Void Elves look like they have two black eyes

It’s definitely not subtle on the screenshot I posted, lol.

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yeah, this is making me consider change the skin of mine to pink. I feel they ruined the Void styled skin in this patch. To make many happy, sure, but…


It reminds me of when the new models dropped at the beginning of WoD and people didn’t recognise their character.

I started playing after that and shortly before Legion. But I can imagine, considering it was a huge change.

This topic makes me happy they decided to address them looking emo. It made me actually take a second glance at actually creating one. I had no interest in creating one before whatsoever. I’m not sure who all these angry women in leather, that use chains, bondage and running eye shadow are for.(Massive influx of these women happened. Including leather Valeera. Alleria who was described as a jaded elf. ) It doesn’t matter now anyways as they tried to rectify the problem. With that particular race. :partying_face:

Edit: When I put more thought into it. There was a HUGE outcry for them not to act/look emo. Yet they don’t give people a female character that actually symbolizes this. They made Tyrande go dark. It’s a contradiction.

Wait… what?

And at least the hairstyle hides mine a little. But I really hope they revert that. It was something really not needed and there are people that really want to play a void touched Elf, not a Silver Covenant.

I doubt it was intentional, more like an oversight. But… man…

Uhh… what?

They look like they need some sleep.

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(Humor): I mean… that’d be the case even without looking like they got punched in each eye socket.

(Commentary): To be fair, I think they updated faces when they did add new eye colors. My guess is the darker rings around the eyes was meant to help make eye colors pop out a bit more. Blue skin and blue eyes, for example, blend together to the point where one might wonder if there even are eyes there.

(Speculative): Actually, that might be a cool customization option for void elves… skin over the eye sockets…

(Commentary): Anyways, I gave my guess, I don’t know why they’d make the change otherwise. Looking at the two pictures you can definitely notice the eyes a lot more easily with the new look. Personally, I don’t see the problem? Void Elves are meant to look dark and spooky, and that helps. That said, I don’t see why people can’t ask for more Void Elf options that run the middle of the spectrum between Void Elf and High Elf.

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I actually don’t like my void elves anymore…wtf blizz.


Lol, it is very obvious in your screenshot, I think my skin color is darker though…I may be wrong. Now I want to go look when I get home :joy:

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You may be on to something, but what they did is a bit too much. Way too much.

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Def should have been an optional “makeup” option.

Would also work pretty nicely on normal skintones to look more “void-y”

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I hadn’t thought of that, but that would look pretty awesome.

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Absorbing and trifling with Void will do that to you! :seedling:

Alleria doesn’t have black eyes.

But Alleria is different to Void Elves. She has retained her Old appearance. Void Elves seem more ‘voidy’ than she is. :octopus:

damn he looks so sad now :frowning:

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Didn’t the original dark Draenei skin have this effect after the update as well?

I kind of like the look of it personally since it makes them look more sickly, but it should be an option.