Welcome! Vulgar is a mythic 9/9M raiding guild IN Sargeras.
We are offering Battle of Dazar’alor carries with all loot for your spec of choice included.
With over 5 years providing carry services within the server, our goal is to provide fast runs with the best chances of loot and negotiable prices!
With us, you are not required to use any voice communication or participate actively in the fight. We will do it all for you. All you have to do is tag the boss!
In preparation for next BfA tier we are offering Mythic clears of Uldir (Cross-realm available). Obtain Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements before they are gone!
Prices - All our prices are negotiable. | We accept Gold only.
Glory of the Dazar’alor Raider (Achievement run - Normal 8/8): 700.000g
Battle of Dazar’alor Full Heroic clear (400+ ilvl): 600.000g
Battle of Dazar’alor Mythic 3/9: 750.000g
Battle of Dazar’alor Mythic 6/9: 3.000.000g
As a bonus, if you wish to join the guild to use any past or current Famed titles (You must have Cutting Edge Achievement), you are more than welcome to, after running with us
We also offer
Mythic Dungeon +10/+11: 150.000g
Mythic Dungeon 15: 400.000g
With the new change of Personal Loot in Mythic, we aim to trade you all loot for your class/spec of choice on its base level; Any Warforged or Titanforged gear is excepted, this will only be traded if not needed by our players and/or if the player is able to trade it at all.
We encourage our buyers to have as many seals as possible to increase their chances on loot. Feel free to ask for any specific pieces you may be interested in.
We run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:00pm Server time. (8:00pm EST)
A payment of 25% is required to reserve your spot. Payment is preferred to be done in Sargeras, but feel free to inquire if we accept gold in your server, chances are we may. We only accept Gold. No RMT.
Should a run be canceled for any reason that we had you scheduled for, or if you’re a returning buyer, we may discount you for a future run.
For inquiring about a purchase, for asking more details on pricing, or wanting to schedule something like achievements or anything else within reason, please contact the following people on Sargeras: Sopa or Sopita (Sopa#1908), Darthhrevan or Liptonx.
All prices and times are subjected to change and are negotiable. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions about our carries.