Louve, I don’t really want to agree with you on your arguments, but best not to argue with them. All they do is troll any thread relating to High Elves or Void Elves because they are bias towards the Horde. Best to just not reply to them.
void elves are blood elves. i tried and tried to get people interested in the half elf idea and got attacked by horde and alliance players who didnt want to acknowledge that there were enough queldorei to support the idea and who assumed when ion said assimiliated he meant extinct.
Last I checked you guys kept getting your asses kicked and killed by the Alliance and the many Thalassian Elves on their side? MoP you got kicked out of Dalaran and slaughtered for example.
Even disregarding all the original numbers of elves that became Blood Elves…
How do you know your constant losses haven’t dwindled your numbers down to lower than the Alliance High Elves?
You lost a lot of people during the purge, siege of Org, 4th/5th wars, to the Alliance via the Void Elves…
Can we have this thread locked already? This is ridiculous, you have players trolling out of some insane personal grudge against High Elves using ridiculous and wild claims to back themselves up while constantly making inflammatory statements.
The lore doesn’t say it didn’t happen therefore it did. There are no high elves, they’re all dead. I didn’t make the rules, I’m just following them.
Can we have this thread locked already? This is ridiculous, you have players trolling out of some insane personal grudge against Blood Elves using ridiculous and wild claims to back themselves up while constantly making inflammatory statements.
There are no Blood Elves then. Because High Elves = Blood Elves.
I dunno anyone here with a grudge against Blood Elves. The fact you take advocating for logic and anything slightly supporting High Elves as “Blood Elf Hate” kinda shows your bias.
so who are the high elf wayfarers in telogrus? i mean technically, they’d be half elf wayfarers but assuming you think high elf means “extinct” and ignore the silver covenant and veressa, who are high elves (technically, they’d be mostly half elves, veressa is still full on high elf)