Still not a single UwU. Idk if i should be proud or disappointed
I completely agree, and nothing will ever change my mind.
Gross. It talks.
You could say it.
But than we’d have too end you.
WoW is the Horde seriously mocking the Vulpera to this very day.
Don’t listen to the Haters. You go all out in the Trial of Style and be you Vulpera.
Personally, affection I have towards Vulpera is commonly platonico and nothing more.
Tbh idk why we get all the hate. It’s not like our race single handedly killed any type of diversity the horde once had.
cough…belfs…cough cough
… ew. No. Wait. Not just no but helllllllllll no!
I toss my vote at female Goblins and Orcs for sexiest Horde race.
Sorry OP, you’re gonna have to take an L for this one. Goblin girls are easily the best.
UwU to both of you
Uhh. I guess being bipedal and having opposable thumbs is nothing but you immediately jump to a sexual trait.
The UwU’s have been unleashed
oh please mr. fox
as you are just an adornment for my blood elf beauty to stand out more, little pet.
You sure about that? I would think people would be getting a wee bit tired of elves by now, but that’s just me.
I’m getting the water gun just in-case.
bcuz furizez r the only players that playz them!!!
Very accurate.
Literally every other race of the horde looks better or as good as Vulpera. Except maybe the Forsaken, but they are Undead, its not their fault but they are still cool though. I will take my Orc, Troll, Tauren and Goblin brothers and sisters over the lot of you any day, Hell Blood Elves and Pandaren offer so much more at this time. You are new and have yet to prove yourselves to the rest of us.
Now I don’t hate Vulpera and please parade yourself as much as you like, I care not but you are not exactly what I’d call the poster race of the Horde and you should stop trying to pretend you are.
Why do furries have the urge to post cringy stuff like this every other day?