Void Elves > High Elves

Each has his own preference, which is why diversifying it is good. Blue skin for you, slightly more natural for me, a more reddish purple for someone else. No reason to limit to only one color.


Fair enough.

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so basically worgen? an interesting fact is that blizzard’s writers have confirmed via Q n A at some point that worgen if two ever co-populated would not produce a worgen cursed offspring but instead a genetically human kid. so technically “worgen” are not a separate race, they’re a supernatural curse that befell an already existing race. but i do agree that void elves could have more story, especially since much like the kul tirans they have so much unused material to be incorporated, keep in mind that we know next to nothing about the void lords and the void still, outside of the old god emissaries the void lords send into our plane of existence.

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It makes perfect sense. They’re High Elves. That Blood Elf history is High Elf history. These are the people that watched Azshara try to summon Sargeras and blow up the world because of an arcane well, and when told “ok, time to stop doing this arcane stuff” replied “Nah, I’ma still do that. I’ll just take some of this well water and go make my own arcane well somewhere else!” Dabbling in stuff they shouldn’t is in their DNA. Quite literally since they’re just trolls that got hyper-evolved because they dabbled in stuff they shouldn’t.

And you don’t even need ALL or even MOST of them to tamper in the Void. Part of the appeal here is to explain why a Void Elf is anything other than a Shadow Priest.

So let’s say the High Elves flock to Alleria upon her return. Have some Blood Elves leave Quel’thalas to join Alleria because, well, Alleria. Have the Allerian elves from Outland return. Have Umbric go to Alleria to study the Void. Hooray, new Quel’dorei nation! Suddenly, there’s enough High Elf population to support a race!

Now, some High Elves don’t like the Void study, but don’t want to be all lowborne about it, so keep their mouths shut. Some don’t care and go about their daily business as citizens in Alleria’s new Quel’dorei society. Some are typical High Elves and think the new magic is cool and want in. Queue Umbric being an idiot and doing something with Dar’Khan’s research, creating an explosion that exposed ALL the High Elves to Void energies which corrupted them all. Void Ethereals suck them all to another plane because of their Void exposure and now they have to fight for survival and to return to Azeroth.

And now YOUR Void Elf can be literally ANY shade of Quel’dorei: Blood Elf, High Elf, Outland Elf, Void-lover, Void-hater who got exposed accidentally… And now the fact that there are Void Elves whose class has nothing to do with the Void or magical study makes perfect sense.

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Yes, both worgen and void elves are unnatural conditions. I think treating void and high elves as different groups within a singular society could solve a lot of problems.

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Not a big fan of elves of any kind but…

Void elves are one of the worst creative decisions made with the lore through out the life the game.

They will always stick out to me as “well we didn’t want to give people silver covenant cause there are too few of them” - so a “Crack squad” of limited belfs made more sense?

They’re just bad. Like some middle schoolers idea of cool. Now permanently in the game. Ugh.


I would welcome an explanation as to why they don’t. Umbric’s group could well have had (and obviously did) armed members of their contingent, and it makes perfect sense for that contingent to include Rangers. Their mentor and guide to controlling the Void, Alleria, is fairly handy with a bow as I recall.


This. Thalassian Elves are famous for being some of the best archers in all of Azeroth, Archery is so important to them they have the title of Ranger-General in their army. Nathanos was the only human to be a part of the farstriders because he was so good at archery he was on par with the Thalassians.

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Aw cute, now that the alliance has finally realized they’ll never get high or blood elfs they’re trying to convince themselves publicly that they like their tentacle race, just like draenei.

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The Zandalar questline for Alliance? There’s an entire offensive and exploratory unit of Void Elves.

The battle at Undercity?

I don’t understand this complaint. You’re listing all these moments when Void Elves don’t appear as though it means they haven’t done anything.

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I wish I could downvote bs on World of Warcraft forums.

“I’m a High elf. It’s just that I di-…”
Then you’re not a High Elf. Shut up.

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And now you 10 month necro AND post three posts in a row


Yes, convert all High Elves to the Void!


It goes like this…High Elves > Void Elves > Blood Elves.

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(WARNING): Necromancy detected.

(Commentary): Good news! You can be a Void Elf right now, in game! Go knock yourself out. Level that Void Elf of your dreams and then come back here and show them off to us! I find most Void Elf players tend to get very creative with their transmogs too, so I’ll be eager to see what you make!

That was the stupidest thing ever. Proud to be horde lifer?

Has he never heard of playing both sides?

I prefer void elves to high elves. I also have two blood elves, but prefer void over blood suckers.

Good news! With the new customization options, that’s happened.

The guy that necroed this thread has issues.

Also as someone who wanted High elves, I’m just gonna make my Night elves have pink skin and autumn/black hair colors.

The compromise they handed out is cringe and never worked and i knew people would act this way.

And any void elves i have are keeping tentacle hair and purple/pale skin

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