VoId ElVes NeEd MoAr CuStoMiZaTioN, It's time we look at true customization numbers

Yeah much like Nightborne, Highmountain have been dunked on.


I still refuse to play a Nightborne because their standing pose is just so flipping awkward and awful. “Oh, just take the nelf model and move its feet apart.”

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Nightborn, Highmountain, and pandaren need more custimizations. They don’t have much.

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The permutations calculations used for that chart are so inaccurate it’s not even funny. I guarantee you there are not 9trillion orc male combinations nor 2trillion night elf female… not even close…

It’s not the model that’s the real issue. Nightborne have always been an alteration on the night elf model. It’s the textures. Nightborne NPCs have darker almost grey skin with an ethereal purple and blue tinge to it, while player Nightborne get straight purple, blue, and green skin tones… and Nightborne NPC tattoos are vibrant with an arcane glow to them, whereas player Nightborne tattoos are almost as hard to see as Lightforged Draenei tattoos.

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The thing that really bothers me is how quite a few races are really lacking in customization options, while elves/humans got a massive excess.

Why do Pandaren not have new faces? Why are the new additions so terrible? Why isn’t every eye color (that isn’t an obvious lore thing) option not available to every race?


You mean the Kaldorei aka Nightelf model, They share all the animations with the Nightelves, It’s using the Nelf skeleton.

Yes… stupid phone autocorrect changed it on me and I didn’t notice…

The thing is that does represent the over all number of customisation or the quality. One of the reason orc have more option is because they have more ‘‘category’’. They go tattoo and war paint as different option which mean 4 x 4 so you multiply by 16 just for the tattoo and then by 4 again for the color. So all the customisation are multiply by 64 just with tattoo/war pain. They also have a lot of nearly useless detail like nose ring and earring also being separte.

They could just give void elf 10 fingernail colour, 10 toenail colour and 10 super tiny hearing colour and that would multiply the void elf customisation by 1000. Would you call it good?


I really, really hope that is true, my nb is in desperate need. But ofc blizz has been telling us soon for more hairstyles for a literal decade so I’m not holding my breath :relieved:

heres hoping they get something

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Void elves are missing blonde and white hair color with Alleria tattoos that we have been requesting since the beginning.

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And here come the voidelves screaming they need more when there is a heap that are so much worse off it isn’t funny, You dont want the white/blonde hair to look like Alleria, You want it so you can look like high elves when you are infact void elves.


For VEs people just want some hair color options and possibly a hair style or two, all of which already exist for BEs. No real work is required, just a copy+paste.

As for Nightborne, I think they should get some hair and skin color options that are similar to Night Elves. I’d also be cool with them getting access to the actual NE model without the nature themed customization options NEs have.

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We do want customization but nothing major, females could sure shorter hairstyle while some male could use longer hair styles.

Undead Females are behind like 4 allied races. That graph is probably doing a x3 for each decay setting we have too. So we really have less than that. Just like how I wouldn’t count the male orc as having so many options cause it gets x2’d by their hunch setting.

When it comes to actually updating your face the options are lacking. No scars, no eyebrows, fewest numbers of faces, no makeup, no accessories, no piercings. Our dance is still the worst dance in the game for being one 2 second animation on an endless loop. Tauren males had a similar dance and that got buffed in a vanilla patch ages go btw.

If we adjust for the 3x Undead females have. They’d just be slightly under female pandaren, but still over worgen males and females combined (I think) I know they’d still be above worgen males and females separate in customizability lol.

no they need to learn how to use proper grammar.

I’ll bring the Fel-fire while you convince Maiev to release a particularly deadly Warden prisoner to smash those pesky High El fanatics! But on a serious note I do hope we get Old god eyes and maybe option 7 on the skintone list for VEs…

And this is an issue with others and imo rightly so. There are others that don’t want Void Elves to be a direct copy paste of Blood Elves, when they should be there own thing.


and I can’t stress this enough, give Pandaren faction specific options to better distinguish ourselves between Alliance and Horde. Give us some faction pride.