Vote to Kick REALLY needs to be changed

The alternative is allow people to troll groups because it’s hard to kick them or get blizzard to hire a ton of staff to review kicks. Neither is a win. Best way to avoid getting vtkd is to not pug.

how many employees do you think it would take to go through the thousands of reports they’ll get daily?

blizzard doesn’t have the resources (or the desire) to read chatlogs and “he started it!” “no, he started it!” nonsense.

yes, some kicks are unfair. it happens. i’m not saying it doesn’t. but if you personally find yourself getting kicked over and over, there’s a reason. i’ve been kicked once in a decade of playing and it was because of a d/c.

This is what I really hate that you need to be aware of the ‘norm’ or face being kicked. I see some TW groups using shroud and complaining when it doesn’t work. Like WTH, it’s a TW dungeon, you don’t need shroud. Or when one player skips a pack and the tank doesn’t, I’ve seen players attempt a VTK from that.

Relax people, LFD content is not end game and you don’t need to be treating it like end game.


technically, all they need is a raw count

like if you initiate a kick maybe you need to click a button to give a reason (won’t ress, offline, trying to wipe the group - there’s 3 examples) and that would show up in the kick confirm dialog with other players

then just make a record of kicks and reasons and keep track of it

if some guy is a kick-happy weirdo (statistical outlier) who maybe thinks it’s fun to troll, then expend human capital on it, but before that just keep track

if people know things are recorded it can automatically generate more proper behavior

lets say that again


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And you have people with legitimate issues not wanting to kick because they may be punished for it, even though they has a reason.

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how often do you see a real reason typed into the reason box? the two i see most commonly are either “afk” or complete gibberish.

a kick reason of “wuyegvruasyv” doesn’t mean the kick isn’t legitimate, it just means the person who initiated it doesn’t feel like typing in the real reason.

there’s just not enough info there.

if it’s legit, then people making kicks wouldn’t be statistical outlier, they’d be doing it at the same rate as everyone else

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That other MMO also heavily enforces play standards. If you’re afking in dungeons you a can also get banned. It’s an entirely different enforcement model.

Automate it. If one person is using VTK on the regular than there name should be circled out to be investigated. If you VTK someone once a week than fine, but if someone is doing it multiple times a day than maybe that person needs to been given a chill pill and have their access revoked.

If Blizzard are giving us content than they should not be expecting the players who abuse the content to be also policing the content. You know this is nothing but bad news.

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So YOU can spend another 20-30 minutes in queue because of a troll?

in timed content. I find kicking in non-timed content to be very rare.

I’d wager that group leaders initiate most kicks, so you’d see a disproportionately high numbers from them compared to others. Maybe there’ll be a separate standard for them?

Way too messy trying to justify it imo.

But hey, maybe with all the extra staff they’ll need we can get ML back since they’ll have capacity for those tickets too!

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I don’t think op shares that view. (Or a lot of people in the many unfair kick threads we see)

it kind of makes me wonder if the wrong problem is being solved here.

since a very small number of people get kicked constantly, maybe they’re the problem. maybe the same system they’re proposing can monitor who gets kicked multiple times per day/week and suspends their ability to random queue, to improve the game experience of other players.

i’m being facetious, but it’s worth thinking about. for some reason they’ve concluded that “i get kicked a lot” must mean “there are lots of people out there who get joy from just randomly kicking people all day and night”. it’s odd.

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So true. I’ve been kicked a grand total of three times since Vanilla. Twice I earned it. And once was a troll pair in one of those legion invasion scenarios that kicked me just because they knew deserter would keep me from finishing that invasion before it expired. (They actually said this).

Kicking for no reason almost never happens and all of these threads suggesting changes would just make things worse.

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Interesting idea.

“Bill, we’ve got a flag, this guy’s been kicked 12 times today.”
“Initiate deep dive”
“Ye gods his interrupt isn’t bound/he’s a surv hunter/he’s a gnome not grouped with Wild”

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I don’t understand what some are doing wrong. Now, I’m sure some people kick because of where someone comes from but is it REALLY that common? Or did the OP just happened to roll the 1 on the 1000 sided die and is just upset about it?

Yes, getting kicked for something idiotic is annoying and can infuriate some but does that mean there is a huge problem?

a fatal mistake

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This is what stands out to me also. I guess it could be a regular thing if you’re from one of the servers known for trolling, bad play, ping issues etc. But outside of that if it’s happening to you often then I find it hard to believe it’s not at least a little of the person’s own fault.

Now if it is a kicked because of server issue, idk how Blizz could fix that without blowing up their queue times.

Sometimes you get lucky, other times you are the tank and people will have to be brain dead to kick even a semi bad tank due to how rare they are these days. I’ve not once ever been kicked when I queued as a tank, and I cannot remember if I have ever been kicked as a healer.

But as DPS, no matter what, you could be doing 99% of all the damage, if someone doesn’t like you than boom you are gone, there is nothing stopping them because another DPS will pop in within 3 seconds, but no one in their right mind is purposely going to kick the tank and make themselves wait for another.

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