Funny way to spell blood elf…
You just had to be “that guy/gal” didn’t you? Biological accuracy wasn’t the objective.
oh look a furry
Bite me.
/10 char
I wish we got gilgoblins instead. Vulpera could have been the next core race, but they aren’t really an AR in the same sense as the others are.
I’m not attracted to animals, sorry.
But whatever floats your boat.
You have horns, which are a distinctly animal trait.
And Draenei have hooves, but are still attractive.
Because their bodies and faces are Humanoid.
Vulpera are foxes with boobs.
Closet furry, confirmed.
There is no shame, embrace your true feelings.
I think blood elves may disagree with you.
They have charisma, I’ll give them that. But they’re about as sexy as a gnome, and far less sexy than a goblin.
Ya know, for as often as they seem to talk highly of themselves, I rarely see races like blood elves, draenei, night elves… all the “Sexy/popular” races win trial of style.
I’m not exactly afraid of the vulpera joining in.
It’s basically a bipedal fox, if you think Vulpera are sexy you’re kinda past the point of furry, you just wanna bang straight up animals lol.
Whoa whoa whoa hold up. I aint no Vulpera fan, but this is too far man and not cool.
If they have the stylish buff and they’re wearing the shirt, yeah. They’ve won. Pretty much everyone with a decent wardrobe has placed first.
Its kind of like people who say that gnomes are basically kids.
It’s Tauren.
Always will be. By far the sexy cutest race in wow.
Hey mon, I didn’t even enter the trial of style, don’t go blamin me mon!
leans into thread like a FNAF animatronic “The lord of the wild hunt would like to know your location…”
i am considering swapping factions in shadowlands just so i can kill vulpera.