Vulpera are already getting monetized by third parties everywhere they are so unique and popular

I’m just writing this to point out that all kinds of people all over the place are already cashing in on the Vulpera.

First you start noticing the art commissions everywhere (no mechagnome commissions lol wonder why), those are gonna be pay pal purchases probably.

Then you have Vulpera just being so popular you get into the monetization of that. Literally just did a google search for “shadowlands ardenweald” and I’m looking at the image results and somehow in no time I have a bunch of vulpera images in front of me including a third party RMT website charging 80 euros to unlock vulpera for your account. That’s almost $120 for canadians. Plus you get your account banned by blizzard because they will absolutely know about suspicious activity like that.

Then you have the articles everywhere using google adsense and manipulating the search algorithms cashing in on Vulpera already.

from PC Gamer: How to unlock the Vulpera, World of Warcraft’s cuddly new fox race

Notice the very specific wording they use. The first words right at the top in bold are “HOW TO UNLOCK THE VULPERA” so they get the google search hits.

Also note that they specifically call it the “new fox race”. Because it is. It’s not an allied race, they don’t even mention that in the article it says right there in the title, it’s a brand spankin new fox race. They didn’t just tack some fur on the goblins and call it a day this is a brand new race at this point.

So sick of this already and they haven’t even been released to live yet. It’s going to be a friggin tsunami of vulpera for the rest of BfA and look at how heavily they are already being monetized OUTSIDE the game.

Why do you think they put so much effort into the Vulpera compared to the diaper babies? It sells. Profits. Just leaves such a sour taste in your mouth when they should be embarrassed with themselves by the current state of the game and the factions.

But if you are busy working day and night on Vulpera you probably wouldn’t have time to feel embarrassed you would probably just be too busy polishing up the Vulpera to even think about factions.


We will finally know what the fox says


Vulpira where clearly going to sell the second we saw them.

Just like how belfs drew folks to the horde. The gnomes won’t help ally populations.


I’m glad we are getting mechagnomes but vulpera seem rather uninspired to me. Like bringing Guardians of the Galaxy into WoW.


I really do not get the fixation people have with this race. I have no plans to unlock them. Playing a cuddley fox race is not my bag so those advertisements are wasted on me. /shrug

Im convinced vulpera is blizzards attempt at pulling in the lallafel players from FF.


I’m sort of with Lawrencium on the whole Vulpera allied race but they’re popular as a concept and will pull a lot of people back to the game. This makes them a positive addition regardless of my personal preferences.


ya like, I wonder why the new star wars show has a baby yoda in it. I wonder why I can’t stop seeing thumbnails and dumb crap about that new show now.

It sells. Christmas time everyone! Cha ching cha ching cha ching! New Vulpera pet out today everyone! Cha ching cha ching cha ching! Even slapped together a nice pre-rendered Vulpera showcase video for it on the Warcraft youtube channel!

dolla dolla bills y’all!

it gets real old real fast. already tired of the vulpera.


Blizzard no longer catering to edgelords.

“BuH I dUN waNt CUte racEs IN muh WoW”


I haven’t bothered to unlock the Diaper Gnomes and I won’t be. They look stupid. But I have unlocked Vulpera and have several names reserved. Just waiting for them to go live.


You’re rediculous.


I always imagine when they added belfs. The big ceos talking about how draw players in. When some random intern says. Why not make a super model elf race. Sex sells.

Only for the ceos to shoo the intern out then take the idea as their own.

Sex and cute things sell. Or back when we first got the race change feature. They used the alpha worgen model to promote it since the live female worgen models where awful.


i mean there’s already a lot of cuteness in WoW I wasn’t complaining the Vulpera were too cute, I think the Vulpera look great. I just don’t think the Alliance have really gotten any attention or respect on any level the horde has since, well, basically Ion took over as game director.

They don’t feel equal they just feel like, well we have to give the alliance some kind of token gesture once in awhile. So even if they finally cave in and start over-compensating and repeating the same mistakes and only focus on the alliance for shadowlands, which they won’t but even if they did, it would be both too little too late for the alliance players, and just repeating the same mistakes and history repeating itself because then you would alienate and piss off the horde players while still failing to really regain or fix the alliance which is probably just broken beyond repair now.


I am 100% Horde, and I think this was really an missed opportunity for Blizzard. If they would have given Vulpera to the Alliance, it might have made a dent in the faction imbalance. Will I create one? You bet. But, I do feel bad for the Alliance. Their faction is dying. A large chunk of their pvp’ers, and raiders have come over to Horde simply to be able to do content.

In a perfect world, you would have as much opportunity on Alliance as you do on Horde to have great PVP Teams, and a ton of available players to form raid teams, but that simply doesn’t happen the way things are.

If I had Ion’s job, the first thing I would do is make it to where you can raid and do pve content cross faction, a long with getting rid of that pointless communication barrier. My next move would make it to where you can first create a character, then decide which faction you want them to be on for story purposes.

Finally, I’d merge all low pop realms with medium pop realms, creating new, more populated realms, and give free faction transfers for like a 2 week period to allow players who already have established characters to decide which faction they want those characters to be on.

Bam! Population balance achieved. Will any of that ever happen? Hell No! because those corporate *** clowns like Bobby Kotick would never, ever, do something for free that would help the players, when he can always charge $25 bucks a pop for those services.

Another reason none of this would ever happen, is because Ion is a flaming idiot, and would not know how to balance the population, if balance walked up and hit him in his idiot head.


#Ghostcrawlerwasawesome, #Bobbykotickisa*******, #Ionsucks


We already have a canine race on the Alliance. We also got major facelifts this expansion.

And we’re so much better than the little fox people.


Now I don’t think vulpera should just be generalized as furries or that they only appeal to furries…but to be fair…commissions for furry characters in particular are huge.


Worgen are much improved. But the ladies still sound like they have lung cancer. And the model lacking tails still looks odd.

The vulpira win.


I can’t even bring myself to make a horde character anymore. I tried playing a Vulpera on the PTR, which again is just a PTR mind you, but the difference was night and day.

You can immediately notice the new animations and the polish that’s gone into the Vulpera. The customization options look great. The Vulpera themselves look great. Once again, the heritage set has belt pouches, throwing knives, and a backpack. Like the list just goes on and on they really have put so much work into the Vulpera.

But in retail, I just can’t do this anymore. I’m not playing both factions I don’t want to play both factions I never want to change factions again I got so tired of that over the years so I settled on Alliance because they looked better, and they had a better story and were morally superior to the Horde which I have not really liked at all lore-wise since WotLK, pre wrath the horde were all right. After Wrath ended I have settled firmly in Alliance I’m not changing again.


My focus tends to be on horde but i do maintain at least 1 capped ally toon to see the whole story.

Of course i have really given up on bfa in any serious way.

Werewolves don’t typically have tails. I prefer the worgen fantasy without them; it would dramatically cut down on the intimidation factor. If what you’re looking for is something “cute,” that’s fine, but even then Vulpera don’t have the monopoly on that archetype. And I find it hard to believe that a cute race going Horde is worth all this turmoil.

I mean, it all just boils down to a matter of taste. This time around Horde got something anime-inspired while the Alliance got steampunk. Why is that such a big deal?