Void vs fel magic

Wow I have to say that drawing breaking down the various forms of magic/cosmology makes more sense than I ever had reason to expect from this company. That is some next level stuff.


Thatā€™s right honey, so leave your punny arcane magic as mage and join to the fel side


All magic is addictive. Fel wants to destroy everything, Void wants to consume everything, and Death wants to bring an entropic end to everything. Pick your poison.

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I donā€™t see holy as addictive. In fact, it looks boring

All power is addictive. All power corrupts. The Light is just as dangerous as the Void. One need only look at Yrel to see that.


Hmmm seeing how Void elf have sated their hunger with the Voidā€¦ (I have no clue how they can do that with something so Vampiricā€¦unless the Void is actually feeding of the connection they had with the Sunwell) :roll_eyes:
I say Felā€¦ could be more addictive, yet there has not been anything to make the comparativeā€¦ :man_shrugging:

Maybe we can find out in SL when we meet Kael as he died with a Fel Crystal in its chest and now being deadā€¦ :thinking:
I say he be very knowledgeable and would not be surprise as a such a talented Blood Mage he commanded mastery over Fel/Nether, Blood (Death/Void), Arcane Magic in the SLā€¦ but plays it humble and cool (like he use to be beforeā€¦) until the situation arise were he needs to show off his true power? (maybeā€¦ bah who am I kinding, I WISH it would be that way as a Fan! haha lol) :rofl:

I donā€™t know anybody evil or addictive to holy magic. What happened to Yrel?

Or the whole last half of legion.

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Well, Fel (Disorder) is in direct conflict with Order. Itā€™s entire purpose is to destroy, deconstruct, and dismantle.

With the void, itā€™s all about possibilities. Endless truths, visions, lies. While with the light, there tends to be singular pursuit of truth. The Void inflicts madness while the Light inflicts tyranny.

So Iā€™d say the Fel is more powerful. We can see this with how much more destructive the Burning Legion was compared to the Old Gods (who had to utilize more coercive tactics like latching onto planets so that they cannot be easily destroyed without destroying a planet).

Affliction warlocks are still practitioners of fel magic that also use shadow magic. So I think itā€™s fair to say that soul sucking warlocks that inflict pain and torture by afflicting your soul. Shadow Priests use the Void, and so their attacks reflect a mental element.

Scarlet Crusade.

With nothing left to fight on Alt-Draenor, she went full on zealot, and started forcefully converting everyone, brainwashing them like cultists only wish they could. Essentially doing the same thing the naru tried to do to Illidan in Legion, but on a global scale. Thatā€™s why the Maghar had to leave Alt-Draenor.


Thatā€™s just what the Lightforged want you to think.


Yeah, the Lightforged give me Warhammer 40k vibes.

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Burn the heretic
Kill the mutant
Purge the unclean

Tbh I wouldnā€™t be surprised if AU Yrel and the lightbound make an appearance in SL, and not as friendlies.

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That would be cool. I would like to slaughter that b1tch

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It would be a chance for them to flesh out the Lightforged a lot more, and make them think hard about what they stand for.

But Iā€™m not going to hold my breath on that part.

The fact the lightforging zealotry process results in bland pg13 heroes is about as bad as how warlocks are treated By NPCs in game. But, wow has always been something of an amusement park.

That doesnā€™t mean its stronger. It just means it was the strongest thing he could find. If that conflict had come to fruition, we would have an exact answer, but the void was defeated by fel, and vice versa, so there is no way to say for sure based on this example.

Void is more powerful, Fel is more addictive.

They are a fanatical group who believe in their ideals and try to do what they consider correct but they are not addicted to holy magic.

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The void lords seek to consume the universe.

" The void lords are monstrous entities composed of pure shadow energy who rule over the Void, outside the borders of reality. Merciless and cruel beyond imagination, they seek only to twist reality into a realm of eternal torment,[1] and ultimately to devour all matter and energy and the universe itself."

Fel wants to destroy, Void wants to consume, and Death wants entropy.

Fel is extremely addictive, and void magic its not addictive the thing about void magic is how it just keep draining your sanity corrupting you since you are entering in the old gods territory.

its a different theme, the shadow priests use void magic of the old gods, and the affliction warlock uses a void+fel mixed magic that works differently