Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

Yes, I know which is why I was for them having Helf looks. That doesn’t mean I’m for them having green and gold eyes.

The whole thing reminds me of this math problem:


I don’t know what they saw in the jewelry. It needs reduced in size or something. But everyone was requesting war paint, tattoos, scars, red eyes, etc. And they came up with that.


That isn’t representative of the high elf situation.

If we reworded it to be accurate, it’s would be:
Rachel is asked by Tracey if she could place her 16 cookies into a duplication machine so that both can enjoy the same amount of cookies with zero loss to Rachel.
Tracey would not be taking anything material from Rachel.

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It is a representation of you having the Dark Ranger looks, and if you also got the gold and green eyes. Because the removal is of everything that is unique to us. And in the situation, Tracey still gets slapped.

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That still doesn’t add up.

Rachel doesn’t get her Darkfallen Cookies taken away. She has it duplicated so her and Tracey can eat their own together.

A feeling of uniqueness is an immaterial emotion. And if you only care about feeling unique, I don’t know what to say.

You never had that to begin with, given that members of your own faction could look like your character at any time they wanted. Them doing that would be you not having uniqueness anymore. The other faction being able to do it as well doesn’t make things different.

And there’s more to being unique than just your customization. Firstly, it’s unlikely that you’d ever encounter someone using the same options as you face-to-face regardless of if it’s a blood elf or a void elf. But also, you have the whole ability to make yourself unique through transmog and that is another layer of unlikeliness of encountering someone with the same transmog as you.

You should be focused more on your own character regardless, it shouldn’t matter what others are doing out of sight.

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We get our uniqueness taken away. Yes.

This “sharing” is mostly one direction.

None of this is true. Because members of our faction could only look like Belves if they played Belves.

I encounter people wearing this same mog pretty frequently and our hairstyles aren’t that plenty. Which in a year you’ll be pulling for as well so that doesn’t matter either.

I am focused on my own character and what my race should keep. And if you all get the green and gold eyes, then the posts about Alliance bias will start. Until things swing the other way.


Dont put words in my mouth child. I never once said blood elves having blue eyes was ok. Never mind the fact blood elves and high elves are the same thing.

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Can we just delete Void Elves and rename them to High Elves and be done with it?

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imagine saying the exact same race shouldnt get the same customization lmao. these people i swear

Correct, and they already took that option away as an error of judgment and bug.

Precisely what they need to do with Void Elves and Red Eyes.

Edit: Looks like they re-added it back. Humorous given they called it a bug the first time.

Regardless, argument on that withdrawn. Still stand by the core point that Void Elves should not have the appearance. There were no undead elves in Umbric’s expedition, and Undead Elves have always been a Horde creature. Argument for Night Elven Dark Rangers is fair. Void Elves is a non starter. They already have way too much.

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It is meant to be a High Elf option [for the moment] with the Dark Rangers either splitting up or changing sides, unless the developers explain the situation better.

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But… Darkfallen? Or green eyes? Or Gold Eyes?

The quest text does say that some (Night) Elves would like to return home. So there is an in game explanation, even if they didn’t specify also just some dead Elves. Also, I really dig that the achievement is for, “Elves.”

I’ve been saying for a long time that the race is Elf. All of em’.

I mean yeah but Void Elves also learned how to control the void in them and what race were they before? Yeah High/Blood Elves…

Yeah. They shouldn’t have gold eyes. Green eyes? I mean, they were Blood Elves so I think logically it makes sense. But it doesn’t matter to me.

I think it’s visually confusing for the game, but like, blue eyes on Blood Elves is also visually confusing.

Were is the important word there.

And like I said, they can do like a shade that is different or texture that is different that isn’t just a rip off. There have been so many eye and hair color options suggested for Velves that aren’t just ripping off of Belves, that I don’t know why it even swings back to us all the time.

Because it just takes away from those requests.

Again, I did not want the blue eyes. I don’t use the blue eyes. At all.


I’m kind of confused Nightbornes being left out too, not like the story makes any sense these days, so just add the Dark Ranger eyes and skins to NB. lol

Also I find it weird that Void Elves got the purple eyes, but Nightbornes are stuck with that one silver/lavender shade of eyes, while the NPCs uses a different shade of purple? Nightbornes always get the short end of the stick, more customisations please!

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Honestly, Blizzard should flex on everyone and give NB the arcane-glowing hands, body, shining eyes along with large 3D arcane runes - as customisable options Nightborne can use – Then an additional flex by giving a ‘Warlock only’ unique option to make the glows & runes a fel-green. :smiling_imp:

I bet a handful would be like :fist: “Y’all keep your dark rangers, we got magic.” ~

I think the simplest answer is that there was no actual work required to enable the skin and eyes for Night Elves, Blood Elves, and Void Elves since they were originally pre-existing NPC assets.

And while I think the eyes could be ported to Nightborne with little to no effort, the skin would probably need some work to properly map to the Nightborne frame since it’s not identical to the Night Elf frame.

It was low hanging fruit that required no dev time to make happen… and that’s why Nightborne were left out. But who knows, maybe when the devs find themselves with a little extra time on their hands we could see the skin and eyes ported to Nightborne. I just wouldn’t expect it until after Dragonflight’s launch.