even the tabard was datamined. lol
She was a mischievous one, that’s for sure. Kept me on my toes!
You kind of started perfectly actually, they had just done a character wipe not too long ago! I absolutely adore the shaman totems so I’m 100% leveling one of those. But my main’s gonna be a Vulpera hunter! I was debating on going hunter or rogue but hunter was my first class/character so I just had to go with hunter.
Oooh I like this! I wonder why they never ended up using this color in the game.
Hello? Can I post again? Well that’s swell. I had to log out and in again. Hadn’t been able to post for like a week or so.
I am really excited for Vulpera death knights. Hope the DK assets are actually added soon.
Adding death knights to all the new races and panda was such a good call from blizz. If nothing else because it means more people will be able to queue tank :^).
That said, my Vulpera is likely going to be a monk tank.
Dropping first post in celebration of foxos!
Definitely shaman and monk for me, been working on my transmogs for days. Got to be lookin’ good the second they drop. c:
For me it’s the direct opposite thing. I want to work for my fox’s appearance while actually playing the fox.
I’m honestly probably going to be race-changing most of my character list. So far I’ve got names for everything except a rogue…
Not to rain on the parade, but there’s literally nothing in there that’s Death Knight specific. It’s just those races’ regular customization and the video creator gushing about how cool it will be once stuff is in there.
A waste of 8 minutes if you’re expecting anything besides a race wearing DK armor.
Couldn’t bear the wait for 8.3, so I am playing Vulpera on PTR. They’re great!
Not going to race change any of my current characters. Going to enjoy leveling all my Vulperas from 20 - till the game shuts down.
The tabard that was datamined was for the Voldunai reputation. All reps have a tabard. The Vulpera tabard is completely different.
That’s a moot point, though, because even if the decision had already been made, Eevee and the Vulpera Hype Caravan did plenty to campaign for them. It’s not nothing, regardless of what effect it did or did not technically have. If you ask me I think they went from planning them during BfA Beta to reconsidering (perhaps due to Kul Tirans requiring extra resources). I think that’s why it took so long to confirm them, it was likely still up in the air for a long time and, if so, I think public demand definitely would have swayed the matter.
I agree.
A big THANK YOU to Eevee for all the work keeping the hype going.
I said before I have a hunch Vulpera will be a “sleeper” race in popularity waiting to explode , I expect by the end of bfa for them to be at the very least tied with void elf if not #1. I have a fair few friends who are now banking their alliance alt mains, for a Vulpera for the time being.
Yeah. I have a few friends who are going to start playing World of Warcraft because of Vulpera. Heh. One actually did, already.