VoId ElVes NeEd MoAr CuStoMiZaTioN, It's time we look at true customization numbers

Stares in nightborne So… About those customization options

Velves,Mag’har and Zandilari should be on the LAST for allied races getting more things, Worgen and Pandaren need another pass and this doesn’t even start with how horrifying the amount of time went to Orc males before everyone else.

PS: I’m more than OK with where nelves are so don’t even start.


Blinks in CORE RACE WORGEN which has less customization options then friggin’ PANDAS


Also blinks in Core race Pandaren Don’t worry we got shafted too.


I don’t want to hear it XD They got a solid 2 million more possible combinations then males and a full 5 million over the female lol. Literally more combinations then both genders combined >.<


Most of those come from unlinking things rather than new stuff, Else they’d be below worgen, and lets not forget our Nightborne friends.


Nightborne need a new model honestly. They should’ve just added player bones to the NPC model rather than making a half baked nelf edit. Just look at the comparison:


I mean the same thing goes for worgen tbh.

  • As it stands right now, worgen are only receiving a few new fur options, females are getting matching eye glows to their male counterparts, males are able to customize their facial hair and beards separately, one new ear option for males.
  • No new hairstyles
  • No new ears for females
  • No new beards for males
  • The ability to customize our human counterpart.
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Hasnt it been stated that allied races are going to get some customization from their respective base races?

the “void elves shouldn’t get boodelf hair tones” thread confused me. i thought it was just going to happen eventually.

I mean I heard that supposedly customization options are going to be coming out as the expansion progresses. So maybe every .5 .0 patch we’ll get some new things for races here and there. Much like what was coming out on WoWhead.

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Some already have. My Mag’har is rocking one of the new nose rings for example.

Lightforged Draenei didn’t get tail options yet though sadly.

Female pandas i think got 2 hairstyles, Unlinking, 2 furs (One colour 2 patterns) and 2 eyes so yeah we did get more than Worgen but it wasn’t much especially for a core race that had an ENTIRE EXPANSION devoted to them. Don’t worry us combined is less than mag’har

Allied races are supposadly getting the entire next customization pass but some allied races completely dwarf some core races as it is.

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To be fair, a lot of people knew Nightborne were garbage right out of the gate already. This just more or less confirms it.

There does seem to be quite the disparity between customizations for Horde and Alliance however, with a good chunk of Alliance towards the bottom.


But Female Pandas came out after Worgen >.< If anything I woulda hoped they’d have more. I believe female pandas got 3 fur tones based on the WoWhead datamining + Tail or no tail option (Which is what a large portion of Worgen players wish existed for Worgen, but honestly its a meh point for me)

I mean just baseline fem pandas have more then just female wuggin. Like if we stripped away the unlinking again they’d still be at maybe what…2-3 Million combos? With Fem worgen probably not even breaking 200k XD

alliance take up 3 of the top 5 slots, But Orc males alone dwarf everyone and everything.

Still a core race and still shat on though, Collectively Worgen and Pandaren got shafted unless your a Pandaren male and even then allied races still beat Pandaren males

Honestly, I think as a rule of thumb. All the core races should have more customizations then the highest customizable Allied Race. Basically means that all Core races under Mag’har Male need to be over that XD

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I’d say the least played races should get far more passes at adding in customization than the popular ones. Not like they’re hurting in the numbers. Might help, doubt t would hurt all that much.


So you mean the least played races should get more attention and more customization options?

Yeah. I don’t know how accurate warcraft realms is anymore but if those numbers are anything close to what it is then Humans, Nelfs and Belfs can take a break for awhile.


Yeah I was just looking at those Numbers lol. As I said, I think all Core Races need to be bumped up higher than then the highest customizable Allied Races in customizations first and then bring those races up to the Mag’har Male standard.

I actually made a thread (Where the numbers are probably horribly off, but these were basic google searches) on the topic of how they could greatly increase customization options for each race for a very small fee (For how much money blizz rakes in every month anyway)
