Vol'jin Questline Questions & Discussion

I know I’m a little late to this but I would be keen on opening up discussion of this again. It’s one of the most interesting story lines produced in BfA. So far, what we know is as follows:

  • Vol’jin died to a random Felguard at the Broken Shore because something obscured his vision enough for the fatal strike to be dealt
  • Vol’jin wasn’t in his right mind when he appointed Sylvanas Warchief and something was maniapulating him
  • A different force brought Vol’jin back from “The Other Side” and touched him with the “Hand of Valor”. The force that brought him back is not the same force that had him killed and manipulated him into making Sylv Warchief.
  • These two forces may be conspiring together
  • Bwonsamdi, Eyir, and The Lich King had nothing to do with it. Bwonsamdi is completely confused, The Lich King knows where Vol’jin’s been, and Eyir seems to know the most out of them all, but won’t discern more than what she said.
  • Presumably, whatever entity dragged Vol’jin to The Other Side sent Shades against us, and commands these creatures. That’s something I have not seen N’zoth able to do, so I doubt it’s him.

Could be Odyn and Helya shenanigans. I doubt it’s N’zoth and Azeroth. Could be Bwonsamdi’s master? Could be Tyr that brought him back? Are there any god-like entities that were in the old rpg books/lore? Would be cool if there are and Blizzard started digging them up for this.

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Blizzard is probably going to attempt to pull another Illidan with next expansion so they going to need a good reveal that tap into the nostalgia.

So more and likely it not new death entity , but old one, Kel’thuzad.

He is part of the death theme, he ties into the WC 3, and he has been unaccounted for sense Wrath.


I really doubt I Helya or Odin. Not that it couldn’t work, but it blizzards more likely to to make it big moment when the truth drops, and those are still to recent make it impactful enough.

And blizzard knows how well Legion went. And more likely they hope cash on some Wrath good will to pull people after this expansion.

I think based on Bwonsamdi’s panic over Vol’jin’s soul, and his very icy opinions of Sylvanas, we can probably discern that his boss didn’t have a hand in it. I could be wrong though.

This argument makes sense. What side would Kel’thuzad be fighting for at this point, though? There’s no Legion, the Scourge is under Bolvar, he doesn’t seem like the type to work for the Old Gods. Even if he were the leader of his own movement, what would he want, and why would Sylvanas the Warchief help him achieve that end?

My simplified take on this is that I think Light+Death is working together to defeat the Void, and there’s a sense of urgency to it considering we’ve all seen how much of the universe the Void has consumed.

This could simply be a power-play for survival. Light+Death seem to be able to coexist and tolerate each other, completely unlike Light and Void.

Honestly seen Kel’huzad as the one behind more for meta reason then lore.

Saying that, he does have a connection to Sylvanas. One that could be used to filled in details to whatever secret plot Sylvanas is hatching.

Void is volatile and can’t tolerate anything except Death and Life. Void has an adverse reaction to the Arcane, Fel and Light.

Fel can’t tolerate Void and Light yet tolerates it’s opposite Arcane by balancing it out and combining to create Corruption Magic.

I posted this in another thread recently:

You know, these two points brought some puzzle pieces together and they all clicked together. Now of course this could just be wedging pieces together by coincidence rather than the picture Blizzard is actually going to paint onto the pieces later, but nonetheless, my thoughts:

What if Helya is to Bwonsamdi what Freya is to the Wild Gods? Where Freya created the Emerald Dream and sponsored the Wild Gods (or as the trolls would refer to them as well as Loa) as the Keeper of Life, Helya was also capable of creating planes of existence, having helped Ra create the Elemental Planes, and after that, Helheim as the would-be keeper of death.

And then that plays right into what Eyir told Vol’jin in Confront The Val’kyr:

    Vol'jin: Who be havin' such power? Could it be da same one who bid me ta name Sylvanas warchief?
    Eyir: You have been touched by the hand of valor. Such a noble force does not scheme for mortal thrones.
    Vol'jin: So whoever whispered to me's not da same as who sent me back?

Because that just screams Odyn. Obviously could just be a red herring. But following that obvious conclusion, Helya was the opposing force to Odyn.

And Helya was who Sylvanas bargained with. It would have been in Helya’s interest to make Sylvanas Warchief. Perhaps even as a means to get Sylvanas to come to her in a demonstration of what she could give to Sylvanas if Sylvanas worked for her. This would match up with people clinging onto the idea that Sylvanas did not want to be Warchief. In if it was something still thrust upon her, but as a flaunting of a taste of what Helya could offer her in breaking Vol’jin’s connection to the loa, puppetting Vol’jin, and taking Vol’jin’s soul to make Sylvanas’ Warchief.

If likewise Helya was Bwonsamdi’s boss, and lost Vol’jin’s soul after she had taken it, Bwondsamdi would be worried indeed that his boss would be upset at a loss a soul she had taken, as we all might recall Helya screaming “No one leaves Helheim! No one!”

But similar to our rescuing Illidan’s soul from Helya when we defeated her, Odyn could very well have gotten hold of any other of the souls Helya was keeping when he showed up in Helheim when we freed him from being locked in the Halls of Valor. And if Vol’jin had been among them, Odyn, by his hand of valor, now could have forged Vol’jin into what he is now.

But why would Odyn care?

Probably to spite Helya.

I still think that the mobs thrown at us in those quests might be important. In my opinion it shows more the presence of a pure death being while Helya still retains some titanic themes. The fact that this entity is trying to silence Vol’jin also suggests that it is something bigger than just Helya plotting.

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When does this part of that story line take place? I’ve done the part where you place his ashes in the temple and soak his weapon in the blood I’d G’huun but what about visiting the lich king and the others?

It’s activated after you do the War Campaign quest to fight Jaina in the Battle of Dazar’alor and witness Sylvanas raising Derek Proudmoore. And based on comments on wowhead you must be exalted with the Zandalari Empire.

A lot of the Vol’jin questline is gaited pretty heavily behind raid content.

If I recall correctly, I think you need to defeat Jaina before you can get access to that part of the story (though i could be wrong). Its quick, but its interesting … and it does paint an unusual picture about what happened to Vol’jin. Honestly … despite all the other issues of BfA, the Vol’jin side-story is one of the most interesting and compelling ones.

EDIT: BTW, when you do get access to it … keep an eye out for the Golden Eyes. Whenever Vol’jin’s memories are stirred, there are always a pair of massive glowing Golden eyes watching in total silence somewhere close. We have no idea what these are.


Dammit. I HATE rep grinding. I think I’m half way through revered though.

Will do thank you, sounds intresting. Doesn’t Azshara have golden eyes?

Her eyes are Deep Orange… The eyes in the Vol’jin Questline are Golden…

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There is a problem with that theory, if Helya is the boss of Bwon, then why the old loa of death wanted the head of Sylvanas? He offered that deal with Talanji and probably that would had make his boss more angry because he just destroyed the most powerful asset of Helya

For all we know, Sylvanas never lived up to her end of her bargain with Helya, in that we don’t even know what Sylvanas’ end of her bargain with Helya was. We also know Helya is actually opposed to the Naga and the Old Gods, as the Kvaldir were fighting against the Naga and their Faceless allies in Vashj’ir, and now Sylvanas is seemingly working in conjunction with the Naga and Old Gods.

Yeah but the recruitment of the Zandalaris happens waaaayyyyy before we gave her the dagger(which is filled with N’zoth magic now). Besides I doubt any of the death gods that serve her are less powerful than Sylvanas.

Besides she didn’t wanted the warchief title and for all we know this entity put her at charge of the Horde fully knowing all the death and destruction she will cause in orden to raise more forsakens but ultimately she will fail like Garry did, certaintly the entity that is behind this is a schemer as N’zoth that wants the factions to be in their most weakened state

Did the Horde quest to rescue Priscilla Ashvane come before the Zandalari recruitment quests? I’d have to double check on that.

Covered that already: