Vulpera are already getting monetized by third parties everywhere they are so unique and popular

Looking forward to my Vulpera Death Knight. Really want see if Bolver really dumps on them during the story.

Vulpera make me happy. I like things that make me happy.


A textbook trolling execution, very nice. Actually having a fully-leveled BE paladin with that name is even more impressive.

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I’m glad you’ve been entertained. Also, your dog would have been safe either way. To insinuate otherwise is to highlight a personal insecure fixation.


My mechagomes diaper will be able to clean itself.



Those… things from FF are creepy-looking. Vulpera are adorable, fluffy, and awesome.

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Yes…adorable and fluffy. Much like the rabbit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

“Follow. But! Follow only if ye be men of valour, for the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived! Bones of full fifty men lie strewn about its lair. So, brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth.”

-Tim the Enchanter, describing said cute and floofy bunny.


Never feel bad for the alliance.

They have way too much access to our racial mounts, better racial abilities. Developers really have a love for them. Why do they have the title “Horde breaker” yet we haven’t gotten anything similar to that title.

They are the developers favorite faction.


I don’t think there is intentional bias against the Alliance or the Horde. Blizzard just seems beset by really bad writing coupled with a very poor understanding for what attracts different player types.

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I’m going to suggest a different perspective on this:

I think part of the hype surrounding Vulpera is that they bring something new to the Horde. Personally, I’ve been maining horde for a while simply because that’s where my friends are, but I haven’t had a race there that really felt right to me. Pandaren was the closest I could get to not feeling like a haughty elf or weird monstery thing.

So I would venture a guess that more of the hype is about horde players excited to get an option not available to them before and less about alliance players eager to defect.


Jesus. Christ.

Vulperas bring something new, desirable, related to both the Horde, the alliance, and Warcraft. :fox_face:

And there is nothing in the alliance that is the same that arouses the same hype.
Doesn’t Blizzard want to do something better for Alliance? Unlucky alliance from what I understand.

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Yeah mechagnomes should have been the full deal like we saw in wrath, not cyborgs in diapers.

Even I would be tempted by a full blown clockwork robot, even of gnomish proportions.

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So a female werewolf is actually called a wifwolf?
That just sounds… unthreatening. Wifwoof. Wifwoof.


takes notes on that for future fanfiction


Yeah, things get awkward when you look at what remains of those original English descriptions.

Were basically only survives in the term Werewolf and is criminally misunderstood. A bit odd that the only way we use the adult male descriptor is as a mindless savage beast.

Wif survives in wife, not the worst thing in the world given the other descriptors.

Girl still usually denotes a young person, but it’s become a term, bordering on general, for a female of any species. Originally it was gender neutral. Just a bit infantilizing.

What makes it awkward is the term we use as its male counterpart, boy. Thaaat used to mean “servant” or “slave.” You can still see that in stereotypical portrayals of southern racists/slave owners. But the uncomfortable part is realizing that going back far enough you could wind up asking

“Are you having a child or a slave?”

And Man, originally gender neutral, is being pushed as always male, which it never was. It’s become the counterpart to woman, true, but it’s still retained its roots as a term meant to encompass all of humanity.

“One giant leap for mankind.”

Thanks for the novel. I feel I know you much better on a personal level after having read it. I agree with most of what you said.

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I included pictures and everything for everyone’s benefit :wink:


I just can’t wait to see the Horde PvP queues skyrocket at 8.3 with everyone and their Uncle Bert and Grandma Susan making a Vulpera. Alliance will have insta-join battlegrounds (they already do for Korrak’s Revenge).

I’m sure there are a group of people like me who don’t want to play a miniature worgen.