Void elves should be able to go to silvermoon city

I have yet to see a single link or photo or screenshot from you proving that you aren’t making stuff up. Therefore, you are making stuff up. Prove me wrong.


I have yet to see a single link or photo or screenshot from you proving that you aren’t making stuff up. Therefore, you are making stuff up. Prove me wrong.

and good riddance to them too.

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That’s because the burden of proof is on you, the alliance-washed fan fiction peddler—who has never played a Thalassian elf in their life, or read a lore book, or played Warcraft three—claiming that the Blood Elves are a splinter group.

Prove it. Because right now you are pedaling alliance-washed fanfiction nonsense and without any proof, your opinions will continue to be dismiss as the alliance-washed fanfiction nonsense that it actually is.


I actually wish we could use these model concepts for the Void Elves. That way, they can obtain a more unique appearance instead of just being all “copy-paste”

Is bread really funny?

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That’s because the burden of proof is on you, the Horde-washed fan fiction peddler—who has never played a Thalassian elf in their life, or read a lore book, or played Warcraft three—claiming that the Blood Elves aren’t a splinter group.

Prove it. Because right now you are pedaling Horde-washed fanfiction nonsense and without any proof, your opinions will continue to be dismiss as the Horde-washed fanfiction nonsense that it actually is.

you better believe it is you misshapen puppy.

So instead of finally offering up your sources you’re … doing what exactly?

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We have linked several official sources. Including a blizzard article, word of god from devs/writiers, and even Wc2 and Wc3. You have rejected all of these while giving us absolutely nothing to support your claim that high elves are more populated than blood elves. We can’t even dispute your claim because you have provided no proof.


They’ve just gone out of their way to move towards insults and mimicking peoples posts now like they’re mad at the rest of us over their own lack of proof for their fan fiction they’re pushing.


After reading all of their replies to all of you yikes, big yikes actually. :scream: :scream: :scream:


Nowhere on this page does it mention the word “splinter.”


Now where is your proof otherwise and where has blizzard started how many wonderbread bland elves exist in alliance lands.


Considering with yourself on “there is only 6 high elves”…

In-game numbers are not canon numbers. Ever thought about that?

Where are their sources Naughty - will we ever get them :cold_face:


So instead of finally offering up your sources you’re … doing what exactly?

No you haven’t.

Deleted Ergo: Retconned

Out of context and eventually contradicted later IE: Retconned.

Both Retconned in WoW.

get better sources? It’s not my fault they were all retconned man.

I did. Logic. Logically using existing data, there would be equal, or more people living abroad High Elves than there would be left after a 90% extinction event.

RE read my posts.

It’s not my fault all of your argumetns can be used against you. Get better arguments.

You’re the one using deleted sources that were retconned not me lmao.

Where is the evidence that states they WEREN’T a splinter group? I don’t see anything directly debunking my claim.

If something being deleted doens’t invalidate it in your mind, then something not existing in the first place shouldn’t mean it can’t be true :slight_smile:

But really, you should know that by definition, a group leaving another group it make their own is a “Splinter group” and the Horde’s Blood elves are not only a splinter group of High Elves, but of Blood Elves that joined Kael’thas.

If I want to play Void Elf bae how long does the Suramar take to complete and where does it start?

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It isn’t Surumar that you have to do to unlock Void Elves, it is Argus Campaign that you have to do. And at max level, shouldn’t take that long at all.

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Will I ever get yours?

This is another logical fallacy.