Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.
That means they are technically wrong, as their is an Alliance Goblin… meaning both factions have Goblins. Technically.
But there are no playable Alliance Goblins as I’m guessing NPC’s don’t usually compete in the Trial of Style.
You haven’t faced off against a Tauren female paladin or warrior since they are so rare…but quite the delicacy. It’s the only beef I want a taste of.
Neither of these were listed as qualifiers by the person who said it.
Sorry, but you thought you could outsmart a Goblin? HA! We got the brains, we got the body, and we got the moooooney.
Vulpera have fleas and wet dog smell when they take a bath. Filthy rodents.
Three actually.
I’m sorry. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and, as such, is purely subjective… But femme goblins are the sexiest race/gender in the game.
The end.
A fully grown Tauren Female protecting her calves is a force to be reckoned with!
We Alliance players won’t be satisfied until every playable race is an athletic human with slight variations. We’re almost there, just need to keep pressure on the devs.
Core Races:
Human (Stormwind)
Purple Human
Short Human
Shorter Human
Blue Human (Soon the blue part won’t be mandatory, just another Human)
Roboshorter Human
Goth Short Human
don’t know if i should get my boomstick ready or not…
Nobody in this thread understands the majesty that is Zandalari trolls. Sad.
A credit to your races intelligence to realize this.
Nope! Don’t shoot the cute little fellas.
They’re not sexy at all. Adorable? Yes. Misguided? Definitely. Deserving of eradication? Not yet.
Technically Ogres are the Horde’s sexiest race. They are so sexy that Blizzard won’t make them playable over the extreme thirst it would create.
Who said i was shooting them?
Have you seen those abs and biceps girrrl?!
Well who else are you shooting?
It’s not me, is it? Go ahead and waste your bullets. My beard will protect me.
These lesser races actually think they stand a chance at topping the sexiness of goblins? They should know a lost cause when they see it. Goblin women will always be sexier.
I wouldn’t describe it as sexy… just cute.
whoever says “UwU” or intends to lewd the vulpera…
it’s always 100% chance of likely target if they try an lewd a panda named applebear