So, when are you going to publish this?
Moonguard, goldshire and Vulpera thats all that needs to be said.
“Uninspired”, and yet here you are. Playing a lycanthrope. Yeah. Real original.
It makes sense there would be hype and advertising surrounding Vulpera. Not really a shocker.
Mockery: Meatbag enjoyment is not required.
The Alliance boasts the two most popular races in the game. They’ll be fine.
I read your comment in a worgen voice in my head.
See that’s where your anti-furry bias is coming in. I said nothing about them both being animalistic, my complaint was about adding a Guardians of the Galaxy race.
Of course there’s more art commissions for vulpera than mechagnomes… There’s a heck of a lot more furries in the world than there are technophiles.
It says:
Pvp queues?
You mean just BGs?
BGs are useless. This isn’t Classic WoW where farming honor is meaningful. I get more conquest from participating in wpvp than playing 10 battlegrounds.
I would say Mechagnomes are the truly uninspired race, you can’t even tell they’re a Mechagnome unless they’re in their heritage armour where as Vulpera are extremely distinct.
Some furries are mad rich and tend to pay well
Mechagnomes at least have an established history in the game. Vulpera were just an attempt to capitalize on another IP’s movie success.
This again? Pandaren were around before Kung Fu Panda
I didn’t say pandaren and Kung Fu Panda. I said vulpera and Guardians of the Galaxy.
That is the biggest stretch I have ever seen.
And I would bet a kidney rocket raccoon had nothing to do with vulpera.
Vulpera are a soulless cashgrab aimed at pitmommies and furries who squee over any kind of sexualised anthropormorphic animal.
It has worked flawlessly. I can’t imagine how much racechange cash they just raked it.
One word, furries.