Vote kicked at least 5 times so far

Yes? You kick the tank who is trying their best and now you gotta wait for a new one . Fair

Nah, I kick a troll and am punished for it. No, thank you.

No. If you give a computer general orders all it can do is pass along those general orders. Computers can’t decide specific actions on their own.

Do you know how a real computer works? Do you know what machine code looks like? There are instructions like Move which will move a value from one location to another, Add, subtract, multiply and divide which will do those functions and put the results somewhere, “subtract and branch on zero” which does that, etc.

All computer programs eventually get broken down into those instructions which is all that a computer can do. That’s it, nothing more. Any complexity above that is something added by a human writing a computer program, AI included.

Under no circumstances can a computer do specific things only given general instructions. It would be like asking a horse to solve simultaneous sets of differential equations.

I’ve seen one vote kick initiated so far, it was a tank who was severely undergeared, he even acknowledged before he was kicked that he doesn’t have good enough gear, the kick failed, but the tank left shortly after

I don’t know how you guys are seeing so many

so are you going to control their rotations? their interupts? their stuns? their cc’s? when to use cds? like the computer has to do some of the detail work or it wont work and no matter what it still will not equivalent to m+ at all. so this entire conversation of you wanting to cut the multiplayer out of an mmo doesnt matter so that you can get gear that you dont deserve.

i haven’t been kicked 5 times since i started playing, and that was in cata. if you’ve been kicked 5 times in the last week or two, it is 100% something you’re doing or not doing.

I would say at lower levels you program them to do more general things. At middle levels you program them to do middle level things and at high levels you would have it do high level things.

A computer can only do what you tell it to do. That being said, people are writing pretty sophisticated programs these days so how do you know someone couldn’t program it to do things equal to what a person can do?

I haven’t seen anyone get kicked this expansion, if you’re seeing it a lot the commonality would appear to be you.

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do you think that they would ever put in a game mode that you would have to program? so we are not even going to act like that is an option on the table. what would happen is that they might allow you to do what you can with delves right now which is select their roles and then go. which to me is in no way shape or form going to be equivlent ot a m+

The only time I’ve been booted was during this expansion. I was smoking and watching TV, and completely forgot that I had WoW on… Well deserved imo lol

Agreed with others–if you are being booted, likely are the problem

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They already have. That’s how addons work.

show me an add on that plays the game for you? quick hint you cant because that is so far against what they allow that it will never happen

I can’t because they have specifically disabled functions in the API that would allow that sort of thing. Under my proposal they would allow those types of things in follower dungeons only. It wouldn’t be a problem because it would only work in your own follower dungeon instance.

so you want them to give bot makers a sanctioned testing ground lmao.

Bot makers already have a testing ground. Otherwise there would be no bots.

the big players have no problems making bots your right. but ever joe dick and harry will now have a testing ground for their bots. you just made the problem 1000 times worse.

But the bots would only work in follower dungeon instances. The functions that allow them to work would still be disabled in the regular playing area, as they are now.

the game is still in the game you cant just cut it up like that. what your asking for them to do is basically program and entire new game mode similar to what they did for plunderstorm. they would have to have a dedicated team to updating and fixing that specific mode. or they have it in the base game and its bot city baby.

What I’m asking for is basically what they are doing already to program bosses and mobs. A lot of it is probably already in the API. About all they would be doing is enabling it in follower dungeons and allowing us to program our alts.

this is a horrible assumption.

so were back to them relaxing the rules and allowing bot makes to test their bots in dungeons. how hard do you think it is to work around a simple rule in the api? im not going to get into details because i dont want to get banned but lets just say you are making their work alot easier bu opening them up for this.