Vulpera Celebration Thread! 🦊

Whaaa!? For real!? :open_mouth:

Probably not. I was playing on all the new DK models being datamined. Blizz seems pretty set in race/class identity being defined with a certain number of incompatible combos though.


Every race can be every class in 9.0! (Won’t happen but a girl can dream).


Unveiling the new VOID ELF PALADINS! spotlight falls on a pile of ash


I was gonna say… undead druids! Was thinking about the forms Blizz would have to make for all the races and then how it would feel seeing particular races like undead using nature magic :thinking:

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Okay I need to see a machination of this, like yesterday!

…Now that you’ve put the thought in my head, Undead shapeshifting could be an incredibly interesting but horrifically disgusting idea… I very much want to see it and very much don’t want to see it at the same time.


There actually isn’t anything against undead using nature magic. It’s holy magic that causes physical pain when used.

Also death druids are a thing with Kul’tirans so forsaken druids are fully reasonable under that logic. Nature is both life and death. Also zombie bear form pl0x.


They would be monsters! :scream:

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(Body is clear)

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I should have done it yesterday but I just updated the front page with the PTR updates to Racial abilities.


Cool. Looking good so far, although I think “Nose for Trouble” needs to be a random periodic effect rather than initial damage negation.

Maybe both?

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I mean, you have to remember it’s a racial ability. Ones that directly affect your combat numbers are supposed to suck so min-maxers don’t feel obligated to roll a specific race. If Vulpera had a consistent flat damage reduction, every mythic guild would make their tanks race change. I think it’s fine the way it is.

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I might literally cry if they one day remove the race/class limitations. All the combos I’ve wanted to be for so long! I do think demon hunters can be exempt for obvious reasons.

But I’ve always wanted orc druids (undead death druids be cool too)

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I don’t see it happening for two reasons.

  1. demon hunters, and to a lesser extent druids would make that a lot of work. Demon hunters were as much work to make as an allied race and then some. It would take a lot of work to get all the custom assets ready for the other races. Druids are in a similar boat, those druid forms aren’t free to make. Though they’d be easier to pull off than the demon hunter stuff.
  2. Blizzard is always weighing the integrity of the immersion against customization, and over the one and a half decades they’ve been making this game, they’ve ceded precious little ground in the interest of customization. Enabling all races and classes would require them to fundamentally rethink the balance they’ve currently chosen.
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Imho senseless restrictions are more immersion breaking than not.

There is absolutely no lore reason why a stormwind human can’t learn druidism. 0. None, negative. Not a single one. But they can’t. That’s not lore friendly.

Bliz excuse is like “Sure some stormwind humans might want to become druids but the player character is meant to be a member of the majority of the race not a unique member” first off, it’s my character they can be common-place or rare if I so choose it. That should be on the player not on the developer for a role playing game. Second that went out the window with artifacts. We were no longer commoners when we had ashbringer and doomhammer.

The ONLY legit reason I can see is the dev time for the added stuff for certain classes like druids and demon hunters. Which could be exempt or done over time rather than right away. But considering they easily made as many druid skins in legion as they’d need for every race int he game that shouldn’t be impossible to pull off either. Bliz is a multi-billion dollar company not some indie dev.

WoW is one of the very few games I’ve played with class/race restrictions. It doesn’t even exist in D&D the forefather of modern RPGs. It rarely exists in lore. A night elf warlock would be cast from society, yes. So are demon hunters. It’s not culturally acceptable but demon hunters are playable despite that. I can easily see some night elves being warlocks for the same reason some are demon hunters. Almost all race/class combo can be justified. If there is a fully solid lore reason I could give it a pass. But it shouldn’t be “What class can this race be because it’s commonplace in their culture?” It should be “what class can’t this race be because it’d be impossible or unfeasible”.

Anyways I apologies for getting off topic. It’s just something I find frustrating. I will always champion more choice and options in an RPG.


I’m not going to argue in favour of their convictions because frankly I don’t feel that strongly about it. I think there should be limits on customization but I do also think blizzard could lighten up a little bit. Either way, I was just pointing out where they stand because it’s what they think that determines how likely undead druids are, not what we think.

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It is not your character though. Blizzard owns your account and everything with it. You are merely paying for a service that can be terminated.

You left the other thread where you were campaigning against Vulpera on the grounds you don’t want to play with furries to… come into the Vulpera thread and nitpick legal nuances in an unrelated argument?

You’re one confusing troll.


Actually there is, you need to have a long term connection with nature/Elune to be a druid. The only reason the Gilneans can is because of the Worgen curse, derived from Pack Form, a Druid form.

Clearly you haven’t played any korean mmos, a lot of those even have gender locked classes…

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