Vulpera are the Hordes sexiest race

First time I did trial of style, I won every one and collected my mogs sets straight out the gate. Now I never go back because it would just be unfair to others to keep wiping the floor with the other races. So they get pity wins.

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i almost got first place in those trials, but a void elf kept beating me…

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You must have forgotten to flaunt your human potential. I heard VE’s, like other elves, go gaga over it. Your fault you lost there man

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my potential was blocked by my lack of coffee intake, also that void elf was hitting me with a tentacle.
So i had to go too a healer after that.

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Ara ara, you had that much fun eh?

Imo you should have charged a tentacle tax

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sadly no.
only lucifuge makes it fun.

All i got was a black eye and twenty stab wounds.

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… still, you should send a bill to cover a tentacle fee.


i did, but lucifuge decided to pay for his as a gesture of good will and offer a free massage…

not the best combo with stab wounds

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Well you do you. Me and lucifuge couldn’t do such a thing. His Void and my Light would set off fireworks… and not the ara ara kind.


Um no. You’re cute though.

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I’m inclined to agree, for 100% unbiased reasons I assure you. hides portrait


That’s really only something a blood elf would say.

They’re cutesy Disney/Chuck E Cheese rejects that were shoved into the Horde. Sure, the “nomadic desert outcast” theme is correct, but “n’aww wookit da kyoot widdle bebeh foxie!” is not.

There’s at least one voiced by Robin from Teen Titans Go (I don’t recall the actor’s name and looking it up sounds like effort).

Their hands are creepy.

They stole my skeleton.

The only thing I like about vulpera is that once upon a time they never existed and life was better.


Your salt fuels my existence.


does this fuel anythin?

nah those are the female goblins


becuase for the Asian names, specially for anime names…?

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Technically speaking, they’re more closely related to weasels.

help, tv is watching me

anyway, what’s the topic? oh yeah. i’m happy some people like vulpera. everyone’s entitled to their opinion of course.

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Rats are not sexy. Try again.

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