Vrykul and Ogre Allied race

Vrykul should get all base classes and mirror zandalari(They should definetly both get all 10 base classes imo).

As far as allied races are concerned they consider...
Player desire for races (they do listen they added a bunch of races requested since wotlk like dark iron and maghar and some cool twists on existing races).

They need to make sense with the story they are telling to a degree... maghar didn't really make much sense just an orc wanted to recruit them and went to extraordinary means for them to be possible (powerful time magics where there resources could have easily gone to something easier). This is where gameplay>lore

Ease of making the race is also a factor. A reskinned race is easier to make then a brand new one. Allied races are not just reskins but those reskins are easier to make then new races. They could always tie a race to an exapansion and starting zone but allied races are supposed to be unlocked. As in overwatch they could reuse existing assets to make new heroes (This is smart and if you are not a stick in the mud you can work with it, some people do not like to recycle for some reason but its better then never getting races to begin with) or make new skeletons and models. For example orisa in overwatch is the first quadriped they made. A playable quadropud skeleton could potentially make races like centaur tolvir magnataur dragon kin and dryads. Such a created asset would be reusable and well invested for new playable races for example.
Sadly we got Fat British Humans instead of Giant Viking Humans.

But if we got Fat Humans on the Alliance what's stopping us from getting Fat Ogres in the Horde?
Thats a no from me.
We already have vrykul in the form of KTs. Probably because Blizz decided Vrykul were way too cool to give to Alliance despite all the asking.
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Just think of all the rep they could make you grind for these. Fancy getting all the rep in Northrend, in Stranglethorn with your 130, 140 character.

That's fun right? That's what we are calling fun now, yeah?

I'm in. Redridge humans in 2019. Woooo! Go team! (notice me level 3 senpai)
11/10/2018 06:32 AMPosted by Nightrun
Vrykul are the forerunner race of humans... They would not join the horde. I know it hurts your little horde feelings but know your lore before trying to randomly claim a race.

Horde has undead. We have humans too ya know

If Vrykul DKs became a thing, Iā€™d switch to Alliance in a heartbeat.

Iā€™d drop so much cash on race changes if Vrykul were ever playable.

vrykul for the horde
ogre for the alliance

if the alliance had an ogre for an allied race id level one for its heritage armor.

I believe half ogres is a possibility for an allied race. Rexxar shares a skeleton with KT I think.

While I do not know very much in terms of the lore revolving around either race, personally I would like to see both races added.

Vrykul for a neutral faction, (like the pandarens) only because the culture they are based off of have very mixed views and traditions for each clan. I also want them for a neutral faction because it would be nice to see, (as primarily a horde player myself), a more human like race. Having them join both factions like pandarens frees up conflict.

I donā€™t have an opinion on orges.

neat, but if vrykul get a hero class then ogres should get it as well

You already have the blood elves how would we get the faries?(Weird how they make up MOST of the Horde though right, might as well be the farie faction.)

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Ogremage! 2 heads are better than one.

Have two voices say that as a /silly and have them interrupt each other while trying to say it.

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They hate humanity, though. Believe them to be weak, deformed runts.

I doubt theyā€™d join either side.

We need more discussion on getting playable Vrykul and Ogres.

Iā€™m kinda feeling like we also need Mokā€™nathal as an opposite to the Alliance Kulā€™tirans.
Vrykul + Humans = Kulā€™tiran (all alliance)
Ogre + Orcs = Mokā€™nathal (all horde)

So letā€™s fill out the spots and get them all playable.

Whatā€™re the ideas for a recruitment scenario for the Ogres,Mokā€™nathal, and Vrykul?

Do we want the Stormheim Vrykul or perhaps we make use of the new island featuring a Vrykul settlement?

Weā€™ve got the Ogre settlement in Draenorā€¦do we pull another mission using that time artifact to recruit some?

Do we go to regular Outland for the Mokā€™nathal?

This is what they made Kul Tirans for.

They are a combination of the desires for both Vrykul and Ogres in a single package!

You have night elves, they are waaaaay more faerie friendly than Blood Elves.

Noe just noe to ogres

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So Iā€™ve always been curious as to what makes Blizzard decide on what makes a playable race, especially with Allied races.

The path of least resistance. If they can tweak it a bit and call it a day then thats gonna be an allied race.