VPN/ Tunneling service recommedations,

Hi guys, So I am an Australian (Oce) player who plays on NA servers as my friends are all on these servers, is there a tried and true service you would suggest, rather than wading through 50 or more to find one I figured the community might have some good options to trial out,

According to all the sellout YouTubers. Nord VPN. I wouldn’t trust it though.

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I mean it’s potentially worth a trial?

I would try to avoid getting one located in America. The FCC/FBI can bully the VPN provider and collect your data.

As realistic as that possibly is, I am really only gonna use it for WoW so like… If they want that data it’s not gonna be anything amazing haha

Alright so NORDVPN is not the option for me, I paid for it downloaded it, trialed it on a range of servers and my ping actually went up a huge 150ms, When I requested my subscription to be cancelled the staff actually suggested I change my internet provider as that might help them… what.

Avast SecureLine VPN is simple and have multi device packages

I will try this one next, thanks Fren :smiley:

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What do you expect to gain by using a VPN? extra lag?

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Yeah you really need to take this into careful consideration. The FBI is all the time getting warrants to monitor WoW player data for botting and advertising in LFG.

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vpn’s are agains the ToS

puzzled look

They are a grey area. They aren’t against the rules, but neither are they supported.

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