I rather like my void form… Oh well.
shadowpriests dont have cooldowns lol
Also, Blizzard is adding devouring plague to help with questing.
Yeah, except spriests don’t get DvP until level 40. Regardless of how quickly leveling is in SL, something that’s supposed to “help” spriests get through questing and whatnot shouldn’t come when you’re almost maxed level…
Tons of great feedback here.
After reading through a lot of the comments, I sure did read a lot of players’ concerns and dislike for void form to be the prominent feature in a spriest’s DPS.
There is a reason it is disliked by many players. Sure, not all, but it’s been a loud concern since its implementation and we’ve been completely ignored in our concerns.
It’s the constant need to be ramping that makes Void Form so frustrating.
I know that there are some differing opinions of that, and I understand why, basically in the right circumstances, especially boss fights, it’s a playstyle that can be fun. I had some fun with it at times in Legion.
I still think it’s a bad idea, though, because it’s too specialized. There are plenty of other dps specs that are just as fun in raids and more fun to play the rest of the time.
Void Form should either be:
A 3 minute cooldown, transforming abilities and giving you the Sanity bar, starting at 100%. This treats it as just a DPS cooldown.
A 5/10 minute Surrender To Madness cooldown only, doing the above but allowing you to cast while moving as well.
I only play Holy (Very rarely do I play Shadow), but sweet chocolate Jesus, Shadow is rubbish to play.
I think the short cooldown idea is best, tbh. It could still have the mechanic of benefiting from sustained focus on a target and working to maximize the benefit could still be a part of the playstyle, to a much lesser extent.
But not the constant ramping. You are always ramping as shadow, either to get into Void Form or to stay in it. They did reduce the importance of tunneling somewhat, compared to what it originally was, but it doesn’t fix the problem.
Just make Void Form the button you hit to feel awesome for 20-30 seconds every 3 minutes.
5-10minute cooldown skills are terrible, barely ever used. They weaken and severely hurt classes.
#removevoid form, we been waiting for 4 years…come on
A 2-3 minute cooldown, or something similar would almost certainly be better, yeah. More in line with other classes’ cooldowns, easier to balance, etc.
You mean, as a player, you never use your awesome buttons? Granted, the defensive buttons aren’t used that often, or shouldn’t, but they’re for times when you need a crazy save. As for DPS CDs, they should be used every boss pull, maybe even more than that. I’m not saying use Bloodlust every time you don’t have the debuff, but Metamorphosis should be used as DPS on CD, unless it won’t be off CD for a boss pull, then save it.
Not gonna lie, you sound like you’d be one of those guys that refuse to use their interrupt because their DPS will “suffer”.
Even worse, DvPl is a dot. The entire issue with Void Form and questing is things die too quickly to get full use out of it. So we get DvPl instead… a DoT… that requires time to deal its full damage…
I guess that’s excused by “Well, it IS a DoT spec…” Still doesn’t feel like a real answer but I guess older iterations faced this issue too (if I’m not remembering something about older versions that made this a non issue, let me know, my memory on shadow is getting pretty weak as I didn’t play it much in the contentless WoD and then Legion hit and boom, Derp Form was introduced).
I’d also like to see the return of the talent that makes replaces Mind Flay with Mind Spike (that we had in WoD).
That was never a thing.
- We had “Insanity” that increased Mind Flay and Mind Sear damage by 100% for 2 each from each orb consumed via using Devouring Plague.
- We also had Front Darkness comes Light that make Mind Spike get instant cast procs that did 50% more damage and didn’t remove dots.
- We also has Clarity of power that increased the damage of Mind Spike and Shadow Word: Death by 40% and made Mind Blast instant cast and its Cool Down reduced by 3 sec.
Were one of those what you were thinking?
As for this, the priest community on the official forums overwhelmingly dislikes voidform. That does not mean that most Shadow players dislike it. People who like it aren’t going to bother posting there because of the overwhelming negativity.
If the purpose of class feedback forums in the Alpha Feedback area are used for blizzard to understand the plights of the player base and make changes based on feedback is any indication of player representation and concerns…
Then Priest concerns for the sad state of Priest going into SL and by extension Shadow and its Void Form mechanic wins by a landslide.
If those don’t count, then whats the point of those forums if its not the IDEAL area blizzard set up in order to get the required feedback from.
Tons of great feedback here. Doesn’t advocate for the removal of Voidform. This is easily one of the most talked about documents for Shadow feedback on reddit and mmo champ.
I don’t get any “requests” or ideas to “fix” the spec such as removing Void Form from reading that as I don’t think that’s its purpose. Its purpose is only to highlight the issues that plagues the spec.
But in understanding all those issues, it doesn’t take much time to connect / link all those concerns to the shared common denominator which happens to be Void Form.
Once you remove or rework Void Form so its not married to the entire spec, you have breathing room to make the changes needed to fix the spec.
Aren’t we getting downgraded with holy power on healing/tank specs?
That was never a thing.
What? There was absolutely a talent that replaced Mind Flay. Maybe it wasn’t Spike specifically, but something did.
Are you confusing Void Form with Shadow Form? I love Void Form. Shadow Form can go away though. I hate that it covers up my tmogs.
All good, I hate being a deranged octopus. Diversity makes the world go 'round.
You can like something that is massively sub optimal. I also like Spriest and Enh shaman currently, but I still see the problems.
For what are those 2 specs suboptimal?