Vulpera are happening !đŸ”„

Alas, but they are also humans with a curse. Its kind of like how DH are blood elf and night elfs, but can temporarily assume demons.

Vulpera on the other hand
 No mercy for those who help the evil Horde!

I feel Mecha-Gnomes are more of a cop out just to be a allied race for Alliance just to compensate for Vulpera.

It triggers them to play one because if the racial are too good to pass up. They will choose em.

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that’s awesome!

I actually like the mechagnomes once I found out how much you can commit to mimironifying them? And the blade runner hair on the females rules?


I think you put way too much emphasis on Vulpera as a race.

They are aesthetically interesting, and they do have the basics of a interesting culture 
 but they need some serious help when it comes to being able to retain any level of relevance to the story (there is a very real risk that they might just end up as valueless as the Pandarens, without the benefits of entire continent to pad out their lore). The Junker’s in contrast (based off their reasons for cannibalizing their own bodies) actually DO have potential lasting relevance to the Titan and Old God future content. They ALSO can draw off traditional Gnome lore to further pad them out.

I get that you like Vulpera for their aesthetics (I wonder if you’re preference for Worgen has a similar taste behind it) 
 but don’t act like they are this amazing asset either. They are cute 
 but rather empty; and they need some serious TLC to be an AR with value.

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You haven’t answered my question yet. Where is your official source saying blizzard officially confirmed them as an allied race and since you are claiming mechagnomes will be an allied race too? Sources?

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Good for those who like vulpera. I see them as gnomes
they add flavour but I’m mostly indifferent to playing one. But you do you, furry lovers. You do you.

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Before you all get your floofy tails in a twist, I don’t see any official announcement of any such thing ?


I honestly think they had more relevance than LFD (which essentially had no story at all as it’s just the draenae story and their leader is a human.) Velves also had almost no story either.

If we look at this fairly the Vulpera have much more story than most AR’s.


These people sure love making some really wild claims without any concrete proof.

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i want a mechagnome hunter. i’ve said so in every thread about this so far today. pls make it happen.


 well, sort of. Vol’dun has a lot of story, but if you really pay attention to how that story is constructed the Vulpera are really little more than a transitional device between the Loa and Sethrak content. They are allowed representation and relevance 
 but they aren’t really the focus until their Homes were burned (and they’ve sort of been absorbed into the Zandalari).

Beyond this, they do not benefit from the “LIGHT” focus of the Lightforged (which IS bound to have future stories devoted to it). This is a similar vein to the VEs which are a shallow as hell AR 
 but with all the Old God and Void content on the horizon, they are bound to see massive developments leading into those future expansions (and especially relevance).

I love the idea of the Vulpera (especially if they are meant to be my favorite PC race’s ARs 
 because they would make spectacular business partners if we had the right leader to bring them in (Gazlowe)). However, when I look at the development of their culture 
 I can’t even justifiably say what class options they could have (outside of the very basic Warrior/Rogue/Hunter routes). Have we seen them use Shamanistic, Druidic, Arcane, or the Light? Do they worship any of the Loa, or have their own deity system? Its these sort of things that the Vulpera lore is currently lacking.


Actually tbh, I think we outta report this thread for spam. There is already the Vulpera Discussion thread, that other fox thread and this is just redundant.

If we look at this fairly the Vulpera have much more story than most AR’s.

Yea. You are lying to yourself if you think this is true. I’d go so far as to say Lightforged Draenei have more lore than they do.

I see them as pretty relevant. Meera and Nisha have significant screen time, Keero has arguably the best male voice actor in the game, and the rep you earn in that zone is specifically voldunai. It’s true that you transition away from the vulpera arc as you go into the loa stuff but that’s what ties that area to the zandalar story since all three leveling zones are trying to build up zandalar in some way.

The LFD were more transitional than the Vulpera I’d say since that was Illidan’s story. Also, again, the Velves were a made up thing on the spot.


Vulpera MC’s with custom voice acting and story plot involvement: 3

LFD: 0


Keero being a damned good VA is something I wont disagree with lol! And I certainly wont disagree that their representative base doesn’t at least have a good foundation with Keero/Meera/and Nisha. However, I personally do need to see what way their people are actually going to grow now that they’ve been pushed from their homes (and have grown closer and closer to the Zandalari under the Talanji). Will they adopt loa worship from their Troll neighbors? Druidism? Shamanism? Arcane? I guess we’ll see


I think their lore is gonna expand via piracy and more shamanism allies for the tauren but I have no idea what the future holds. I like what I see so far though.

So that whole entire story on Vol’dun didn’t mean anything to you and any lines saying they favor the horde than alliance? Those were subtle hints right there and for developers to see if the community likes it. That wasn’t hard to decipher especially when I started to main horde recently. They had more lore than LFD and VE combined.

Squeeeeee!!! I hope they can be shammies!


Nah they can keep this thread. This is fine for a new fresh one. If you solely want to report it then so be it, but I think it would be foolish because you’re doing it out of disliking the concept.

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