Vote kicked at least 5 times so far

I’ve already discussed that. There are already things in the API that would allow you to write bots but they are disabled for players. Allowing them in follower instances would not add any functionality for hackers.

For example, I wanted to write an addon to implement an altimeter and an airspeed indicator for dragon riding. I saw a function in the API that would have given me coordinates I needed but when I tried it the function would not work.

Someone in the UI conference told me that function was disabled for players. For us it only returned two dimensions, x and y which is not enough for combat.

As for the bots you see, they are strictly external to the product and come in only through the regular UI the way players do. So my suggestion has nothing to do with the bot problem.

I’ve only seen 1 vote kick this expansion so far. The player was AFK.

I haven’t seen a single vote kick so far.

Their stance is if it gets enough reports, then it bothered that many people and should be acted upon.

posts like the OP should be required to show footage of their gameplay and the dungeon runs in question. that would really clear up a lot of misconceptions and assumptions.

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Do you not understand what a question is? I assume you do since you just asked me something.

My original point is I don’t understand people that sign up for the navigator role then as soon as they zone in, they ask the rest of the group to hold their hand. So instead of putting up with that, I dip. For some reason that got you all scruffled, I don’t know why, maybe you care that much that I’m getting the deserter debuff? Weird.

Anyways, then you start squawking about how is the tank supposed to know because all the dungeons are brand new well guess what? The dungeons are brand new to dps and healers too. But it seems like you think it’s perfectly fine for the navigator to not know where they’re going and for the rest of the group to hold their hand so the point of my question is why?

Whether or not a dungeon is brand new is beside the point. If you sign up to tank you are also signing up to lead the group. Most people don’t want that responsibility which is why there has been a tank shortage since the dawn of time.

Red face full of shame

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Well, what is the common denominator in all 5 of these?


I think I got kicked once in like 10 years, and I’ve died to a few times to heroic mechanics in TWW.

Unfortunately blizz is clear on this and says " players have the right to play with who they choose including party kick" as a built in tool to help with this.

The only consolation is to try and find good people who you trust. Perky pugs is a pretty good community to start with.


The group actually stops enough to get a VTK going? Thought, all these groups were going super fast, not giving any room/time for a VTK to go through…

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Been and seen 0 kicks and I’ve seen some groups down by the dumb. Not sure how others seem to see “rampant kicking”
But I take all these forum complaints with a grain of salt.


You’re definitely smarter than most.

It’s insane to see someone that’s been around the forums for years fall for obvious trolls.


bait post from cata forums. ppl keep claiming
of constant kicks over there now they’re doing it here. no one gets kicked that much and if you are should be banned for a week for being a pain… and a liar lol

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5 times! Are you one of my alts that I am posting under? Can’t be, that’s more than me. Who are you. Seriously, are you me from the future? Why am I a worgen? what’s going on?!?

I think blizzard should do something about sock puppets posting the same thread multiple times in different characters.



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Ya. I have not gotten kicked yet but I see it all the time for the smallest things and usually caused by the one kicking. The worst one I seen when the tank got two people kicked even though he was the one pulling way too much and not keeping aggro. And no one want to kick a tank.

its that whole “MUH COMMUNITEEZ” in action :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I didnt get kicked but tank pulls way too much, couple deaths, stops and says “hunter watch your pet”
uh…dope…Im marksman and my pet was NEVER out in this run. lol

had another clown tank telling me my mage water pet pulled some crap…said he saw it do it. SO I ask in here and was told by a number of folks here that mage pets dont pull anything lol

they love blaming everyone for their own faulty gameplay