Freeing Ashvane is the second quest of the war campaign in the 8.1 but her true loyalties aren’t mentioned or even show until 8.2, in fact a lot of characters like Jaina reacts like: OMG ASHVANE ACTUALLY WORKS FOR AZSHARA, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?
The warchief position only paints you as a target practice dummy, she was more effective in the shadows and if Helya has some important plan, brewing that with the forsakens in the shadow is likely more convienent than risking your own asset being dumb and screw things up aka the rebellion finishing her off like it happened with Garry.
This is why I believe whenever pulled this trick is someone that wants Sylvanas out as well and what better form than putting her in the same road that Garrosh walked?
Revealed by Sylvanas sending the remaining ships out into the Nazjatar trap.
Varimathras was more effective in the shadows. Sylvanas has never really gone through one of her plans without standing in the middle of the spotlight during it.
Once again, we don’t even know what Helya’s bargain with Sylvanas was, or what Helya stood to gain from it.
It’s kind of off topic but I’ll never understand people who say Sylvanas was effective in the shadows. Because she wasn’t in the shadows. She blighted all of Lordaeron and warred against all the humans. Maybe literally she was skulking in the shadows but that’s about it.
Nope actually the dagger whispered her where to take the few ships of the horde to bait the KT fleet to be destroyed by the naga, Ashvane actually isn’t mention on that quest and only shows up to demand her pay from her boss Azshara.
Besides I doubt Ashvane actually knows the location of Nazjatar and surely Sylvanas would had put that plan in march early, so she can destroy the alliance fleet with her acting as bait and the Zandalari fleet is ready to ravage Stormwind.
She created the blight at the backs of the horde leaders, conquered Andorhal and Stromgarde, got that pact with Helya that almost succeded in getting a full army of Val’kyrs(Saurfang at best knows she was helping the leaders of the orden hall in getting the aegis when Genn attacked), can you mention any plan where she put herself as the big center?
We know something interesting, with Eyir out, chances for Odyn getting free were going to be thin because the Val’kyrs are the only ones that transport mortals to the Valajar and we know Helya only cares in screwing Odyn, even with a full invasion from the legion, she didn’t care to keep crippled him and his army, despite they could offer a lot of help in defeating the Legion.
Her actions “in the shadows” never really deceived the Alliance. Secret plots and covert schemes with third parties like the Grimtotem, agents all over Azeroth collecting reagents and performing experiments; as her minions cooked up plagues and further defiled the lands of Lordaeron, the Alliance never really thought it was somehow benign, because they weren’t supposed to.
Her secretive, clandestine activities never really served to disarm or misdirect the Alliance. They served more to keep the rest of the Horde in the dark about just what she and her servants were up to.
Working in the shadows doesn’t mean she doesn’t go out of the undercity, the fact the horde didn’t know anything of the forsaken activities and only now they are starting to react toward their culture is pretty amazing how much ignorant they were.
1)Galen betrayed her in Legion after she went to Kalimdor and her duties aren’t letting her keeping a close eye toward her holdings in Eastern kingdomes
Actually she only reveal herself in the end after Koltira mess with the whole operation, she was in disguise as some random forsaken.
Northrend was literally covert from all the sides, the horde only knew about that plague around the wrathgate incident, besides Varimatras trying to summon Sargeras into the undercity after doing a coup d’etat with Putress is hardly something in the shadows.
3)Nope the pact wasn’t seen by Baine, Saurfang or even Nathanos, you only see that because you were rescuing the champion of Eyir, again we know a lot about her because as players we have meta knowledge from books, comics, the story requires that in orden to advance, etc.
Just look at how nobody mention the eyir incident(in.-game characters)
I still lean towards the Infinite Flight having a hand in things to some degree or another. The problem with all the 3d chess stuff starting at the beginning of Legion is it somehow has to reconcile the overarching plan with the state of Azeroth after Sergeras stabs the planet. The stab is basically someone coming up and kicking the table over, so to speak. It just comes across as a really bad detail to leave to pure luck - a near Armageddon just happens to trigger the precise chain of events needed to set Sylvanas’s (or someone else’s) plans in motion. You have the other outcome, which is the Legion winning and killing the planet (so everyone loses), or you have the other other outcome of the legion being completely repelled and no stab happening. The only way it works is if you have someone on board who can see the future (or alter time) such that even the stab is a nonissue.
The infinite flight could explain Vol’Jin’s unexpected death on the Broken Shore, and could also explain why Elisande couldn’t see a scenario in which the Nightborne could win out over the Legion (which throws further events in Legion into question.)
But obviously the Val’kyr would know that, Eyir clearly speaks with them, besides do we really see any reaction from Baine or Vol’jin? If you have a direct dialogue from him speaking about that, then yeah she went to take all the lights on that moment but even then he only got news about that event after visiting the place with Vol’jin and with the orders of Bwonsamdi
He and the Valkyr under his command are suspicious to me, considering his history with compelling the wills of those who disagreed with him into becoming his eternal servants in the afterlife.
Eyir says she knows more information but she will not share it. Makes me think Sylvanas was right in Stormheim. That lantern would have been useful for compelling that snooty Valkyr into telling us the whole truth.
Eyir says the Hand of Valor does not scheme for Mortal Thrones. But Odyn plotted to murder Skovald’s family. A royal family of a ruling blood line. Eyir was aware of this all, if not complicit and directly involved. Perhaps the Hand of Valor does not scheme for the mortal thrones because they see these mortal thrones as just minor details in their larger schemes.
The Golden Eyes, though. Idk. Odyn has jus one eye. My-million-to-one-far-out guess is that maybe the Sunwell is involved, since Blood Elves got Golden eyes from it? Maybe it is semi-sentient and going crazy.
Yes. Again, my Sunwell connection was prefaced by me saying it was a stretch.
The Sunwell started out as a small portion of the Well of Eternity placed into a vial. The Well of Eternity seems to be the blood of the Titan Azeroth, leaking from a wound made when an Old God was being excised.
It was carried around by Highborn across the newly created seas, and across the northern regions of the newly created Eastern Kingdoms. A region which was formerly occupied by Trolls, then cleansed of them by fire. This region would be the home of the vial’s owners.
It is poured into a place, and it sits there being a font. Then it is mixed with Kel Thuzad’s tainting, as well as being turned into some sentient creature named Anveena. Kalec falls in love with it.
We then have the whole BC thing. The Draenei and their Alliance canonically save the Blood Elves by putting the Sunwell back into order. Velen uses the remains of a slain Naaru, Muru. A Naaru who became Entropius when it was slain.
The Sunwell is now a mixture of : Titan’s Blood, the mortally created Golem Anveena, the Naaru Muru, and Entropius.
And then we have the whole Alleria arc, and the Void Elves, and the Blood Elves with Golden Eyes. And Golden Eyes watching over Voljin’s doom.
Alleria’s arc and Lorthemar seem to hint at something. Or maybe I am looking for things in places I want to find them.