Vote for Blizzard to buy the rights to the Smurfs

Then they can add a territory called SMurf Village, and add it to the races in WOW



/10 char.

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That’s all we need, blue gnomes.

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Have you been to Zangarmarsh in TBC?

if they’re gonna buy any random thing, it may as well be zerg.

Blizz made the zerg, they don’t need to buy them.

Last i knew, disney owned zerg.

You’re thinking of something else then; Disney has never owned the Zerg.

My bad joke has been ruined by the fact that emperor zerg is spelt emperor zurg. I am a big ashame.

No more Gnomes. They should smurf the gnome into smurfy smurfs.

they are shorter than gnomes and have rare smurf magic

Why buy them we can paint gnomes blue and save .

cause gnomes are 2x bigger than smurfs

no mas ananna tu u

Blizzard can’t handle the Ip’s that they do own let alone take on a new one. Creativity in the company is gone and replaced by marketing people showing us what happens after a brain drain.

op, i want some of what yer on.

I want to see Gnome vs Smurf wars.

I mean, considering gnomes tower over smurfs and considering the former are one of the most technologically advanced races on Azeroth while the latter seems to have NOTHING in the way of weaponry . . . doubt it’d be a long fight . . .

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