Void elves

6 skin tones
3 hair styles per sex
3 hair colours
11 eye colours
15 beards
5 moustaches
2 tails

So 54 new options given.

Not bad since void elves have 70 odd options over all

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179, actually.

No one who calls anyone else “pathetic” should honestly be allowed to keep communicating here. It’s sad to see how heated things have gotten for some people on both sides of the debate.


Are you sure?
Because I counted them like yesterday

Just void elf males alone have like 50 if you just count skin colours and hairstyles.

Well 50 is very different than 179

Yeah, that’s why you keep counting past just skin colour and hairstyle on the males.

I recounted and made it 82 total options for male void elves

Still not enough to make me feel bad


wasnt even responding to that part of the quote but go off

Most people are still asking for High Elves because they still have not given us High Elves on Alliance side.

You can easily make a High Elf on Horde side, but not Alliance side.

What most of us wanted
 we’re still waiting to receive.

So who would you say has the least right now? We know who has the most.

is there a new graph that says the stats since the update the only recent one i found was orcs have the most .

Useful graph, or the BS one that tries to confuse the issue by using combinations which is more about categories of options rather than actual amount created features?


No new graph that I know of at least. But Moritz has counted customizations.

having a different opinion is fine. Insulting, being rude and calling others names is not. That is his issue, he does that more often then not.

I wouldn’t count on that being forever.

You already have options to look like one, roll a void elf. Alliance don’t need to 2 of the same models on 2 different races on our selection screen.


Could you just let the thread die

I’m not going off :confused: I was responding to you in what I thought was a pretty chill way.

Edit: But you responded to Soul, who responded to Lann who was directly quoting another person calling someone pathetic, so you can see how it’s easily misinterpreted then how you were defending that sort of behavior. Just a miscommunication is all.


They’ll deny that’s what they believe obviously but lets look up a little :point_up_2:

This has likes from almost all of them. Make of that what you will.

Well just add in the females and then bingo bango, there’s the total.

Yeah but that’s more effort and tbh I don’t care about females as I will never play one lol